Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Fitness Ball - Using It In Pilates

By Julia Channel

Looking for quick results? Using a fitness ball combined with Pilates will achieve just that " and you will have fun as well!

Balancing on the fitness ball helps you work your stabilising muscles, creating a very high quality workout.

The fitness ball was originally called the Pezzi Ball, then the Swiss ball. It has a diameter of around 35 to 85 cm. It is made from an elastic form of PVC, which is strong enough to withstand the pressure it is placed under.

Although Swiss balls were initially used with newborns and infants, they started being used in the fitness industry and as a physiotherapy tool. Though these fitness balls were never intended for Pilates, as soon as devotees of the program realised their value, they eagerly incorporated them into all their routines.

You can get that trim tight body you have been yearning for by doing Pilates, and using the fitness ball will increase the intensity of these exercises because you need to use your core muscles to balance yourself. When you add a fitness ball to the equation, you are giving your workout a big boost. The ball causes you to constantly use deep muscles to maintain your balance. This gives you a Pilates workout that packs twice the punch.

How does the fitness ball do this? It works on the micro stabilisers around your spine, strengthening the associated muscles and reducing the chances of future lower back pain. In turn, the strengthened muscles around the spine afford even more overall body strength " you can achieve extended workouts with less fatigue.

The fitness ball also works on the other core body muscles " the abdominal muscles " in much the same way as for the back muscles " toning and strengthening over time.

Using a fitness ball allows you to reduce how many humdrum repetitive exercises you do by spicing up your work out. Forget that hard floor and say hello to some extra bounce!

Would you like more? You can add weights to the mix: just take care that you choose a much lower weight than for a usual routine, because the combination of stabilising and weights intensifies the workout. You will feel your overall strength increasing rapidly. With this method, you will feel your confidence explode as the weight you can lift grows.

The use of a fitness ball in Pilates requires careful attention to your form. Remember that using the ball increases the intensity of your workout dramatically. Allow yourself the freedom to complete a lower level of reps, maintaining perfect form. The stabiliser muscles will become stronger and you will soon discover that your fitness level has increased.

For more information on the benefits of using a fitness ball in your workout program, be sure to visit the website. - 15438

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