Friday, January 9, 2009

How To Look Slimmer With Lower Stomach Exercises

By Brian Stratmore

While is a global disease to concentrate on just crunches, people have to be aware that they only work the upper ab area. It is equally important to work on your lower stomach to be able to look fitter.

In order to see results with lower stomach exercises, you must also work on lowering your fat levels. You can do repetition after repetition, but without a good meal plan and cardio exercises, you will never get to see those nicely developed muscles.

Don't think that you can lose fat only on that area. This is what many people call "spot toning", and it isn't anything but a myth.

The percentage of fat you store on the lower stomach is determined by your genes. There are people who tend to store more fat in this area that others, that have fat well distributed in all parts of the body.

Okay, let's get to the easy exercises for the lower stomach:

Reversed Crunches

A reverse crunch is an exercise that targets the lower muscles in your stomach. This exercise must be performed correctly and I recommend doing it on an exercise mat as it helps relieving stress in the lower back.

Lie on the floor and elevate your legs until they are perpendicular to the floor, bend a little your knees and cross your legs at the ankles.

Rest your arms on the floor on your sides.

Relax your shoulders, rest your head on the floor and make sure your back is straight, then lift slowly your hips off the floor, pushing them towards the sky.

Hold the position there and lower your body keeping 100% control

Leg Lifts on a Chair

Another great exercise for the lower abs, and the best thing is that you can do it in your office. here's how to do it.

Sit on a chair with your back flat against its back.

Rest your hands on the desk and slowly lift your legs off the ground. Hold the muscle contraction for eight seconds.

Slowly and with muscle control, take your legs back the floor.

Repeat as many times as you want, but don't overdo it. It is better if you increase the repetitions gradually. - 15438

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