Friday, January 30, 2009

Learning About Lipodissolve

By Charles Donovan

Cellulite and other types of unwanted fat affect a vast majority of American women. Both the obese and the physically fit can be affected. These fatty areas will often hang on through vigorous exercise and a healthy diet. So, many ask, what is the solution?

A new procedure called lipodissolve is a treatment that is designed to melt fat away from the body. One of the biggest pluses to lipodissolve is that it does not require surgery and is a fairly simple and easy process. The treatment is conducted by injecting ingrediants that include sodium deoxycholate and phosphatidylcholine into the fatty area. After the drugs have been injected the start working to melt or dissolve the fat tissue from the body. Many believe the body then expels the fat cells from the body. There is not really proof of how the body does this, but most believe it gets expelled through the liver.

Lipodissolve has so rules as far as what areas can be treated, but these rules are very broad. It most cases lipodissolve can be used to treat areas such as the hips, under the chin, thighs, love handles, jowels, and the abdomen. Each treatment typically lasts about 30 minutes and in some cases anesthesia will be used if there is any discomfort. It is very important that multiple treatments take place on the area that is being treated for there to be complete eradication of the problem. There are some common side effects from these treatments. These include bruising, minor swelling, redness, and some soreness over the injection area. It will generally take around four weeks for the treatment to start working and can continue working for up to 12 weeks.

There are those that believe lipodissovle is not safe. The FDA has actually stated that it is conducted by using unapproved drugs for unapproved uses. The state of Kansas has made an attempt to ban the treatments within there state. This ban was blocked however pending research into the matter. There are many countries that have banned the procedure. These include Brazil, Canada, and the UK.

Another alternative to lipodissolve is called, mesotherapy. Mesotherapy is a lesser known minimally invasive fat injection treatment that is said to have similar results. However, in mesotherapy the drugs are injected into the middle layer of skin rather than directly into the fat tissue. The goal is for the appearance of the skin to appear smooth and taut instead of actually getting rid of the fat cells.

Diet and exercise are always the best way to lose weight and to keep it off. However, neither one of these methods offers "spot reduction", nor getting rid of fat precisely where you want to. Lipodissolve and mesotherapy do offer this "spot reduction" option with promises of a better looking body in a minimal amount of time with a minimal amount of pain. However, there is little formal research on these methods and no studies of the long-term side-effects. It is important to remember that even if one should undergo either one of these procedures diet and exercise are still essential in achieving the maximum result. - 15438

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