Saturday, January 3, 2009

How I Changed My Life With My Children's Trampoline

By Jane Bracken

Last year, my husband told me that he thought we should get a trampoline for our sons. I told him that I thought the boys were too young and that he must be crazy. He talked me into it, however, and now that we have it, I have to agree that he was right. The boys took to it right away.

Somehow, they convinced me to try it. I was over 35 and not in the best shape, bouncing on a trampoline for the first time. I began to think I was crazy as well for even trying it, but when I saw how much the boys enjoyed exercising with me, I set my negative thoughts aside. It turned out the trampoline wasnat just for the children a" it was for the whole family!

Every day it seemed as if we were staying on the trampoline for longer periods of time. I soon discovered that my health was improving and that my jeans were not as tight. I had been physically active my whole life, and it was rather depressing to see my muscle tone fade over the years. Those initial few pounds lost gave me quite a thrill!

Before I knew it, I was spending at least an hour on the trampoline every day and so were the boys. It was great! The physical exertion wore the boys out, and they were also getting more fit every day that went by.

The benefits for me have been tremendous. My legs, as I mentioned above, are now strong and solid again, allowing me to return to my chosen profession working with horses. My core muscles became tight, and the baby fat slowly melted away. I have more endurance for chasing my sons around the yard. My clothes all fit better in fact I had to go shopping and buy a new wardrobe!

My sister finds it hilarious that my first trampoline came along under the guise of being our children's trampoline. Since she has never seen the benefits, or experienced the pure joy of playing with kids on a trampoline, I tell her not to knock it until she tries it.

While this trampoline is still in wonderful shape, I have been looking recently for a replacement trampoline. Iad like something a bit bigger, now that the boys are growing. There are some rectangular shaped varieties available, which would give us a bit more room to learn how to flip and do complicated tricks. Looks like even more fun to be had!

Is thirty-five too old to learn to jump on a trampoline? Heavens no! I think everyone should learn to jump, and experience the joy and health benefits first hand. It is a great stress reliever, muscle builder, and fat burner. The cardio-vascular benefits are amazing as well. My entire family would encourage anyone to go and get a trampoline! - 15438

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