Friday, January 9, 2009

Getting Rid of Toxins Reduces Cellulite

By Gal Bishop

Nobody likes cellulite. It's ugly and lumpy. Unfortunately though, almost everyone has some. In fact, about ninety percent of all women have to deal with cellulite problems. A lot of things can cause you to have cellulite. Many people think it's related to weight, but it doesn't have to be. No matter what you weigh, you can get it. So, how do you fix it? Well, first you have to understand it.

If you want to understand cellulite, the first thing you need to know is that it's a form of fat cell. You also need to understand that your skin contains connective tissue and liquid surrounding that tissue. The liquid nourishes your skin and removes toxins and waste products. If, for some reason, the liquid can't do its job properly, toxins build up in your skin. The result is lumpy, ugly cellulite deposits.

The next step to understanding cellulite is to know where the toxins come from. That's a bit easier said than done, though. There are lots of possible causes of a toxin build up in your skin.

One of the biggest things you can do for yourself, as far as getting rid of cellulite, is to drink plenty of water. It's a fact that water helps you to stay healthy. Hydration can also help you to reduce cellulite, though, since it removes toxins from your system.

As for how much water, I'm sure your first thought is 8 glasses a day. We've all heard that before. The truth is, though, that the amount of water you should drink has a lot to do with your body type and your lifestyle. If you live in a hot area or exercise often, for instance, you probably need water more often than someone who is less active and lives in a cooler climate.

Another thing to keep in mind about trying to avoid cellulite is to eat healthy foods as much as possible. Try to eat junk food, caffeine and alcohol only in moderation. Those sorts of things can really build up your toxin levels. If you do eat a lot of those things at any point, try to drink more water. That way, you'll flush the toxins out a bit better.

One thing you might not have thought about that definitely plays a role in cellulite is smoking. Smoking, aside from being bad for your general health, can actually cause the connective tissue in your skin to get weaker. That can build up cellulite. So, if you smoke, you may want to quit, if you want to get rid of that cellulite trouble.

Stress and cellulite also go hand-in-hand. So, the bottom line is that, if you want to avoid cellulite, you should try to lead a healthy lifestyle and stay as calm as possible. Only then can you turn the tide in your favor and reduce your cellulite problems. - 15438

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