Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Ladies - Trim Your Tummy!

By Ned Dagostino

Ladies! Here are four simple ways to a trim tummy! These are real simple but effective exercises which you all can do in absolute safety.

The tummy depends on the tone of the abdominal muscles for its shape. The rectus abdominis lies on the surface, the obliques lie below the rectus, and the transversis lie the deepest. These three muscles hold the tummy in from in front.

The muscles of the pelvic floor support the internal organs. If these muscles are weak, then the organs begin to bulge and sag. It's just a matter of good luck that exercising the transversis also exercises the pelvic floor muscles. Having a baby results in a lot of strain on this set of muscles. So ladies who have just had a baby should especially exercise this set of muscles. Kegel exercises are designed to tone this pair of muscles. However most people do not do these exercises correctly, and consequently they are fairly ineffective.

The lesson in physiology being over, let's get started on these real simple, effective and safe set of four exercises.

Abdominal Respiration

Take your basic position. Sit upright. Take a normal breath, comfortably deep. Notice whether your shoulders are rising. This is incorrect. Don't move your shoulders, nor your ribcage. Just lower your diaphragm, lower, into your abdomen. This draws air into your lungs. Hold your breath for a count of 5 (this is not mandatory, less is alright). Complete the breath by lifting your diaphragm. Let it come right up pressing against the lower part of the lungs, squeezing out all the residual air. You can do this anywhere, anytime. Make it part of your daily routine.

Belly Respiration: Connecting back to front

Lie on the floor, flat on your back. Hold the back of your legs, bend your elbows outwards. You can only use the abdominal muscles, the muscles of the pelvic floor and the diaphragm in this exercise. Breathe in as before. When you exhale, try to draw in the abdominal muscles downwards as if attempting to make them touch the spine.

Baby Curls

Lie on your back. Draw yourself upward and forward using your belly muscles. This is called a crunch. Do not use the muscles of the upper body to move up. Resist the urge to pull yourself forward using the muscles of your neck and head. Let your spine curve forward easily. Repeat the exercise. Be comfortable while doing this exercise (and any other exercise, for that matter). If your belly begins to tent, with a peak in the middle, stop. That means that you are putting too much effort into the crunch. Tone up your muscles with the Belly Respiration exercises, and then try this one. Your belly should be flat when you do these Soft Crunches.

Side Jacks

Lie on your right side. Keep your body straight and stiff from head to foot. Use your right elbow to push your body up off the floor. Your right forearm should be lying on the floor. Make sure that your body is in a straight line, at an angle to the floor. This is a must! Hold the position for ten to fifteen seconds. Now repeat the exercise, lying on your left side.

These 4 simple exercises are all it takes to get your belly into shape. Beats doing hundreds of sit-ups! Consistency is the secret to success! Now get yourself into that pair of jeans! - 15438

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