Monday, January 26, 2009

Tinnitus Cures and Possible Causes That Will Floor You!

By Lauren Chloe Taylor

There are millions of people that suffer from ringing in ear and search endlessly for a tinnitus cure. The sounds can be described as chirping, intermittent tones, chirping, pulsing and ringing. These noises that are heard are usually heard internally. These noises can vary greatly in volume and may be constant or come and go. Tinnitus tends to be amplified at night when it is the most quiet which causes sleeping difficulties.

There are various causes for tinnitus. It is usually caused by damage done to the microscopic nerve endings in the inner ear, usually caused by loud noises. Other causes include recent ear infections or sinus infections.

Be aware of these other possible causes:

- Long-term use of medications like aspirin ( in excessive dosages), antibiotics, and anti-inflammatories

- Jaw Disorders (Temporomandibular joint problems)

- Neck Injuries

- Stiffening of bones in the middle ear (Otosclerosis)

Wax build up can reduce your ability to focus on exterior sounds

Natural, holistic approaches are excellent ways to ease your symptoms. Avoiding constant loud sounds and minimizing salt in your diet is one of the best things to do. Water retention caused by excessive salt can make your tinnitus worse. Eliminate drinks that contain caffeine like coffee, teas, and soft drinks. Make sure you add exercise to your regime and get proper rest to help improve symptoms.

Natural proven tinnitus remedies can make a tremendous difference in treating tinnitus. The trick is to find the very best tinnitus cures and implement them. There are a few excellent strategies that when used, can greatly improve your symptoms and cure them in less than a week. It is highly recommended to continue your search for the best ones for you to end the ringing in your ear. - 15438

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