Sunday, November 30, 2008

A Look at Financing Plastic Surgery

By Trina Rowde

In some cases, reconstructive plastic surgery may be covered by the patient's medical insurance. Getting a cosmetic plastic surgery however may be a procedure that you have to finance yourself using a loan.

Although financing plastic surgery of the aesthetic kind was not so popular in the past, there are now options for people who cannot afford to pay for a procedure on the spot. Before we look into those options, let's take a look at what else you should know about financing plastic surgery.

Don't Go for Bargains

You may be tempted to pick a surgeon who asks for less if you do not have clear options for financing plastic surgery. This is however, the worst possible mistake you could ever make. Plastic surgery costs are usually steeper if the surgeon who will conduct the procedure is already seasoned and an undisputed expert. An expensive doctor however is also more likely to be a safer option and eventually a more cost effective one. Cheap doctors may also have cheap services that may result in more financing plastic surgery problems because you would have to pay for corrective surgery on a botched up work.

Costs and Plans Vary

Aside from expertise, other factors also affect cosmetic plastic surgery costs including extent of work to be performed, type of procedure and region you belong to. Doctors and clinics will also therefore have different payments schemes or offers for financing plastic surgery. You would have to discuss this aspect as extensively as the procedure itself. Be warned that there may also be hidden costs or miscellaneous fees that you may not have asked about and may not be included in offers for financing plastic surgery.

No Plan Scheme

There are some doctors and clinics that will not have offers for financing plastic surgery or will not allow you to present loan or installment plans. Some patients may not immediately realize it but such a policy may be as much for the patient's advantage as it is theirs. This is because such a strict policy will ensure that a patient can truly afford the procedure and its corresponding after surgery costs.

There are even clinics that will ask for the complete payment before the procedure to secure patient assurance. This may be potentially dangerous though especially if accidents happen.

Finance Companies and Banks

There are now finance companies and banks that offer plans for financing plastic surgery procedure. Individuals can now fill up forms for approval to cover cosmetic plastic surgery. Most companies will tell you that they have affordable and flexible rates but the truth is that applying for a loan may be a little more difficult than imagined especially in banks.

Plastic surgery loans are actually unsecured by collateral. This means that a bank or company may have to meticulously investigate your credit history and report to find out if you are capable of paying. Even if you do pass an application for financing plastic surgery, some companies may have higher interest rates than others simply because it is their only security if you are suddenly unable to pay. - 15438

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4 Balance Exercises That Can Improve Your Balance At Any Age

By Gina Gardi

Proper balance is required for all movements whether you play tennis or walk down stairs. You can train your body to effectively react to unstable environments by contracting the right muscles at the right time. Balance training improves joint stability, prevents possible injury and joint dysfunction. No matter what your age or fitness level you can benefit from balance training.

Balance is a dynamic process and requires good posture and stability of joints during movement. For balance exercises to be effective, they must be performed in an unstable environment but one that is safely controlled. You can perform them simply by balancing on one leg or use balancing tools such as a dyna disc, BOSU ball, or a half foam roll.

Balance exercises are most beneficial when you use proper technique and start slowly and progress gradually. Avoid possible injury by watching for some of these common mistakes: Don't flatten your feet, Don't cave your knees, and keep your hips level throughout the exercise. Roll your shoulders back and down, draw your belly button in and squeeze your buttocks.

Whether you're an athlete or not it's important to start with simple balance exercises and gradually progress to more challenging ones. When performing balance exercises there should be no movement in your ankles, knees, or hips. The following are some sample balance exercises from.

Single Leg Balance: Stand with your feet about shoulder width apart and place your hands on your hips. Draw your belly button. Lift one leg off the ground and right beside the balanced leg and squeeze the buttocks of the balanced leg. Keep your hips level and hold for 5 to 20 seconds. Repeat with other leg. If this is difficult, support yourself by gently holding on to a chair or wall.

Single Leg Balance Reach: Stand with your feet about shoulder width apart, place hands on hips. Draw your belly button in. Lift one leg off the ground and right beside the balanced leg, squeeze your buttocks of the balanced leg and maintain this throughout the exercise. keep your hips level and reach your leg to the front and hold for 2 seconds. Return leg back to start and reach to the side and hold for 2 seconds. Return leg back to start and reach leg behind your body and hold for 2 seconds. Repeat with other leg. If reaching to the front is difficult, master that before moving to the side or back.

Single Leg Hip Rotation: Stand with your feet about shoulder width apart and place hands on hips. Draw your belly button in. Lift one leg off the ground and right beside the balanced leg. Squeeze your buttocks of the balanced leg and maintain this throughout the exercise. keep hips level and rotate at the hips to the side opposite of the balanced leg and hold for 2 seconds. Return back to start and repeat with other leg.

You can use props such as a half foam roll, BOSU ball, and a dyna disc for the above exercises to make them more challenging. But do this gradually and only when you are able to safely control yourself. Proper progression and technique will make a balance training program more effective and prevent injury. - 15438

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7 Sizzling Tips to Good Ab Workouts

By Roland du Preez

Does it really have to be so difficult to find some good ab workouts? There is so much to choose from, so how will you know what is good? Let me give you some pointers to keep in mind when working your abs, and some great ab workouts.

1. If it doesn't feel like your abs are working, it's very unlikely that actually are. While you are doing the exercise you should be able to feel your abs pushing or pulling.

2. Think while you are doing. Think about your abs while you are doing the exercise, to make sure you are using the right muscles. If you are using the momentum of the exercise, or pulling with your arms and legs, you're cheating.

3. Get off from the floor. By using an exercise ball when doing your ab workouts you will strengthen your core, and not just one specific muscle. Your body will use more muscles to help you keep your balance, and prevent you from falling on the floor.

4. Here are some great ab workouts for you to try:

Toe Raises. Lie flat on the floor, with your hands on your hips. Lift your legs straight up, with your toes pointing towards the ceiling. Slowly lower. Do 15 repetitions.

V-Sit. This is a real killer. Lie flat on the floor. Keep your hands by your sides. Lift up your torso and legs at the same time, creating a V. The goal is to only have your buttocks touching the floor. Slowly lower and go back to start position. Try to do 10 repetitions.

5. Most important of all is your Diet. It's the food you have been eating that has made the body you have today. Give your body what it wants and needs ? whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables and lean meats. Always remember to drink a lot of water.

6. Have a balanced workout. All your muscles need to be trained for optimal result. If you are working your abs, you mustn't forget your back, and so on.

7. Always have an aerobic workout program as a routine. If your goal with ab workouts is a ripped six-pack, or maybe just toned abs, you need to lower body fat percentage.

Use these seven tips, and you will get the best out of already good ab workouts. - 15438

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Cellulite Exercises Leave Skin Firm And Healthy

By Gal Bishop

If you have unwanted cellulite, one way to fight it is with cellulite exercises. After all, cellulite is just a type of fat. If you want to lose fat, you need to exercise. Of course, exercise combined with changes in your diet can help you go even further toward your cellulite loss goals, too.

A good program is all about losing cellulite the proper way. That means taking the time and putting in the work. There are no quick fixes. You need to be willing to eat properly and exercise, if you want to really lose cellulite.

If you want to do cellulite exercises, you might lean towards doing cardio exercises, such as walking or jogging on a treadmill. That's perfectly fine as part of your exercise routine. You also need to do strength training exercises, though, so you can build muscle mass.

Gaining muscle mass and bulking up are two very different things, so don't panic. A pound of muscle is actually more compact than a pound of fat. So, if you lose the cellulite but gain muscle, you will still wind up looking slimmer. You don't need to look like a pro bodybuilder.

Not everyone likes going to the gym. The nice thing is that you can do a lot of cellulite exercises right in your own home. For example, exercises like lunges and squats can help you burn fat. Those exercises are especially good because cellulite usually settles in the lower body.

As far as how much exercise to do, the experts recommend using an interval training technique. It involves shorter but more intense cardio workouts. For example, let's use a treadmill routine.

It's always important to start with a warm up. So, begin by doing a low intensity warm up on the treadmill for about 5 minutes. Then, increase either the incline or the speed to do a short high intensity workout. It might be as long as a few minutes or as short as a few seconds. It depends on your workout routine. After that, slow down for a recovery, or cool down time.

Once you've gotten that routine down, repeat it many times. Just keep going from the high intensity workout to the low intensity and back again. This type of cellulite exercise can really work. It raises your metabolism and burns off the fat fairly quickly. In fact, even a 20 minute workout can make a big difference. Add strength training to that and you will be doing the ultimate cellulite exercises. - 15438

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Advantages of Organic Shampoo

By Amy Nutt

Contemporary consumers are a bit more social conscience than they have been in the past. Whether the gas and energy crisis or the hole in the ozone layer is the catalyst, more and more people are looking for eco friendly products.

Today, unlike the merely functional farm grown products of old, today's green products have to be both environmentally friendly and perform just as well as mainstream products.

There used to be a time when lets say, an organic shampoo may not have produced the same results of regular on-the self varieties found in popular stores. No longer the case, you can use an all natural grooming product and still have luscious, soft and shiny hair!

Locating a shampoo that is truly organic however, is the real challenge.

Defining organic As most of us know, the Food and Drug Administration handles most over the counter merchandise, however, organic skin care items are often overseen by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. This makes the rules of engagement a bit different and some companies are taking advantage.

For instance, a manufacturer who uses only two natural ingredients can state that their product is "organic", even if 90 percent of it is synthetically altered by chemicals.

Emerging regulations that safeguard the interests of customers are slowly turning this tide. Until this happens, be sure to do some investigative sleuthing of your own. Read the labels on the back of the organic shampoo-if you are uncertain about a particular ingredient, look it up.

Truly organic shampoo will be free of chemical pesticides that have been shown to be harmful to health. Organic products use all natural pesticides, like citrus and are fertilized with substances lacking irritants.

You can research the maker of any product online or call the company itself and ask about their process.

Dangers of non-organic shampoos and products Most people are blissfully unaware of the fact that common personal grooming items, like shampoos and soaps, are chock full carcinogenic chemicals. While manufacturers promise that these substances occur in small dose that are harmless to human beings, one has to wonder about the long term effects of prolonged use.

The harsh reality is that the any product that is transdermally applied ( i.e. placed on and absorbed by the skin) is more thoroughly ingested than when it is swallowed. This means that deadly synthetic ingredients can wreak havoc on your system far faster by being rubbed into the skin.

This makes it especially crucial to identity any potentially lethal ingredients in your shampoo-or better yet, one should avoid synthetic products at all costs.

Organic Shampoo: Good for the environment and the skin Because organic shampoos have unadulterated natural ingredients like aloe vera, hemp, honey or citrus, they are often very good for the skin. Makers of true eco friendly shampoos have learned how to create excellent products that are preservative free but maintain a shelf life due to creative green engineering.

Once again, this fact is beneficial because it lessens the chance of exposure to compounds that would cause harm to the skin or health.

How to find Organic shampoos

Many health food and holistic goods stores carry natural skin care products, but as more and more consumers scream for environmentally safe goods, manufacturers are creating them and placing them within easy reach of mainstream stores.

Online homeopathic and green living websites also offer organic shampoo at bargain basement prices.

Do your homework and make sure that the product you choose is primarily herbal in makeup and/or organically grown. In this way, you'll be assured that you have a shampoo that performs as promised while protecting your skin and your family's health. - 15438

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3 Pitfalls You CAN Steer Clear of in a Calories Loss Diet

By Rowena French

ieting is no fun for people who set themselves up to fail, when they start a new diet and then tumble right into one or more of the most common dieting pitfalls. Recognizing these pitfalls and learning how to avoid them can mean the difference between staying on track with your diet or falling back into your old, unhealthy eating patterns. So, avoid the traps below and start your calories loss diet the right way, enjoying a healthy weight loss that will be a welcome part of your lifestyle.

Massive changes to your diet often happen on less than reliable diets. A diet that includes only one kind of food like fruit or rules out for example all carbohydrates is likely to be very demanding, uninteresting and not easy to stick for very long. The best way for your body to benefit from a change in your diet is when this happens gradually, over time. So avoid rash changes to your diet and 'trick' your body into thinking that its business as usual. In this way you will not experience the hunger pangs that drive people back to their original unhealthy eating and as a result, cause little or no weight loss.

Seeking unattainable goals in your enthusiasm to succeed at the beginning of a calories loss diet is not uncommon. Many of us set goals that are achieved during the 'honeymoon' period of a diet within the first week or so, but because our weight loss then is largely water loss these can not continue to be achieved. Rapid weight loss at the outset of a diet is encouraging but you should not expect this on an extended basis. Weight loss professionals nominate one or two pounds weekly as a realistic and healthy weight loss so a weight loss goal of more than two pounds each week is unachievable. Make sure that you set realistic goals so that you can avoid the disappointment that always goes with aiming too high.

Using food as a reward is a real pitfall to be avoided because one of the most common ways that we all reward ourselves is food. How many times have you told yourself 'I stuck to my calories loss diet all week so one cheeseburger will not hurt me'? Well that cheeseburger will hurt you. In the long run, it will be just more calories that you need to burn off. Instead of rewarding yourself with food for a job well done, take the same amount of money that you would have spent on a food treat and spend it on a new blouse, a new lipstick, a book, a new CD, or something else that will motivate you to keep going on your weight loss journey. - 15438

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Laser Skin Treatment Removes Acne Scars

By Amy Nutt

Acne can be devastating at any age, but far worse than the condition itself is the scarring left behind. While the pimples and infections will eventually go away and can be treated, many teens are left with the reminders on their faces in the form of unpleasant scars. Fortunately, they don't have to live with them forever.

With laser skin treatment, acne scars are treatable. This process is also referred to as laser skin resurfacing and it can make all the difference in a person suffering from acne or another skin issue.

How It Works The advancements in laser technology have made it possible to use this treatment to resurface the skin and not only remove acne scars, but also to treat the active cases. After a laser skin treatment, acne is greatly reduced and may even be eliminated after several procedures.

When the laser is focused on areas of the skin, it burns away the top layer and penetrates the skin to stimulate cell growth. This has the effect of producing an entirely new layer of skin, fresh and unscathed. Since this is a rather delicate procedure, it's important that only a trained professional perform it.

What to Expect
This technique works very well on fair skinned people, but requires a little more finesse on those with darker skin, since the laser could cause loss of pigmentation or color. It can be used on a variety of scars caused by pimples and infections. These might include irregular skin, pitting or even raised areas of scar tissue, depending on how the infection was treated.

Before treatment, you'll be briefed on what is going to happen. Your eyes will need to be protected, so the spa professional will cover them. This just ensures that there will be no accidental exposure, though the laser will not be used near your eyes.

The procedure can be slightly painful, so often a topical anesthetic is applied to help with that. Any discomfort after the treatment can be relieved with Tylenol. Depending on the type of laser used, you may have some recovery time and require multiple sessions. The least invasive laser treatment, Fraxel, is virtually painless, non-invasive and requires several treatments in order to achieve good results. For this reason, some people prefer the stronger CO2 laser.

Resurfacing the entire face can take up to 2 hours, but most people only need a partial treatment for specific areas which takes far less time. If you opt for the strongest and most invasive treatments, you could end up with a few weeks of recovery ahead of you. However, at the end of it, you'll have smooth, much improved skin.

Not Just For Acne While laser treatment is a great way to help acne and remove the scars, there are plenty of other uses. It's been a common way to get rid of fine wrinkles and liver spots in celebrities for several years and now the public has access to this, as well. As an anti-aging treatment, lasers are quite successful. They can also be used to reduce or even remove (with multiple treatments) hair in areas where it is unwanted.

Laser skin treatment can be found at spas that offer more technologically advanced techniques. It's a procedure that should only be done by professionals who have the experience with the equipment, since misuse could cause problems like burns and loss of pigmentation. A properly equipped spa will be able to treat acne and other skin problems without issue, though.

As this Pickering acne treatment becomes more common, you'll find that more and more spas offer this option. The popularity also brings the price down, making this a procedure that nearly anyone can afford. - 15438

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Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Stress And Hair Loss Link

By Elaine Petin

Is there a kinship between tension and hair loss? The effects of tension on the human body are severe, and the relationship between stress and hair loss is something that stands extra inquiry.

Experts agree that some tension in our lives is significant. Without tension, no one would get out of bed, no one would go to work and no one would fulfill familial and interpersonal duties. Unfortunately, too little tension is a problem that for the most part few individuals have. Most people have more than enough tension in their lives, and they want to reduce the risk of suffering health problems because of the stress in their casual lives. Problems like obesity and hair loss occur when tension gets out of control.

There is no doubt that stress affects a list of circumstances associated to wellness. Hypertension, high blood pressure, bronchial asthma, diabetes, obesity and hair loss are all tension linked wellness conditions.

Making strides now to relieve the tension in your daily lifetime will help ease the negative effects of stressful physical conditions. Try to add one or more of these tension respite techniques to your life.

Enveloping yourself with subtly scented candles and herbal perfumes will ease your stress level and promote your opposition level. Various scents have different purposes. The scent of lavender symbolizes equilibrium, while the smell of citrus fruit is virtually guaranteed to yield vim.

Doing thirty or more minutes of aerobic workout four times per week or more will do a extraordinary deal to relieve tension levels. There is something about working out at levels that make you perspiration and raise your pulse rate that is good for your entire cardiovascular system, including your tension levels.

Assure to handle your opinions, either through meditation, mental imagery or some other mind-over-matter methodology. Some individuals, when faced with negative thought processes, actually make an appointment to worry about something. By scheduling the concern into a time slot, and admitting that concern can be positive if it is utilized to analyze a problem and plan a solution to it, these individuals find that their troubles are more manageable.

Hair loss and tension both have a significant impact on the way most people act and feel throughout the day. Whether you concentrate on aromatherapy, add pilates to your daily routine or set aside time for meditation before you commence your day, easing your stress will help you preserve more of your hair. - 15438

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Acne Scar Chemical Peel - Using At Home Acne Scar Peels

By Eileen Childs

One of the ways that you can remove acne scars is through the use of a facial peel. In order to avoid certain dangers, you need to make sure you pick one that safe. Many people are finding that they can enjoy the benefits of an acne scar peel in the comforts of their own home.

When you have moderate to severe acne, you are often left with marks or scars in your skin. If your acne is mild, your body has the ability to heal the skin itself. This happens as the skin's normal function sheds old skin cells, revealing new skin cells underneath. When this happens, mild acne scars can go away on their own. Unfortunately, deeper scars usually do not go away, if left untreated.

Facial peels work by using chemicals that are applied to the skin for the purpose of burning off the top layers of skin, leaving new skin underneath. The two most common types of facial peels are glycolic acid peels and phenolic peels.

Chemical peels been shown to work well in removing acne marks and scars. You can apply a facial peel at home or it can be done by a doctor. Doctors can apply stronger peels than the ones that are for home use, but stronger peels may mean a hospital stay, longer recovery time and they can cost $2000 to $3000.

Peels sold for home use have been approved by the FDA and are milder. Skin Culture USA makes chemical peels for home use that have proven to be quite effective and affordable. Rather than using acid, these peels work by depriving the top layers of skin of oxygen. Their peels are offered in four different strengths and cost one to two hundred dollars.

Choosing a chemical peel for the removal of acne scars depends on a couple of different factors, such as how severe your scars are and how much money you are willing to spend. In any case, facial peels have proven to be an effective tool in battling acne scars. - 15438

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Which Is Best The T-Bow Or The Firms Wave?

By Carol J Bartram

I love the T-bow, so much so that I bought 17 of them! They stack one on top of each other and take up surprisingly little space in my back bedroom. I'm only reminded of them when I need to change the bed. When the mood is upon me I drag them out and take them to my Pilates classes. They add interest and make normal Pilates exercises much more challenging. My classes love them and so do I. When not in use they stack neatly in a corner.

Now the T-Bow has a rival - drum roll please - the Firms Wave has arrived!

The Wave is much like the T-Bow in many respects although it does have a slightly different shape. The T-Bow is made in Switzerland and the Wave is produced in the USA.

How do the T-Bow and Wave compare?

1. Unlike the T-Bow which is constructed into a single piece of high density material the Wave has a brace to help give it strength. Both are similar in size and shape although the T-Bow is less bulky and is easier to handle. Because of the the Waves supporting brace they will not stack. The T-Bow will easily stack 15-20 units high.

2. When it comes to price there is a big difference! The T-Bow will set you back over $200 when you include international shipping whereas the Wave is just under $100.

3. The T-Bow comes with a demonstration booklet and a wallchart, with clear professional photographs showing the various exercises. The WAVE, on the other hand, comes with a wall chart and several DVDs showing various workouts - including Abs, Fat-Burning and Muscle Sculpting, along with a healthy eating guide.

4. To enhance your strength training exercises both the Wave and the T-Bow will allow for attachment of elastic exercise bands. They do not come included with either but can be bought cheaply and are readily available.

As pieces of home exercise equipment I think they are both fantastic and if used will help you to lose fat and tone muscle. My vote would have to go to the Wave, although I prefer the T-Bow it's additional cost for the average home user isn't really justified. - 15438

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A Stationary Lap Pool Makes Exercise Fun

By Ned Dagostino

There are many aspects to swimming. For some it is a sport activity. Some people swim to relax, to dissolve their physical and mental tensions. Most of us swim just for personal enjoyment. But there is yet another aspect to this wonderful activity. More and more medical practitioners are recommending swimming as a part of therapy. They stress that the holistic nature of swimming includes two forms of exercise - resistance and cardiovascular. Resistance exercise improves the tone of the skeletal muscles. Cardiovascular exercise focuses on the heart and lungs to improve respiration and blood circulation. Cardiovascular exercise is important for people who have certain cardiovascular related medical conditions. Besides, swimming is a pleasant and safe form of exercise.

A problem arises when a person is prescribed swimming as a therapeutic activity. It is very inconvenient for such a person to make the trip to the swimming pool. Once there he'll need someone to look out for him, just in case he collapses. Faced with these inconveniences most patients become irregular at the pool, and the whole purpose of the exercise is defeated. So, such people do need a swimming pool at home. But that is prohibitively expensive! Building a swimming pool is not a trivial overnight project either. A swimming pool requires a lot of space, too. Most people just don't have that much space. Finally, water. Getting the water to fill a swimming pool can be a big problem for most people.

Some intelligent manufacturers have recognized this problem and have introduced what they call a stationary lap pool. In its essential form, the stationary lap pool has a swimming area large enough for a single adult swimmer. Water is pumped to the swimming area through a supply pipe, and the water exits the swimming area through a vent pipe. The swimmer stays in the swimming area and swims against the flow of water. The stationary lap pool is small in size, small on budget, but big on features.

The salient features of the stationary lap pool are that it saves you time, money, and space. You save time because stationary lap pools are available readymade and, once ordered, a stationary lap pool can be installed in a matter of hours! You save money because the stationary lap pool is attractively low-priced, far, far below the cost of a standard swimming pool. You save space because a stationary lap pool is basically about one and a half times as long as an adult and just about twice as wide. The stationary lap pool is so compact that you can install it in the ground, above the ground, outside the house or inside the house!

Like most strokes of genius, the stationary lap pool is simplicity itself! The stationary lap pool is properly an open water duct made of durable, aesthetically appealing, stainless steel or other suitable material like plastics or composites. It is large enough to accommodate an adult swimmer, which means the stationary lap pool's dimensions take the swimmer's hand and leg strokes into account. There is a large water reservoir included in the system. Water is pumped from the reservoir into the open duct in a controlled manner. This creates an artificial water current. The swimmer swims against the current. The force of the current is set so that it is sufficient to push the swimmer back by the same distance that he moved forward. This way, the swimmer remains relatively stationary, whereas the water current keeps moving past him. The swimmer must exert himself forward. That way he gets his dose of resistance exercise as well as cardiovascular exercise.

Increase the speed of the current if you want to do a fast lap, decrease it when you're tiring. A hot-and-cold facility lets you adjust the water temperature according to the season. Alternate the hot and cold flow to get a massage while you're swimming.

A stationary lap pool is the ideal system to get your resistance exercise and cardiovascular exercise at the same time, in a very enjoyable way. Compact enough to fit inside your house, cheap enough to be generally affordable, the stationary lap pool gives you so many conveniences and advantages that you'll have no hesitation in buying one for yourself, or in recommending it to others.

In conclusion, a stationary lap pool is your best bet to a form of exercise which is deeply relaxing and pleasurable. All this is yours, at an extremely attractive price. If you like swimming, then just head out and get yourself a stationary lap pool! - 15438

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Spinal Decompression For Herniated Discs


Natural aging and traumatic accidents are two of the most common reasons for damage to the spinal discs. The normal aging process can create weakness in the discs and a gradual breakdown. Traumatic accidents can also damage the spinal discs. In both instances the discs can become damaged to the point where the inner material can bulge out or even breakthrough the outer fibers, when this happens it is called a herniated disc.

So what are the best ways to determine if you have a herniated disc? Or where the damage has occurred, is it in the lower back, neck, or upper back. You may experience numbness, pain and weakness in a particular area. The most common area however, is the lower back.

The best tests to identify a herniated disc include an MRI or a CT scan. With these tests we can identify a herniated disc or rule out some other more serious problems. Depending on how severe the problem is the pain may last for a short time or for many years. Our typical patient has had the pain for many months and is getting to the point of complete disability.

Because herniated discs are not uncommon problems, there are many medical treatments designed to treat patients with this condition.

Some of the most common treatments for herniated discs include physical therapy, spinal injections, medication, massage, chiropractic and acupuncture.

The medical literature however doesn't support long term benefits for most of these treatments. That is precisely the reason most patients seek out care at our office and look into spinal decompression. In my experience spinal decompression offers the best chance of a long and stable recovery.

The system I use for spinal decompression is the DRX9000. I have offered spinal decompression as a primary treatment for lower back and neck pain for the past 10 years and have seen some of the worst cases respond very well. The treatment is particularly desirable because of the non-invasive nature of it and the long term results achieved.

The Understanding of the use of theDRX9000 is quite easy to comprehend. Since the main issue is in the treatment of herniated discs the treatment is ideal. It works by reducing the pressure in the disc until such time that a vacuum is formed. This vacuum reduces the herniation and decreases the pressure on nerves and other pain sensitive structures, reducing the feelings of pain and the disability.

The typical treatment program consists of approximately 20 sessions; 4-5 times per week. Other treatments are usually combined with spinal decompression to treat other conditions that are typically caused by herniated discs like muscle weakness in the spine

The pain of a herniated disc can be a life altering experience. Finding the right course of treatment can be a difficult proposition. If you don' choose the right course of treatment you may be doomed to repeat episodes. - 15438

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ABCs of Armpit Hair Removal

By Katrina Pells

Armpit hair usually starts growing during the ages of puberty. The growth of the armpit hair however varies from person to person since some may have hair that grows in a widespread manner while others grow their on a concentrated patch.

The growth of hair in the armpit has two theories. One is that it attracts pheromones which are chemicals that discreetly transmit the message to other humans of your sexual readiness or prowess. The second theory is that armpit hair lessens the friction between your upper arm and body when doing laborious activities. However, it is said to be no longer of use to us now due to advancement in tools and technology which have decreased the need for our body to exert too much vigorous labor and assertion.

People have different reasons for armpit hair removal. If you are thinking of armpit hair removal, don't let some of the popular beliefs on armpit hair removal turn you off because they might actually be just myths.

An example of a well-known belief is that armpit hair will grow back thicker after it has been removed. This myth may have started because when new armpit hair starts to grow, one can feel irritation and ingrown hairs can make the armpits seem more inflamed and darker than before.

Another myth about armpit hair is that only the prostitutes or people that have lost their virtues shave it off. There is no basis for this belief because some religions and cultures even encourage their people to remove armpit hair as a sign of cleanliness so that odor causing bacteria won't start living in the armpit.

Where It All Ends

Compared to men, women are more concerned about removing hair on their armpits. Some people may not want to shave but are forced to because of sweat gland problems. They have to remove the hair so that deodorants and antiperspirants can be more effective in making the underarm skin dry. Although more common in females that in males, some men undergo armpit hair removal treatments maybe because they want to feel cleaner or as an athlete they are required to do this because it will help reduce friction when they perform.

Somebody once said that cavemen used two clamshells for a pair of tweezers. Now that is just a thing of the past. With the advancement of technology also came the advent of more convenient ways for armpit hair removal.

Shaving is the most common way to remove armpit hair. One can either use electric or wet razors but the important thing is that you take a hot shower before shaving to make it easier on yourself because this helps make the underarm hair softer. If you are afraid that you might hurt yourself by using a sharp object on your skin then you should use depilatories or armpit hair removal creams.

Waxing is another technique. However, you have to be tolerant to pain in order to stand it. If you want to spend less time on removing your armpit hair then maybe you should get laser armpit hair removal treatments. The cost for the visits can be expensive but in the long run you get to save because you just need to have the procedure done after every several months. However, if these techniques seem too complicated for you, there is still no harm in going with the natural look as long as you keep your underarms clean and free of odor causing bacteria. - 15438

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Friday, November 28, 2008

Great Muscle Gains - Natural Bodybuilding Advice

By Westy

When you are trying to gain muscle there will be some gain of fat, but the Gaining Mass program will help you to gain the best amount of muscle and the physique that you are after. This program will help you to gain the muscle while keeping the fat to a minimum. There are some great bonuses that come with this program such as logs where you can keep track of your training, software that will also allow you to keep track of your program and an online members area where you can discuss the program with others in forums.

The software that comes with Gaining Mass will help you to stay motivated while you are going through the steps to gaining a great physique. The message board that is online will help you to get some answers to the questions that you might have about the program. It helps to know that there are others going through the program at the same time that you are. The Gaining Mass program will help you to get the results that you want in your muscle building program.

This program is indeed special and successful. By following all the guidelines it's easy for anyone to attain the desired outcome. Anthony Ellis has been selling his product successfully since 1998.

His product definitely works since he is a living proof of it. Anthony Ellis was a very skinny person and with the help of gaining mass program that he invented he turned his skinny body into a model like body. Anthony Ellis Gaining Mass program helps to understand the fundamentals of building muscle and imparts proper knowledge required to gain quality muscle mass. The key elements in building muscle are intelligent training, smart nutrients as well as supplements and quality rest. Without the right planning, nutrition and rest, the weight gain will be very slow.

Most people have questions about the muscle building program that they are considering. You can be assured that you will be getting a great value for your money. When you receive your program, you will find that it includes:

* Mass Workbook

* A book about your fat loss

* Fat Calipers to measure your fat

* Body Measuring Tape

Another good part is that it doesn't have any pre-sales talk and is delivered very quickly... no nonsense, no attempted upsell... just good old get what you pay for value. This 230 page guide gives full information about what and when to eat so as to build muscles quickly and effectively. The mass workbook contains 26 weeks of worksheets and the fat loss guide has about 26 weeks of worksheets that are cut into three sections. The program tells what, when and how to train the body, how to take supplements to fasten the process of building muscles.

This program also gives you a great deal of information on your supplementation so that you know when you should take your supplements so that you achieve the maximum benefits. The detail of how these methods work is also laid out for you in great detail. You will understand why something is working and the kind of results you should expect.

Anthony Ellis has put his own experience into this program and shows you exactly how he worked to get the body that he has today. Take the experience of someone who knows how to get it done and start working on your own body. With the right program, you can have a great looking body. This program can help you to get there with the right diet and training to bring effective results. - 15438

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Skin Care Products For Sensitive Skin

By Fisiwe Owen

Looking after sensitive skin is governed by a few basic rules, but before we delve into the rules for sensitive skin care, it's important to understand what a sensitive skin is. Someone suffering with sensitive skin will usually have a problem with everyday products and environments that most of us take for granted. This problem may affect you at any age and once it does you will probably have to start using sensitive skin care products specially formulated for this type of condition.

The degree of sensitivity can however vary from person to person and depending on that, the type of skin care procedures may vary too. However, it is known that in most instances, the skin will not react well too any type of detergent, including soap, or other products with chemicals.

The problem arises because it may take some time before the condition is recognized for what it is. Where a person has skin sensitivity this will obviously become apparent more quickly than someone who does not share this type of skin condition.

A few tips for choosing the right sensitive skin care products are suggested below, these are products which where possible avoid known skin irritants or reduce them to the lowest concentration possible. The way to reduce the effects of the skin sensitivity is too source sensitive skin care products and make sure only these are used but if you know what area your sensitivity lies in then check the ingredients carefully to make sure there is nothing contained you should be wary of.

Just to be sure, when you choose the products you require just buy the ones with the least number of additives and preservatives available. Do not use toners if at all possible as most of them are alcohol based and will probably cause further irritation so are not recommended for sensitive skin.

The procedure if washing is to be done is protect your hands with rubber of other type of protective hand wear as detergents are one of the biggest skin irritants. Another situation that causes a problem for sensitive skin is the sun so if you intend to go out in strong sunlight, you will need to apply a special sunscreen.

Dust and other atmospheric pollution can also be a problem so it is advisable to put some form of barrier or moisturizing cream on (even if it isn't sunny), or a hypoallergenic moisturizer will do if you can't find a specific sensitive skin care product. When you have finished outdoors you will need to clean your face but with a soap and alcohol free cleanser as both of these will irritate the skin, remembering not to clean to vigorously or that to will cause the skin to become red.

Whenever makeup or cosmetics are used, try not to overuse or over wear them and only use makeup remover which will not cause skin irritation. While there is a great deal to think about if you have a sensitive skin condition, it is a matter of getting into a routine and know what causes the irritation as this will save you time and distress. - 15438

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It Is Time For something New: Rafting In Nova Scotia

By Jonathan Inca

Rafting on the rivers around Nova Scotia can be very different to the rafting we find in the United States of America. Nova Scotia rafting is unique in that down its rivers there can be places where tidal waves can form! At times it is even possible for waves as high as 16 feet to form around you.

If you are looking for a rush of adrenaline this is the place for you to go. Catching the highest tide will provide you with the most white water rafting fun in Nova Scotia. It is possible for the level of the river to rise up to 30 additional feet during the course of time you are rafting.

These tidal waves really do add to the overall excitement you can obtain from white water rafting. It is important to note though that some of these rivers or sections of them are too dangerous for children and for people who have not had the appropriate training and experience.

Finding the Right Rapid for You

It goes without saying that there are going to be a range of different rapids that requires less or more experience. Some will be okay for most beginners whereas others will not.

You need not worry about not being able to find gentle enough rapids for your enjoyment and that of your family, you will find that there are already a whole range of different rafting trips in Nova Scotia prearranged for different skill levels.

On the high-end if you are searching for the more aggressive rapids you should not have any problem finding good packages as well, however for most of these you will be required to be at these 12 years old. These rapids are certainly action packed, but you will still be able to enjoy a pretty awesome scenic view.

If you already have experience, white water rafting in Nova Scotia can offer you a more intense rafting experience. Continuous white water action on the highest possible tides offers fun and excitement to the seasoned rafter.

White water rafting in Nova Scotia can offer you a new and different experience for your nature-oriented outing. You can sightsee, relax and enjoy the ride or you can choose to hit the non-stop white water. - 15438

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7 ways to Stop Emotional Eating and Promote Calories Loss

By Rowena French

Emotional eating is one of the greatest challenges in any calories loss diet because with the best of intentions, we can easily sabotage our efforts by uncontrolled binging brought about by our day to day emotional ups and downs. To manage our eating and to continue to enjoy a gradual weight loss, we need to be aware of and to some degree manage our emotions. The tips below will assist you to do this as you re-shape your body.

Learn how to determine whether what you feel is hunger or just a learned emotional response. The real physical signs of hunger can include a rumbling tummy or perhaps feeling lethargic and weak so if you have experienced emotional responses to eating across many years, you may eat before feeling truly hungry and not recognize these symptoms easily. Allow yourself to get genuinely hungry before eating so that you can become familiar with what this feels like and more accurately pin point when you should eat to provide the fuel your body needs.

Recognize your emotional eating triggers by keeping a little notebook and a pen with you and write down when you feel like eating and what you want to eat and soon you will start to notice a pattern emerging. Do you always crave fried food after a meeting with your boss instead of meals you would eat on a calories loss diet? Do you want cake the minute you walk in the door after the evening commute or do you need a double cheeseburger at lunch just to get through the afternoon?

Deciding on the events and the times when you are likely to resort to daily emotional eating is the key to controlling your response to the stressors in your life that lead you to out of control eating. Plan what food you will eat or what you will do the next time you feel distressed or under pressure and replace eating with other behaviours that will help relieve your stress. Taking a brisk walk or even an exercise class or eating an apple, some low fat yoghurt or other foods from your calories loss menu, getting a friend to massage your neck or even meditating are all healthier ways to manage the pressures in your life and still lose weight.

Do not buy comfort food because if it is not in the house, you will not eat it; it is just that simple. When you are feeling blue and you want something sweet or something fried as a comfort, if it is not in the house are you really going to take the time to drive to the store and buy this comfort food or go to the fast food restaurant to get something? Most people will not most of the time, so if you are craving something and you do not have it in the house you will look for a substitute rather than going out to buy whatever it is you are craving.

Find other means of comfort instead of food if you feel down, pressured and hyped up, like taking the dog for a walk, going for a bike ride, reading that book you have been dying to start, or meeting with a friend and discuss life over a low fat coffee. There is an endless list of what you can do when you are feeling sad or stressed apart from reaching for the munchies in those places you have always kept them. So start including these alternatives in your life as 'pick me ups' and keep on that calories loss diet at the same time.

Stack the shelves that used to store your junk food, with healthy alternatives to use every time you experience one of your cravings and need comfort. In place of those maple syrup pancakes high in calories, keep hummus dip and fresh vegetables, and if you simply must have something sweet, try a fruit salad. It is not a matter of stopping cravings, more a case of satisfying these differently with alternative foods that will in the long term be a way of re-programming your thinking and even your palate as well as accommodating the many foods that you will find on your calories loss diet.

Wait 30 minutes and when a craving does hit, wait it out by setting a timer, looking at your watch, whatever you need to do. But wait a full 30 minutes before acting on that craving. If you still are craving that food after 30 minutes, allow yourself to have a half portion of it, but you will find that usually after 30 minutes that craving will disappear.

Do something active instead of eating as this does not just use calories, to help with your calorie loss, it also causes your brain to secret endorphins and serotonin and these lift your spirits. So the next time you reach for a pizza to feel better, grab your sneakers and go for a walk, or a bike ride, or a run to help with your weight loss and to make you feel better. Even just a quick mile walk can really change your mood and when you get back you will feel as good as you would feel if you had just eaten 4 slices of pizza. - 15438

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What You Can Use for Home Treatment TMJ Problems

By Rashel Dan

Having TMJ can be a difficult experience for most people. It doesn't mean though that you need to resort to drastic medical solutions. In non-severe cases TMJ can be avoided or treated at home. What home treatment TMJ solution can you use?

Relaxation Techniques

Although stress and tension is not a TMJ cause, it can very well aggravate the symptoms and conditions of TMJ. Just imagine what you do every time you feel tense. You may not know it but you may be clenching your teeth or hardening your facial muscles. This could result in TMJ problems. One good home treatment TMJ solution is to simply be aware when you are tense and relax. If you find it hard to ease the tension away, then look for ways that could help you do so. You could take a break from work and have a relaxing cup of tea or you could imagine a relaxing thought while listening to soothing music. Whatever can help you relax is a potential home treatment TMJ solution.

Eating Schedule

Our busy schedule does not always allow us to eat on time. This is one practice that could lead to a TMJ problem. Another home treatment TMJ solution is to reserve your eating schedule for eating only. This will ensure that you never have to chew and swallow hurriedly as a result of work momentum.

Use Jaws Properly

You can further protect your jaws by not overusing them. This means you should only eat hard food occasionally or avoid them altogether. If you know that you have a recurring jaw problem, then steer clear of bubble gum or chewing gum. Let your jaws rest after your main daily meals. Large chunks of food should also be sliced before you put them in your mouth. Doing so would mean your jaws would have to work less in breaking down food.

Good Posture

Aside from alleviating back and neck pain, maintaining a good posture is also a home treatment TMJ solution. Immobile, hunched or stiff positions could lead to jaw pain. Good posture on the other hand can ensure that your jaws are properly situated.


Cold or hot compress can be used whether you have a TMJ problem or you think you are just developing one. A cold or hot compress can ease the stress and pain on your jaws.


Although it is not good to overwork and overuse your jaw, you can still practice proper jaw exercise as an additional home treatment TMJ solution. It would be a good idea though to specifically ask your doctor for exact instructions on jaw exercises. Massaging and moving your jaws on your own might not be appropriate for your specific condition.

Take Medicine

You could take over the counter pain relievers and anti inflammatory medication to support your home treatment TMJ methods. Together with applying a compress, this is probably one of the safest home treatment TMJ solutions. - 15438

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Coping With TMJ Headache

By Rashel Dan

The TMJ condition can be very inconvenient and painful. Furthermore, for TMJ sufferers the pain may not just involve the jaw area. A TMJ patient may also suffer from a TMJ headache.

TMJ Pain

The jaw is not the only area affected by TMJ. TMJ patients can suffer from facial pain and, as a result, get facial inflammation, too. On top of that, one could also possibly experience ear pain and ringing. One other TMJ related condition is the TMJ headache.

More serious cases of TMJ will also manifest in TMJ headaches felt throughout the whole head. In a lot of cases though, the pain may only be felt in the temple region. A TMJ headache is actually referred pain or pain that originates from the jaws and radiates to the temple area. This type of headache is considered a tension type of headache and may further radiate to the neck, shoulders and back regions.

The TMJ Headache

The sad thing about TMJ headache is that it may progress and cause other conditions. Sometimes TMJ headache may increase and last for days up to a couple of months. This can naturally lead to poor sleep and fatigue. All these could therefore translate to poor work performance and interpersonal interactions. Your head ache may not disappear on its own so you may need prompt treatment to get you back on track.

Factors of Headache

As previously mentioned, TMJ headache may complicate into other health conditions. Several factors including emotional dilemmas, menstrual cycle and physical fatigue may lead to more TMJ headache pain. Some experts say that a headache of this sort may also occur with sinus and nose congestions or problems.


TMJ-related headaches are often misdiagnosed as some other condition. This could happen if your general practitioner is not thoroughly familiar with TMJ problems or if you go to a doctor who specializes in something else. Sometimes, TMJ can be mistaken for migraine or sinus problems especially if the patient does exhibit sinus symptoms along with a TMJ headache.

TMJ Treatment

Treatment of TMJ problems can depend greatly on the doctor's approach. Some doctors may simply prescribe a pain reliever or over the counter anti inflammatory drug to help ease the pain of a TMJ linked headache. What you should remember though is that a TMJ headache is caused by your TMJ condition. It therefore follows that you can treat your headache best by addressing your TMJ problem.

As a health condition, TMJ itself can be approached and treated in various ways. You could however try to manage your TMJ condition yourself. There is a possibility that your condition may be stress related. If this is the case, what you need to do is to look for ways to relax. You could enroll in formal meditation or yoga classes or you could simply look for activities that you find relaxing. You also need to mentally take note of situations when you suddenly feel yourself go tense and will yourself to relax. - 15438

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How to Care for Grey Hair

By Jennifer Summers

The changing colour of our hair is the most obvious sign of aging. As we get older our hair begins to produce less melanin, the same melanin that gives our skin its colour. This causes our hair to become grey. Grey hair can appear at any age. It's not always a sign of aging, it's caused by a reduction of pigment (grey hair) or a complete loss of pigment (white hair), and the reason it happens is not fully understood.

Age also has an effect on our hair in other ways. A number of women will notice that their hair thins and lacks life, for others it will appear to be dry and coarse. As we get older our hair starts to get drier, and needs more moisture. Older hair often loses some of its elasticity and the consistency alters. This is because as we get older the size of our hair follicles get smaller and hair growth slows down. Therefore there is not as much new growth to replace what is lost.

Sebum (oil produced naturally by our skin) diminishes as our body ages, and so our hair, therefore, loses its natural shine and smoothness. Plus, during the menopause our making of keratin slows. This protein fibre is vital to keeping our hair healthy and strong. For all you guys, there is the subject of going bald, thinning hair and coarse hair, especially the facial hair. Opt for the right type of hair colour to disguise your grey hair, but don't go more than a couple of shades darker or lighter than your own hair colour. If you use a dark colour it can accentuate a dull complexion.

If you wish to keep your grey, try to use a hair shampoo and conditioner that is targeted specially for grey hair. Grey hair can look yellow or greenish on a number of people. To neutralize the yellow colour and leave your hair shiny and good-looking, try using a greying shampoo that has a violet based colour, instead of your usual shampoo. Highlights or lowlights can camouflage any grey you want to mask by blending them into the rest of your hair. The same with hair colourants, keep away from going more than a couple of shades lighter than your own hair colour to steer clear of looking older than you really are.

Moisturizing (conditioning) is a must for older hair. Use a weekly deep conditioning treatment - recommended for aging hair. This will help to maintain the moisture levels in your hair. With aging your hair loses its elasticity and this makes it harder to style, so try using a protein treatment at least once a month to help your hair along. For men and women, thinning hair can be given a more voluminous appearance by using volumizing products such as conditioners and mousses. - 15438

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How to Care for Grey Hair

By Jennifer Summers

At any age grey hair can materialize. It's not always an indication of aging, it's caused by a dropping off in pigmentation (grey hair) or a complete lack of pigment (white hair), and the basis for it is not fully known. The most obvious symbol of aging is the changing colour of our hair. As we age our hair produces less melanin, the same melanin that gives our skin its colour. This is the reason our hair turns grey.

Aging also affects our hair in other ways. As we age our hair is prone to becoming drier, and so requires more moisture than ever before. Older hair also loses some of its elasticity and the texture changes. Some women will notice that their hair becomes thinner and lacks life, for others it appears dry and coarse. This happens because as we age, the size of the hair follicles diminish and hair growth slows. As a result there is not so much new growth to replace what we lose.

Sebum (oil produced naturally by our skin) lessens as our body ages, and so our hair, as a result, loses its natural shine and softness. Plus, during the menopause our production of keratin slows. This protein fibre is important to keeping our hair healthy and strong. For men, there is the issue of going bald, thinning hair and coarse hair, especially the facial hair. Select the correct type of hair colour to disguise your grey hair, but don't go more than two shades darker or lighter than your natural hair colour. If you use a dark colour it can emphasize a dull complexion.

Lowlights or highlights can conceal any grey you want to disguise by merging them into the rest of your head of hair. The same with hair colourants, stay away from going more than a couple of shades lighter than your own hair colour. That way you will not end up appearing older than you really are. Grey hair can appear yellow or greenish on many people. If you fancy keeping your grey hair, opt for using a hair shampoo and conditioner that is made especially for grey hair. To counteract the yellow colour and leave your hair shiny and good-looking, why not use a greying shampoo that has a violet base colour, instead of your everyday shampoo.

Moisturizing (conditioning) is a requirement for older hair. Use a weekly deep conditioning treatment - suggested for aging hair. This will help to preserve the moisture levels in your hair. As time goes by your hair loses its elasticity and this makes it more difficult to style, so try using a protein treatment at least once a month to assist your hair. For men and women, thinning hair can be given a more voluminous look by using volumizing products such as conditioners and mousses. - 15438

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Looking for Hemorrhoids Relief

By Sandy Rowde

With the discomfort and pain brought by hemorrhoids, it is no wonder that many people having it are painstakingly searching for relief from hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the rectum caused by too much pressure. Simply it is called a varicose vein in the anal canal.

There are specialized centers that can help you deal with hemorrhoids. A hemorrhoid relief center is expected to diagnose properly the degree of hemorrhoids the patient has. Aside from sophisticated equipment and machine to treat hemorrhoids, a hemorrhoid relief center should also take into consideration the home-base/natural methods of treating hemorrhoids or procedures that can provide relief to hemorrhoids. Home-based hemorrhoids relief treatments are more applicable to small scale to medium size hemorrhoids.

Most hemorrhoid relief centers have a friendly and welcoming atmosphere that will put any patient at ease. A bright and friendly ambiance can likely lessen the irritation and discomfort the patients might be feeling because of their hemorrhoids.

However, before you go scouting for a hemorrhoid relief clinic, it is important that you learn as much as you can about your condition and its different remedies first.

- Since hemorrhoids are triggered by exerting too much pressure from your body, avoid doing strenuous activities that require you to use much effort. Try not to stand for a long period of time in just one position, or sitting for a long time with no cushion between your butt and the chair.

- Don't strain too much when defecating. Never push so hard during bowel movement because this will just put too much pressure on your hemorrhoids vessels that it might rupture and bleed.

- Maintain a fibrous diet. Increasing your water intake and eating of fiber-enriched foods will help you get relief from hemorrhoids. Doctors recommend to drink at least eight glasses of water a day and to eat at least 40 grams of fiber foods per day. The presence of these essential elements in the body can aid digestion and help in softening stool. Soft stools are important in order to avoid constipation and straining during bowel movements.

- Be more physically active. Keeping your body physically active does not only relieve stress, it also helps you lose some extra pounds; thus, making your body lighter and fitter.

- There are medical procedures for the more severe cases of hemorrhoids. Rubber band ligation is one of the famous procedures in getting rid of hemorrhoids. A rubber band is being wrapped around in the swollen tissue in order to prevent blood flow in the area. In this manner, less blood will circulate in the affected area which will lead to its shrinking.

One other medical procedure for hemorrhoids is galvanic electrotheraphy, wherein an electric current is being used to shrink the hemorrhoids. Also, another way of ridding off hemorrhoids is through hemorrhoidectomy. It is a surgical procedure wherein the hemmorhoid is being excise and really scraped off. This is the most recommended procedure among hemorrhoids that are already in its grade 4 (the highest degree of complication or pain among the four grades of hemorrhoids). - 15438

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Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle - Controversial And Worth It!

By Westy

The Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle program is designed to help bodybuilders get the kind of results that they are after in an easy and effective manner. It will show you how to eliminate the fat from your body and your diet to give you lean muscles. You will find a great program that is developed by Tom Venuto and has been a hot seller in the industry for many years. The author of the program is very knowledgeable on all of the techniques that are used and passes them on to you so that you can use them in your efforts for a great body.

The program does not focus on all of the tiny details that go into bodybuilding. The approach that is taken will teach you how to get the results that you want no matter what they are. You can lose weight with the program or you can use it to gain weight and muscle mass. The book is written by Tom in a clear and concise way so that you will get all of the information that you need to develop your body in the most appropriate way.

There is no ego involved in the program which is a refreshing change from most programs. There are many e-books on the market that give you nutrition plans and information on supplements, but they do not focus on the ultimate goal. The author of the book does not make any claims to know everything about bodybuilding, but will show you how to cut the fat in your diet and get the results that you want. The program is there to help you with its information and the author is a great resource for this information.

Tom's BFFM program comprises of 4 key components:

* Goal setting

* Information on nutrition and its effect on your efforts

* Using cardio to develop the body and burn fat

* Weight training and its importance

From the very first chapter of the book, you will learn about the importance of motivation and goal setting. The formulas that are used to set your goals are very unique and can be used for any type of goal. Your brain is the most important part of your bodybuilding efforts and it should not be overlooked if you hope to achieve long lasting results.

Tom says, the lack of clearly defined, written goals," is very unfortunate. Readers usually skip this chapter and look into the details of bodybuilding techniques, thus losing out on the basic elements of the art. Their eagerness to know the techniques is the motivating factor for purchasing the book.burn the fat foods that burn fat. This chapter is immensely powerful and is must read material.

The focus of the program is on your nutrition and not dieting. You will find a great approach to reducing your body fat while you are gaining lean muscle. The program will focus on a permanent solution to losing body fat and not simply a starvation approach. When you use starvation to lose weight you will be in danger of gaining back the weight once you are off the program. If you focus instead on a healthy approach to eating and nutrition to get the results that you want. The diet advice is real and based on real life experiences.

The healthy aspects of the program are not the only way that you will be taught to reduce the body fat that you have. You will earn all of the ways that someone can lose weight while at the same time building up their muscles. You must first learn the basics of nutrition to get the results that you want.
All of this information is covered in great detail in this book.

Once you have the basics down, you will be given even more information on diet and nutrition. There is always something to learn with your diet and body. The myths are thrown out and replaced with hard facts.

Once you are assures of your base routine, Tom leads you to the advanced techniques of bodybuilding which are used by prominent physique models. Thee techniques actually are related to the manipulation of carbohydrate intake. These techniques needs to be carefully used, abuse can lead to disastrous results. This method is practiced by advanced bodybuilders to gain weight, have thorough knowledge before implementing it on yourself. Knowing just half the truth can be very dangerous and can produce contradictory results.burn the fat strength and conditioning specialist - 15438

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Review of the Human Touch HT 7120 Massage Chair

By Steve Esquire

We will take an in depth look at the Human Touch HT 7450 Zero Gravity massage chair in this review. This is a state of the art massage recliner with many advanced features and the Human Touch patented massage system. We will describe some of special features of this chair and also touch on the warranty coverage. Let us take a look at this luxury massage chair from Human Touch.

If you are just starting your search for a massage chair, then please heed this warning. Go with the top brands and you will be happy for the long term. There are so many imported massage chairs that have a ton of features, but they are prone to breakdown and the generous warranty will not get honored. The top brands have retail distribution, so you can relax and not worry if the company you bought it from will be there next year.

So let us look at the warranty coverage from Human Touch. The high end HT7450 gets the best warranty coverage from Human Touch in its product line. The HT 7450 comes with 5 years on the chair's structure. There is a 3 year warranty on parts. You get 1 year labor and 90 days in home service. This is the most extensive warranty coverage offered by Human Touch. It is somewhat below average compared to the other name brands. Customer service is pretty good and turnaround is quick.

The HT 7450 comes with a zero gravity position. This position is said to evenly distribute your weight across your back removing the direct pressure off your spinal column. This position was developed by NASA as a way for astronauts to take more g-forces when being launched in a rocket.

The HT 7450 comes with an engineered ergonomic zero gravity recline function. Human Touch claims that tension can build up in the arms, shoulders and neck when reclined to the zero gravity position in most massage chairs. They have developed an armrest that moves independent of the chair back. This supports the body better than the traditional approach.

The seat of the HT7450 is also specially designed for getting you to the zero gravity position. The seat will actually tilt down as you recline the chair. This is designed to support the lumbar better over traditional chairs. By supporting the lumbar, the stress from your weight is better distributed than if it does not tilt down.

Now that you are in a comfortable zero gravity position while still on planet earth, what about the massage? This massage recliner comes with 8 pre-programmed massages, 8 pulsating seat massages, 4 manual massage techniques and the calf massager. There is also dual lumbar heating elements built into the massage recliner. There is even a voice response switch which repeats back your selection.

One of our favorite pre-programmed massages is the Full Body Sore Muscle Relief massage treatment. This massage treatment has a warm up, full massage and then a warm down in its program cycle. The warm up massage lasts for 3 minutes and is to loosen the muscles for the main massage cycle. The main massage cycle is a deep tissue massage to relieve sore, aching muscles. The recliner then shifts into a warm down to relax the muscles for the final three minutes.

The HT-7450 zero gravity massage recliner is a high end massage lounger. It has a contemporary design and has some advanced zero gravity features. The chair comes in top grain leather and also has heater, so we do not know the long term affect on the leather. This recliner comes with some effective massage therapy and compliments any room in your house. The HT 7450 is worth checking out if you are in the market for a high end massage chair recliner. - 15438

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Useful Tips On Back Pain

By Don Pedro

Those who are suffering from back ache for a prolonged period, can rely on Yoga to improve their condition- its been acknowledged by many professionals. In Yoga, people learn to sit in the right position and learn to breathe right, thus allowing the lungs to get enough fresh air and stabilized the body.

The stretching of the parts of the body, that Yoga actually does to the practicing person has a great impact on relieving pain. This is why we shouldn't ignore doing some exercises daily that will stretch our body. On the other hand Yoga also tells us what's the wrong way to sit. Sitting on a chair bending the back or standing for a long time without rest may also cause back pain. We should avoid these.

National Institute of Health has been responsible for the research work on Pain succor.
And the Chinese method of treating back pain, which is known as acupuncture has been found really effective against back ache. Today, one can easily do a Yoga course under any professional Yoga trainer.

Physical exercise is helpful dealing with pain for another reason. During exercise, a substance called endorphin is released in your body, which has pain-releasing properties. Therefore, if you want the relief from pain you shouldn't sit quiet rather it's the exercise that has the cure.

Sometimes pregnant women have backache, which is quite common after an age of 45-50. its due to the increased weight of the body and the swelling that causes back pain not only by putting extra stress on the back bone but also by changing the center of gravity. Exercises that involve extending of the body can comfort in these case to some extent.

Body extending exercises mean those exercises which involvement movements that extend the body. This position of the body facilitates the abdominal muscles and the muscles of the back to stretch and make them stronger. However, taking a massage may prove to be of great help in succoring pain. The pressure applied during a massage should be carefully calculated according to the condition of pain. In severe pain applying much pressure will only worsen the situation.

To tell in one sentence, undergoing some exercises regularly that stretches the body, sitting in right postures are the simplest ways that give succor to pain. - 15438

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Osteoarthritis Prevention with Omega-3 Fatty Acids

By Andrew John

There are three main reasons of osteoarthritis. The first is a genetic predisposition - if someone from your family has it, you are at greater risk of having it yourself. However, two other reasons are much more common: overweight and a long-term stress on some particular joint.

Osteoarthritis is the most popular form of arthritis, affecting the lives of about 12 per cent of the human population. It most commonly attacks women above the age of 45, but can happen to anyone. Osteoarthritis is an effect of wearing off the cartilage in the joints. As the amount of cartilage is reduced, the bones in the joint start to rub each other during joint movements, causing serious pain and reducing the mobility of the joint up to the point when it is stuck.

The good news is that while you may be predisponed to suffer from osteoarthritis, there is much you can do to make this disease to come later and in less severe form. The key to that is staying fit. First, you have to reduce your weight - every pound of fat you don't have on you is a few months more in good health. That's why a healthy diet is a must. Then, you need a lot of cardiovascular exercises. They will help you keep a stable weight. More importantly however, keeping your muscles in good shape is essential to reduce the amount of stress put to the joint's cartilage. Do not overexert yourself though, especially if your joints are already aching. The point is to strengthen the muscles, not to stress your joints too much. Also, make sure that your joints - especially wrists and knees - are protected. Injury,

Another important thing is assuring that the diet contains enough Omega-3 fatty acids to reduce the soreness of the joints. Renowned for their anti-inflammatory effects, Omega-3 fatty acids are must-be in the diet of every osteoarthritis' victim. The acids are commonly found in salmon and herring, but as a normal American diet does not contain enough of those fish, most doctors encourage their patients to take Omega Daily of other food supplements which provide enough Omega-3 fatty acids to reduce the severity of osteoarthritis.

The pain and stiffness are two first signs of osteoarthritis. Do not ignore them! Go to the doctor as soon as you notice stiffness in the joints. - 15438

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Where Can I Donate Old Eyeglasses and Cases?

By Amy Nutt

We are all always looking for items within our homes that we can donate to good causes. However, we may not realize that the most unexpected things can be donated. There are people all around the world who need all sorts of things. Amongst those things are eyeglasses and eyeglass cases. Now, you're probably wondering why old eyeglasses and eyeglass cases make for great donations. But just know that there are plenty of children and adults out there who need the gift of sight so that they can make it through each and every day.

You definitely have plenty of donation options, which will be discussed a little later. However, it is important that you know the benefits of donating and what you can and cannot donate. That way you can ensure that you're definitely passing on something that someone can use.

What qualifies?

Everyone that wears glasses has old metal eyeglass frames or plastic frames sitting around somewhere. When we're done with our glasses we simply put them in a drawer somewhere. In other cases we may just throw them away. But before you throw those eyeglasses away, you need to read on because you can help someone somewhere in the world see their surroundings in a way they have never seen them before. They may not be able to afford new glasses, which means they're struggling with their eyesight.

So what glasses can you donate? Well, it is ideal that the glasses be in good shape. This means that they are totally intact. Some organizations will take them if they are broken, but within reason. They need to be easily fixable. It is a good idea to read the rules and regulations of each organization before donating.

Another great thing to do is donate your cases. When eyeglasses are donated, the individuals receiving them need to have a place to store them when they're not in use. So if you have any cases hanging around, you may want to donate those as well. These organizations can never have too many eyeglasses or cases. They need what they can get because there are people all around the world needing the gift of sight.

What organizations?

There are quite a few organizations you can donate to. First of all, you can check with your local optometrists to see who they donate to. They usually have a box sitting in their lobby that allows you to drop off your old eyeglasses and cases. The optometrist's employees should be able to tell you about what it is you need to do to donate. They should also be able to tell you what can and cannot be donated. Don't expect there to be too many restrictions.

As for the organizations, you can donate to Unite for Sight, Inc., your local Lions Club, or another local organization in your area. You may even find an optometrist in your area that reuses the glasses and cases that are donated to them. They will fix them up and give them to people for free when they are unable to afford them.

There are so many possibilities when it comes to donating your old eyeglasses and cases. Not only are you helping someone see better, but you are helping their self-esteem and how they function in the world. It also makes you feel really good about yourself and what you have done for someone else. You are truly doing something that is great. So make sure you check around in your area to see what your donation options are. If you can't come up with anything in your area, you can check out the websites of various organizations to find out how you can donate to them. - 15438

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How Much Do You Really Know About Genital Wart Symptom?

By Rashel Dan

Generally, an individual won't know that he or she has genital warts until it breaks out. But your genital wart is not the disease itself. It is merely a symptom for something more insidious. Trying to find even a single genital wart symptom may be difficult at first. The key is learning more about the virus that causes genital warts.

A form of viral infection, genital warts are caused by a virus called HPV or Human Papillomavirus. Among the different types of warts, there is one that causes the greatest amount of discomfort and concern, the genital wart. It is found in the most sensitive part of the body and is the most easily recognized sign of genital Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection.

It infects both men and women, often through all forms of sexual contact, be it coital, anal, oral, or even non-penetrative sex. All it takes is the slightest skin contact and you're hit. Generally, like many other STDs, the Human Papillomavirus does not cause external visible symptoms. The genital wart symptom may occur and develop within three weeks to three months after infection. In some cases have been the genital wart symptom had lain dormant and did not surface until a year later.

There are two main types of genital warts: the small hard spots that look like blisters, and large fleshy masses that look like cauliflower. In women, the genital wart symptom occurs on the lips of the vagina, inside the vagina or around the anus. In men, genital wart symptom may appear on the tip of the penis, the shaft, at the base of the penis, on the scrotum, and in and around the anus. Another genital wart symptom is that the warts tend to cluster together. By itself, the genital wart symptom is not painful. However, it may be intrusive and irritating because it may make bodily functions such as urinating and defecating uncomfortable and difficult, and in some cases, downright painful.

The most recognizable sign of HPV infection is the genital wart. Although a wide variety of HPV types can cause genital warts, only two viral strains can cause genital warts. Most people who acquire genital wart-associated HPV types clear the infection rapidly. Getting rid of genital warts is a long process. You should consult your doctor and his/ her diagnosis on your specific situation before he/ she may recommend the appropriate genital wart treatment for you. Here are the types of treatment available for people with this type of wart infection:

- Treatment of Genital Wart symptom: The most common treatment uses Imiquimod, and Podophyllin and Podofilox. Each of these wart medication has specific application instructions so be sure to have yourself checked by your for a correct diagnosis.

- Treatment through surgery: Surgical treatment can come in two types: Freezing the warts to destroy the infected cells, or cauterizing, or burning them off. Cryosurgery freezes the area affected by the genital wart. Electric, or laser cauterization, and laser treatment, involve cauterizing or burning off the genital wart and killing the presence of the virus around the affected area. Most doctors would recommend procedures depending on the size of your genital wart. A small genital wart may be removed either through medication, or by freezing (as in cryosurgery, using supercooled solution). Larger masses of genital wart may be subjected to burning or cauterization (be it electrocautery or chemical cautery),

In other cases, a genital wart symptom may be a sign of another condition that may not just be a simple HPV infection. Make an appointment to see your doctor when you notice you have genital wart. Your doctor may be able to determine whether you have genital wart symptom for the Human Papillomavirus infection, or for something else.

As mentioned, the virus can be acquired by direct sexual contact. It doesn't have to be penetrative sex either; merely touching the skin of your sexual partner is enough for a genital wart infection. Keep your body clean and dry always, especially your sensitive area. A wet and moist environment is very ideal for genital wart growth, take regular showers and dry off completely. Don't wait for the genital wart symptom to appear: The key to ridding your genital wart is undergoing the prescribe treatment and maintaining your good health. - 15438

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