Saturday, January 24, 2009

Low Carb Dieting For Successful Weight Loss

By Loralie Rodgers

There are many ways on the market to lose weight. One of the most notable ones is Low carb dieting, that first originated with the Atkins diet. Many people have lost and gained and become frustrated and look for a simple and easy quick loss plan. There are many reasons for people wanting to lose weight, some people are upset about that couple of pounds and some have hundreds to lose, some need to lose for medical reasons.

With the increasing incidents of obesity in North America more and more people want to lose weight. Some often don't care how they lose it. Some people try different methods, often starting with limiting food portions, then they attempt diet pills. Some have surgery to shrink the size of their stomachs in hopes of limiting the amount of food they can physically consume. The more often they try to lose weight the more stressed they become and the more weight they gain. In recent years low carb dieting has had some success, but it too has its draw backs.

Dieting is an industry in itself. There are many diets out there, including the low carb diet. This diet works, but so do all diets, if followed the way it was meant to be followed. Sometimes we stray we may have a function to attend and the food that you are to eat is not available. Sometimes life gets in the way, the most important thing to remember when this happens there is the next day. Don't allow one mistake undo all the work you acheived prior to that one event. Wake up and continue like the night before never happened. Don't be upset with yourself. Always remember it isn't the once in a while episode that brought you where you are today, it is a life long change recognize, realize and let it go. Once we have come to that realization that is when are road to permanent weight loss will be achieved.

To be successful with this diet, you need to understand food groups, which ones to eat and which ones to avoid. Carbohydrates come in many forms, breads, rice, pasta, potatoes, flour, sugar the list goes on. Fruit is often not allowed due to the sugar content. Meal planning is simple with the low carb diets. There are protein shakes and bars on the market that can be purchased as meal replacements, just need to make sure the protein content is high and the carb content is low.

Most criticism of low carbohydrate dieting is based on the fact that the dieters will get most of their daily calories from meat, dairy and other high fat products. This can lead to high cholesterol and other problems related to a high intake of saturated fats. Medical advice is advised before starting this type of diet. Sometimes weight loss is good in the early stages but people cannot handle the restrictions in the longer term and start to deviate from the diet.

One of the problems that many people have with low carb dieting is the elimination of bread and pasta. No more toast, spaghetti or pizza! Many of the foods that are quickest to prepare are based around carbohydrates - burgers in their buns, fries, sandwiches, pasta and sauce. Beer and other alcoholic drinks are high in carbs too. It is true that alcohol is generally restricted on any diet, because it is high in calories and very low in nutritional value, but low carb diets put particular emphasis on this. Still there are many foods that can be enjoyed on a low carb diet. If you are fond of meat you will relish the opportunity to consume beef, chicken and other animal products. The popularity of these diets is clear from the length of time that they stay on the bestseller lists. It is just a matter of what suits you. Low carb dieting works for many people.

Body cleansing along side a low carb diet will put your weight loss. If you do a good body cleanse at least once a month ( weekly is ideal ) will definetely help in losing excess fat and keeping it off. - 15438

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