Monday, January 5, 2009

The Top 5 Features For Your Massage Chair

By James Knolan

We present the 5 top features you should consider when buying a massage chair. These features help you really tailor the massage chairs to your needs. There are so many choices when it comes to massage chairs. You want to sort the wheat from the chaff. If you are seriously considering a massage chair, then think about these most important features and how they might help you.

Kneading Massage: The kneading function in a massage chair recliner is the most important. The kneading massage is a gentle or firm squeezing movement. The rollers must move sideways across your back to perform a kneading massage. Make sure that the massage chair you purchase has a motor that is dedicated just to the kneading massage. This is ensures that the kneading will have sufficient torque from the motor to perform flawlessly.

Air Massage System: The lower body massage is more effectively covered with an air massage system. An air massage system uses airbags to perform squeezing and holding movements. Air bags can be designed in any shape and size. They are used for the feet, calves, thighs, hips, buttocks, arms and hands. Since they are very flexible, they can be used throughout the massage chair recliner. Air systems use a compressor and a manifold to regulate the air flow to the various airbags. For effective relief for the body extremities an air massage system is the way to go.

Manual Massage Programs: Manual massage technique programs are the individual motions that the back rollers can perform. Massage chairs have between 3 and 5 manual programs. You can specify the massage technique and the chair performs just that massage technique. The most important manual programs are kneading, tapping and rolling. Shiatsu is usually a combination of kneading and tapping and may be labeled as its own manual technique. A nice manual technique is Sway or Hawaiian massage. This is a gentle side to side motion which is great for loosening tight back muscles.

Footrest Extension: This is a rather simple feature, but since massage chairs originated in Japan, they have always been small for the American market. To accommodate taller users (i.e. the average American), a footrest extension is critical. Most foot rest extensions allow the foot rest to go out an extra 3 to 4 inches. This doesn?t seem like a lot, but it is the difference between fitting in the massage chair and not. If you are five foot ten or over, you definitely want to investigate this further.

Music - Massage Synchronization: The top massage chair manufacturers have incorporated a music and massage synchronization function. This is a fascinating technology. With the touch of a button, the massage will synchronize its movements to the rhythm of the music. The intensity of the massage also varies with the tempo. Rock music will produce a more invigorating massage then say classical music. It is an interesting technology and when coupled with the right music can be very effective in reducing stress.

We are presenting the five key features that are available from the best massage chairs on the market today. These features represent some interesting innovation on the part of the massage chair manufacturers. These chairs continue to advance rapidly and the choices are getting wider and the features more effective. Make sure you determine the important results you want for your longer term massage therapy needs. Find the right chair just for your needs. - 15438

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