Friday, January 9, 2009

Fat Burning Workouts To Lose The Extra Weight

By Gina Gardi

It's easy to lose weight initially with any exercise program and good eating habits. You see results more quickly and right away. This is great motivation, but then your fat loss starts to slow down and you don't see the results. It's hard to continue when your reach this plateau.

Don't lose faith. It's normal to lose weight quickly in the beginning and slow down after some time. It seems harder. Adding variety and increasing your intensity temporarily may just be what your body needs. Reaching a 100% or your fat burning goals is achievable and you can keep it off with smart training and a proper diet.

The difficulty in shedding those last few pounds of fat may just be due to lack of persistence. After reaching a certain weight you may just be happy with how much you've accomplished and start going back to your old habits. In a sense you give up before you've reached your initial goal.

Don't give up before your reach your goal because this can have negative long term effects. It will be even more difficult the next time you try to sick to your goals. Persistence to stick to your goal will help you develop good habits of following through and will give you a positive morale boost.

Working out smart and eating smart are what will get you to the desired weight, not necessarily workout out harder. Combining cardio and strength training is a much more efficient way to burn fat than cardio alone or strength training with long rests between exercises.

A common mistake most people make is sticking to the same workout for over 6 weeks. But burning fat requires not only a combination of cardio and resistance training but also variety and increasing intensity.

Performing the same exercise routing for more than 6 weeks leads to a plateau because your muscles adapt by being more efficient. Therefor your body requires less energy to perform the same routine which in turn burns less calories. So it's crucial to add variety and vary your intensity.

If you walk everyday at the same pace and for the same amount of time you'll notice that after a while you lose less weight. Add intervals by challenging yourself to walk faster for a few minutes or walking up hills or increase the total time you walk.

Same applies to resistance training or weight lifting. Change the exercises, and the intensity every 6 weeks or so to continue to burn fat and benefit. Again variety is key to keep your muscles and your body challenged enough so that you continue to burn fat and keep it off. - 15438

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