Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Acne Problems

By Lucy Collins

Solving your acne problems may not be as hard as you might think. You just might not have tried the right solutions yet.

Acne is just one of those simple annoyances that we have to deal with throughout our lives. Fortunately getting rid of acne is not as touch as everyone makes it out to be, you just have to find the right way to treat your acne, and then how to prevent it from ever coming back!

First of all, when acne comes rolling on in, and pushes up to the surface of your face, do not touch it! The grease and oil on your hand as well as dirt will get into your infected area, and it can cause that pimple to spread! The best thing for you to do is just simply leave it alone.

So don't scratch or irritate the area in any way and do not pop pimples, especially. Grease and oil collecting inside the pimple may spread around the surrounding skin, and though you may try and wash after you pop a pimple you'll still find that pimples start to arise as a result of the popped pimple.

Your first line of defense against acne is for you to wash your face regularly with a mild soap or even dedicated acne treatment soap. While you may be hesitant to believe it, simply washing your face two or three times a day may well be the only treatment you need to remain acne free. It is essential however that you avoid overly harsh types of soap, remembering that a mild soap, capable of cleansing your pores, is all that is required.

If you are looking for something over-the-counter that you can use to clear up your skin, try using Benzoyl Peroxide. With Benzoyl Peroxide, you will apply it once or twice everyday, and basically watch your skin clear up. The Benzoyl Peroxide actually works to break up all of the dead skin cells in order to clear out dirt, and open your pores! You can usually find Benzoyl Peroxide within a lotion and you can apply this lotion directly to your face at least once every day!

You should stay away from oily skin products such as many makeups. Some makeups are terrible for acne and can cause serious breakouts over a short period of time. There are oil free makeups made for people with acne prone skin that you should use.

They say a person's body is only as good as the food that person eats and this is especially true for acne sufferers. In fact, if your diet consists largely of fast foods or other greasy foods with a high fat content, then that could well be the reason you have acne in the first place. Be kind to your skin as well as the rest of your body by eating healthy foods.

As with all treatments, some work for you and some don't. However, if you follow the advice I have mentioned in this article, you will without doubt, notice an improvement and in most cases, a total cure. To sum it all up, leave those pimples alone, keep your face clean and cut back as much as possible of all that junk food. - 15438

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