Monday, January 5, 2009

Bodybuilding Not Just For The Young

By Zul Rahman

Body building is not just a sport for younger people, in fact body building proves to be very beneficial for seniors too. There are a lot of health benefits for seniors like you who got involved in body building sports.

Body building could help you to have a better heart, physically fit and achieve overall optimum health. It helps to condition your body and tone your muscle.

Healthy and active seniors like you are mostly free from major diseases like heart problems, diabetes and hypertensions. No doubt healthy body and healthy lifestyle helps you to stay on top of your health and delay your aging process.

You experience fountain of youth, great feeling and the world opens up in front of you. Your confidence level goes up to the roof, you are energetic and ready to embrace the world and conquer the consequences.

How could you achieved optimal health with body building?

How does senior body building different from the others? The answer is there is no different. The only difference is probably the phase and intensity of your workouts, routines and schedules.

Before you decide on this new exciting adventure, check with your health care professional first. Take your doctos advice to the letter and take their approval to the gym.

Always remember safety is your number one priority. It is advisable to get a professional personal trainer who can guide you and work your schedules with you according to your ability.

How do you know what kind of exercise routine to follow, how many sets of workout to do, how many routines and what is the right amount of weight to lift? That's why you need a professional trainer. He or she will draw a workout plan for you.

In order to achieve your ultimate goal in body building, don't overlook your daily diet. Proper diet should be part of your body building arsenal. Eating right and eating properly will help you to build your muscles as well as speed up the healing process of muscle tear.

Protein is an important ingredients here. Some experts suggest that you should take one gram of protein for each pound of your body weight everyday. You could also includes protein supplements in your diet.

Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. I know you have heard of this enough, but they are so important in balance diet that I cannot help but to remind you again.

As mentioned before safety is your mantra here. Safety, safety, safety. Before starting any routine or exercise make sure that they are within your capability and proceed with caution.

You should always wear proper attire during the training. You must be properly equipped with safety gear such as weight belt when doing the weight lifting. Talk to your professional about this.

Welcome to the new world of senior body builders. As a new chapter in your life is open in front of you, your potential is limitless. Enjoy your new body and rejuvenate your new spirit. Every minute of your life is meaningful and reap the benefits to the fullest. - 15438

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