Saturday, January 17, 2009

Look Younger With These Anti Aging Skin Care Tips

By Lynne Bridges

Everyone worries about how their skin will look, as they get older. So, if you're concerned about it, you may want to plan ahead. There are lots of ways that a good anti aging skin care plan can really help you to keep your skin healthy.

Anti aging can be a tricky process. Some skin problems are genetically passed down, after all. There are a lot of other things that factor in, though. Yes, you may show some skin deterioration as you age, but your fate isn't set in stone. There are things you can do to improve your skin situation.

One of the biggest skin problems is dry skin. Winter weather is a major cause of it, but it can happen in warm weather, too. Indoor heating and dry air, such as in some offices, can also play a part in it. That's why moisturizing your skin is so important. Not just any moisturizer will do. You need to take your age and skin type into account, if you want to pick the best one.

Another thing you should be aware of about skin damage is the effect of smoking on your skin. Many smokers look prematurely old. That's because the smoke damages their skin. Even if you spend a lot of time with smokers you could suffer the same problems. So, if you smoke or spend time with smokers, you are likely to have more skin problems.

Another big contributor to skin problems is too much sun exposure. Sun can give your skin dark spots and make it feel rough and leathery over time. That can lead to sagging skin, wrinkles and other skin problems that can make you look much older than you are. It can also lead to skin cancer, if you don't watch out. That's why it's important to include sun protection in your anti aging skin care routine.

If you really want to keep your skin healthy, it's also important to keep yourself healthy. Getting plenty of exercise is not only great for your health, but it can give you better blood circulation. That'll help you to keep the nutrition flowing into your skin and the toxins flowing out of it.

Another major contributor to skin trouble is alcohol. Over time, alcohol can turn your skin red permanently. It dilates the blood vessels in your body, which causes the redness. A lot of times, people who drink too much alcohol find that their noses get especially red. So, keep that in mind when you are drinking.

One final thing that you should think about is how much stress you are under. Taking the time to relax can actually improve your skin's health. In fact, it can improve your over all health, too. Studies show that stress speeds up aging. So, take it easy as often as you can. You'll be glad that you did. - 15438

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