Saturday, January 31, 2009

Lipo Disolve and Rapid Weight Loss

By Charles Donovan

The United States has one of the highest percentages (of population) of overweight people of all the countries in the world. Therefore, it isn't surprising that any product or procedure that aids in weight loss would be extremely popular. The particular treatment that will be discussed in this article is called Lipo Disolve. It is a fairly new treatment with a revolutionary way of getting rid of/ "dissolving" the fat from your body.

It is important to look at alternatives to lipo disolve in order to establish the relative positive and negative aspects of the procedure. The first alternatives that come to people's heads are usually, liposuction, exercise, eating healthy and diet pills. Some of these are more popular than others, and some require a greater amount of dedication than others.

Many of these options can and should be combined. For example, someone may try to lose weight by eating a healthy diet, exercising and possibly taking diet pills as well. However, it isn't clear how long the process will take as it depends on so many factors, such as how dedicated they are to their new program, if they actually know enough about nutrition to rid themselves of unnecessary fat and calories, and what their actual weight loss goals consist of.

It is fairly safe to say that someone that went in and had three lipo disolve treatments and also continued to exercise and eat healthy would most likely see results a lot faster than someone that chose another method. The quickest way to lose your fat is probably to have liposuction surgery. This is also the riskiest option because you never know what kind of complications you might run into during the surgery. This is one of the biggest reasons why lipo disolve is really growing in popularity because its kind of a mixture of doing it the hard way and doing it the easy way.

Another factor that makes lipo disolve so attractive is its cost relative to liposuction. It is difficult to pinpoint an exact figure as variables such as the number of treatments required, the amount of fat, the area being targeted, and the location in which you have the procedure preformed come into play however, lipo disolve typically costs between $300-$2500. On the other hand liposuction costs around $10,000.

There is one question that must be answered concerning lipo disolve though and that it, "Are there any major health risks or side effects associated with the procedure". So far no major side effects have been reported. Lipo disolve has been practiced for approximately 10 years so long term side effects may still present themselves.

So if you are currently in the market for a way to lose weight quickly lipo disolve might just be the best solution for you. It obviously is very important that you discuss this with your doctor prior to making any decisions, but this should get you well on your way. - 15438

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