Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Sculpt A Lean, Hard, Athletic Physique With Only Barbell

By Caleb Lee

I had a subscriber ask this question:

"Is it possible to achieve maximum strength power, knockout fat, sculpt lean muscle and dramatically transform my shape, if I don't have a power rack and I only have access to a barbell? Not even an Olympic barbell, but one of those old crappy cement filled barbell sets"

I know exactly the weights this guy is talking about. I think most of us grew up with them right? They were basically cement weights covered in plastic, and over time the plastic busted up and the cement started to get busted underneath remember?

I guess I'm showing my age :)


Of course! Why not?! You can absolutely build strength and power with an outdated equipment!

You just need someone to show you how. Luckily you met me. And luckily I just read most of Dan John's awesome "From the Ground Up".

In this outstanding little ebook Dan John explains the "Rapid Ascent Program", which contains three workouts:

1. Power Clean

2. Push Press

3. Front Squat/Press

And here's how you did the program (from his book):

"The program was incredibly simple. In the beginning, groups of four boys were given a bar. The bars were weighted from very lightit could be 25 poundsup to possibly close to 100 pounds. Each group of boys would lift one at a time, put the bar down, then the next boy would lift. The four would continually move from lifter to watcherthe bar never stopped. The three sets (explained in just a moment) would not take very longactually, at times it was hard to catch your breath in time for your next set.

The reps were very simple:

* Set Number 1 -- 8 repetitions

* Set #2: 6 reps

* Third set: 4 repetitions

The goal was easy: as soon as you got the entire 18 repetitions (8+6+4), you added weight. If you started with a bar that was extremely light, the subsequent workout, you would be bumped up to the next weight and a stronger group. (For sure, actual variations could include making a whole new group with more weight, tooor all that necessary to make the group work together)."

Seems easy doesn't it?

That's the beauty of this program!

You don't need a lot of equipment to build strength, muscle and power all while increasing your cardiovascular fitness and burning off pounds of fat.

What you DO need is a little "do or die" attitude. You have to decide you really WANT to achieve your fitness goals, then you'll find a way to use whatever equipment you have available to make it happen.

I enjoy program since it corresponds the DoubleYourGains' philosophy of training movement patterns in place of a bunch of workouts. The Rapid Ascent program has a press move (military press), a pull move (power clean), a squat move (front squat) and an explosive/hamstring move (power clean).

How to carry out the "Rapid Ascent" program for cardio and fat loss:

Coach Dan points out that you could also get a great cardio workout and burn some fat:

"To "hurry up" the trainingas if it was required, there were times when Mr. Freeman advised bringing together the Power Clean and Military Pressesone clean and one press, repeated for a total of eight reps. This was completed with a lighter weight. One could also execute the Front Squats after the clean and presses, too. I have only done this onceand it was an incredible cardiovascular exercise."

Thus if you think you don't have a sufficient equipment to get into top shape and attain your fitness goals you are erroneous. You are erroneous. You are erroneous.

In fact, you don't even need a barbell. You can get underway with the DoubleYourGains' bodyweight program. You can do pullups on your door frame (for extra strong fingers) or just grab the top of a door and go to town (or a tree limb, anything you can hang from, etc) Have faith in me, if THAT workout gets easy for you - you will be a certified STUD.

Then, once you get access to a good Olympic barbell set you can start the DoubleYourGains' 3-5 Program. - 15438

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