Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Finding a Cellulite Treatment That Works

By Franca Bellucia

Cellulite affects most women sometime in their life. Sometimes it happens to men - usually when they are overweight - but women are thought to be more prone due to the higher fat content in their bodies. While cellulite is often associated with being overweight, there is not an exact correlation with some thin women experiencing the condition.

The unrealistic images that the media portray can be harmful to women. It is often a comfort to many women when they find out the most female celebrities also have the condition and it is something that is normal.

The cause of cellulite is found right below the layer of skin. Here, there is thin pockets of fat which are contained in honeycomb like structures. If this fat begin the bulge from this honeycomb then cellulite starts and dimpling appears on the upper side of the skin.

While cellulite is mostly seen in the thighs, hips and buttocks it can also be found in other areas of the body like the back, stomach and even the neck. The occurrence of this condition is often related to the genes that you have inherited. This is why slender women can still suffer from cellulite even if they don't have much excess fat.

While genes are a major cause environmental factors can also be a major risk for the condition. Things such as smoking, being overweight and drinking too much alcohol can increase you risk of developing cellulite. Other risk factors including a slow metabolism, dehydration, spicy foods, certain medication (including the contraceptive pill) and not enough exercise.

Age is another major risk factor. As a woman gets older the skin begins to lose its strength and elasticity, and the structure that keeps the fat underneath the skin in place starts to lose its ability to secure the fat.

The first step in fighting back against cellulite is to change your life. Drink plenty of water, exercise and consume more fruit and vegetables. Eliminate the bad foods such as coffee, chocolate and those high in fats.

It is important that when you start to exercise that you use both the cardio equipment and weights. Toning your muscles will help to set a solid foundation for the fat beneath the skin and stretch the skin to reduce the appearance of those dimples.

Consider complimenting your exercise and diet regime with other cellulite treatments. You can consider treatments like cream, lotions, laser, wraps or laser. A quick search online will help you find more information about these treatments and will help you make an informed choice. - 15438

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