Saturday, January 31, 2009

Is The Cabbage Soup Diet A Fraud

By Cathy C

There's a very simple description for the cabbage soup diet FRAUD. Anything else is just a lot of noise. But in case you're curious here is additional information.

The origins of the cabbage soup diet are nebulous. It first appeared in the early 1980s, faxed from person to person like a chain letter. There were many names for the diet, occasionally a well-known institution such as St. Jude's diet. Any suggested relationship to these institutions is fabricated.

Most people on the cabbage soup diet drink nothing but H2O (water) or unsweetened fruit juice. A general outline of the diet is something like this.

Day one -- cabbage soup and fruit, no bananas.

Day two -- vegetables and the cabbage soup, which could include a half baked potato with no butter.

Day three -- cabbage soup plus vegetables and fruit, not including bananas or potato.

Day four -- have the benefit of the daily Cabbage soup plus up to eight bananas and skimmed milk.

Day five -- cabbage soup and as much as 20 ounces of beef, as well as six tomatoes.

Day six -- cabbage soup and as a good deal of beef and vegetables as you can eat, no potatoes.

Day seven -- cabbage soup, brown rice, vegetables, unsweetened fruit juice, except no potatoes.

According to the cabbage soup diet you could go down 10 pounds in just a week. What the diet doesn't specify is that most of that weight loss would be water. It's impossible to lose 10pounds of weight in a week. But given a weekthe cabbage soup diet could make someone seriously ill from malnutrition.

In addition the cabbage soup diet isn't straightforward. Not because it's too complicated, but rather because seven days of cabbage soup becomes tedious. Many people who have started the cabbage soup diet quit after only one or two days. Even as more exciting cabbage soup recipes, including some with various spices, made the rounds people still gave up early.

In general nothing quite as extreme as the cabbage soup diet is considered necessary to lose weight. Exercise more and cut out calories in order to achieve a goal. - 15438

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Lipo Disolve and Rapid Weight Loss

By Charles Donovan

The United States has one of the highest percentages (of population) of overweight people of all the countries in the world. Therefore, it isn't surprising that any product or procedure that aids in weight loss would be extremely popular. The particular treatment that will be discussed in this article is called Lipo Disolve. It is a fairly new treatment with a revolutionary way of getting rid of/ "dissolving" the fat from your body.

It is important to look at alternatives to lipo disolve in order to establish the relative positive and negative aspects of the procedure. The first alternatives that come to people's heads are usually, liposuction, exercise, eating healthy and diet pills. Some of these are more popular than others, and some require a greater amount of dedication than others.

Many of these options can and should be combined. For example, someone may try to lose weight by eating a healthy diet, exercising and possibly taking diet pills as well. However, it isn't clear how long the process will take as it depends on so many factors, such as how dedicated they are to their new program, if they actually know enough about nutrition to rid themselves of unnecessary fat and calories, and what their actual weight loss goals consist of.

It is fairly safe to say that someone that went in and had three lipo disolve treatments and also continued to exercise and eat healthy would most likely see results a lot faster than someone that chose another method. The quickest way to lose your fat is probably to have liposuction surgery. This is also the riskiest option because you never know what kind of complications you might run into during the surgery. This is one of the biggest reasons why lipo disolve is really growing in popularity because its kind of a mixture of doing it the hard way and doing it the easy way.

Another factor that makes lipo disolve so attractive is its cost relative to liposuction. It is difficult to pinpoint an exact figure as variables such as the number of treatments required, the amount of fat, the area being targeted, and the location in which you have the procedure preformed come into play however, lipo disolve typically costs between $300-$2500. On the other hand liposuction costs around $10,000.

There is one question that must be answered concerning lipo disolve though and that it, "Are there any major health risks or side effects associated with the procedure". So far no major side effects have been reported. Lipo disolve has been practiced for approximately 10 years so long term side effects may still present themselves.

So if you are currently in the market for a way to lose weight quickly lipo disolve might just be the best solution for you. It obviously is very important that you discuss this with your doctor prior to making any decisions, but this should get you well on your way. - 15438

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How to Naturally Control Diabetes

By Marcus Clarkson

The biggest problem faced by many people today who suffer from diabetes is being able to control the condition effectively. Unfortunately, there is no real cure for this health problem, but there are plenty of conventional and alternative treatments now available that can be used to help in controlling it. In fact, studies carried out in the USA have shown that using diabetes natural control treatments over conventional ones can help reduce the risk of complications in a person by as much as 60 percent.

However, in this article, we look at just what some of these natural treatments are which can be used to control diabetes if you suffer from it. Certainly, there are many advantages to be gained from using natural rather than manmade products, the main of which is that they do not cause side effects. Where as with those made using chemicals can cause additional health problems to the person using them including such as skin allergies and dizziness.

Plus choosing to use natural treatments for controlling diabetes is actually far safer. As well as the cost of buying the natural treatments over the chemical ones is much cheaper, and they are far readily available as well. Now let us look at some of the natural treatments that you may want to consider trying.

1. Pterocarpus Marsupium or Indian Kino contains a gum resin, which looks similar to dried blood and why it is more commonly referred to as Dragon's Blood. This has been used for many centuries now in Indian medicine and especially for treating diabetes.

2. Bitter Melon (Momordica Charantia) also known as Balsam Pear is grown in South America, Africa and Asia and just like the above-mentioned herb has been used for centuries to treat diabetes. It is the fresh juice and the extract from the unripened fruit, which have been found to be effective at helping to control a diabetic's blood sugar.

3. Gymnema Sylvestre or Gurmar helps the pancreas in producing insulin that people unable to make when they suffer from Type 2 Diabetes. But this herb also contains properties, which helps the body to actually lower blood sugar in both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes also.

4. Onion and Garlic are both effective at helping to control a person's diabetes as like all the other herbs previously mentioned they contain properties that are good at controlling their blood sugar. But unlike some of the herbs previously mentioned these are very readily and easily available.

But along with the above-mentioned diabetes control, natural treatments there are plenty of others that are readily available and which are just as suitable. For example, you may want to try Bilberry, Cinnamon, Stevia, Fenugreek, Blueberry leaves as well. But if you do it is important that you discuss the matter with your doctor first. - 15438

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Here Are 6 Tips to Build Muscle Faster

By Allen Brian

People are impatient naturally, and this is especially true when trying to achieve body mass goals. Many people want to find out how they can quickly build muscle, and there are a few things to remember if you want to see results in just weeks.

The very first thing you know while you get started build you muscle is not to do many workouts. Many people think that the harder workout exercise (reps, liftings and weights) they do, the greater results they will get. That is totally incorrect.

Muscle building is a science; there are specific ways to build muscles faster. But overexerting is definitely not a right way to do it. If your muscles were overtrained or overexerted, you may lose on weeks or even months workout time due to the recovery of muscles. With the lying on your back, it is impossible for you to build muscle.

Keep the weights that you lift at about 70% to 80% of your maximum muscle strength. At this stage of muscle damage, muscle is not overtrained and will add more muscles after the muscle repairs itself. Finishing workout exercise within one hour is what we called fast muscle building. It cause accumulated lactic acid in body and hurts your muscle building process.

Stop Aerobics Exercise

Aerobics don't help in muscle mass building. But they are good for cardio. In reality, muscle building will be interfered by aerobics.

Eat Meat And Fish

Intake mass fish and lean red meats. Such as, salmon that contains high amounts of Omega-3. The more meat is better. Meat contains a lot of protein, which will enhance muscle growth.

Get Plenty of Rest

Get a day of rest for each day that you spend lifting weights. It means that one-day workout, one-day rest. No 2 continuous days of workout. There is a way you can try out. Day one, workout for your chest muscle, day two, workout for abdominal muscle. Why we doing so are letting muscles have time to rest and repaired itself. You also need to get enough sleep. Your body requires plenty of sleep in order to heal. Just like we said above, muscle mass is built by healing muscles.

Suitable hydration is essential for continuous muscle building. The function of suitable hydration is regulating your body temperature, cushioning your joints, eliminating body waste and carrying nutrition. Above thing are important for having a healthy body and working out.

Protein Matters

When trying to build muscles quickly, you should definitely add lean red meats (steak), lean chicken, turkey, tuna, salmon, and eggs to your meal plan. Eating lean meats are essential for muscle building. Testosterone level in your body is important for your muscle growth, fat loss and muscle strength. Salmon and red meats are good and they can increase your testosterone level.

Ask Your Doctor

For the proper rest of muscles, you need to talk to your doctor regularly. Your doctor will advice you how to stay in healthy.

Plenty of Sleep

Sleeping is important for building muscle faster. You should sleep as least 8 hours a day. That is the minimum time frame for your muscle to rest. If you have any chance for sleeping, sleep as much as you can for more muscle mass growth. - 15438

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Should you believe those bodybuilding magazines?

By Jon Cardozo

It's hard for a new weightlifter or bodybuilder to sift through all the information, especially online. As you would expect, a beginner will look for advice from a trusted source.

Many times that source will be the magazine shelf at any number of bookstores. Bodybuilding magazines are quite popular and often inspire a beginner to try to reach new heights.

However, beginners should be aware about something before they believe everything they read in a bodybuilding magazine. Unfortunately, these magazines often recommend supplements because they want to make money, not necessarily because the products really are helpful.

Sometimes the supplement company and the magazine are one of the same. However, even if the supplement company is a completely separate corporation, that doesn't mean you can believe everything in the magazine. Remember that magazines make money with advertisements, so they're unlikely to contradict any advertisements from supplement companies.

This wouldn't be such a problem if most readers realized this and had a healthy dose of skepticism when reading such ads. It also doesn't help that many of the claims made by the supplement industry are questionable at best. Unfortunately, too many people take these ads as the gospel truth without doing some much needed investigation.

This brings us back to a critical concept of bodybuilding which tells us that supplements should not be the basis for a muscle building program. A few supplements can be useful for the advanced trainer who is trying to maximize his gains and has already developed a solid weightlifting and diet program.

Most supplements, however, are either useless or are simply not necessary. The essential components of any bodybuilding program will always be progressive resistance training and increasing one's daily calories. Looking for shortcuts when you have not even mastered the basics will simply lead to disappointment and a lot of wasted money.

How do you learn these fundamentals of muscle building? Well, hiring a personal trainer can be pretty expensive, so that may not be the best option for you. Nevertheless, there are some good courses online that can teach you what it takes to build muscle naturally. - 15438

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TV Tells Us So

By James Gilbert Pynn

It can bee argued, successfully, I think, that before the explosion of crime lab shows, like CSI and Law and Order, it was not very cool to be a forensics geek. All it took was the sheer power of Hollywood and Jerry Bruckheimer to make the lowly lab tech into a sexy profession. There was a day being the cop was where the cultural respect went. Then came Quincy and it all started to go to pot. This is not to diminish what real lab technicians and scientists do, but I suppose were a bit programmed to think whats on TV is whats acceptable.

But I digress. Anyway, the forensics we see on TV is not really what happens in the lab. What happens with forensics is heavily based, I think, on a process called chromatography. See, that doesnt sound so sexy, does it? Its like most scientific things " they dont sound very appealing unless its David Caruso saying it in a raspy voice. And, I suppose its not really whats said but how its said. He could say the cause of death was blunt trauma from a bologna sausage and wed all nod and creep closer to he screen.

A brief survey of my Google results tells me there are a heck of lot of chromatographies. I know thats a misspelled word, but there is gas chromatography, liquid chromatography, ion exchange chromatography, affinity chromatography " there are more chromatographies than you shake a stick at. What the process allows for, essentially, is the precise separation of complex chemical mixtures using a color-coded matrix. Eh? How about them apples?

In essence, the process corresponds a color with a specific chemical compound. Say, for this example, that the chemicals in lipstick turn the chromatographic paper blue. You take a swab of the poor victim from Central Casting and lo and behold, David Caruso gets to say something like this: The evidence is consistent with the presence of cosmetic ingredients. Presto: Hollywood magic.

And so the show must go on and we all, despite our better judgment, go on believing that lab techs are hip and cool and that David Caruso is a good actor. Ok, ok, I know, that was a cheap shot. Still, its a good lesson on how we perceive things the way the culture wants us to. If Hollywood says lab techs are cool " by Jove, theyre cool! How about Hollywood makes a series about busboys or security guards. Wait, I think they already may have. Does Christian Slaters Untamed heart count? - 15438

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5 Myths on Cellulite Reduction Debunked

By Tara L Riazanov

It is often surprising to see the amount of money people are willing to spend on a cellulite treatment. What is sad is that many people are choosing a product with hefty claims without understanding how cellulite forms. This leads to poor decisions regarding which product to buy.

This is why it is important to have some knowledge about the condition before you are misled by slick marketing campaigns. The first step is to debunk some myths about what cellulite is and what the best way is to get rid of it.

1. Cellulite Begins When You're Over 40

As people get older they put on more weight and the structure holding their cells together begins to breakdown. This makes age a major risk factor for cellulite. However, the condition can occur at any age including when you are a teenager.

2. You Have to be Overweight to Get It

Skinny women can - and certainly do - get cellulite. This is because the cellulite occurs at the thin layer of fat beneath the skin and this layer hangs around even when a woman has very little overall fat content. Overweight people are more likely to get the condition because of their fat levels.

3. Sodium is a Major Cause

A sensational myth is that the sodium found in soda pop leads to cellulite because it causes the fat cells in the body to became larger and harder. There is no evidence that this is true. But what soda pop does have is sugar which can cause people to put on more weight and fat.

4. The Problem Areas are Always the Thighs and Bum

The thighs and buttocks are the most common place for the condition but it can also occur elsewhere. This can include your arms, stomach, lower legs and neck. These other areas are more likely to develop cellulite when you are more overweight.

5. Diet and Exercise Are The Only Treatments

As already mentioned, cellulite is caused mainly by being overweight but there are other risk factors as well. While losing weight and exercising more will do wonderful things for the appearance of your cellulite you should also explore using other treatments to increase the affects.

Treatments for cellulite removal include cellulite cream, massage, radio therapy, sound wave therapy, laser therapy and body wraps. Your beauty spa will have more information on these treatments and how they can help the cellulite reduction process. A surgical alternative to these treatments is liposuction. - 15438

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A Review of Joint Advance Formula

By Amy Clark

Joint Advance is a product that provides rapid and lasting relief from arthritis joint pain. Similarly, it develops and enhances the building blocks of the cartilages in the body. For healthier and sturdier joints, and completely relieve the aches and pains of your joints, then Joint Advance is absolutely the ideal option for you.

Osteoarthritis (OA) and Joint Advance

Currently, roughly twenty one million patients in America have Osteoarthritis (a.k.a. OA). With the pervasiveness of OA, it's fairly easy to deduce that a product such as the Joint Advance supplement is immensely helpful.

A majority of patients regularly use basic painkillers like ibuprofen, Tylenol, and aspirin to relieve pain. But also consider that these pain remedies do not provide any specific relief to the disease and can even further aggravate the condition by generating gastrointestinal complications and other severe side effects.

However, the Joint Advance supplement has been proven to promote the development of cartilages, and offer more powerful dosages of day-to-day nutrients. The Joint Advance product's natural herbal ingredients will most definitely improve mobility and provide comfort to patients.

Joint Advance and Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis manifests when the body fails to provide a cushion to the joints in the hands, knees, hands, or back as a repercussion of old age. When the protective tissue of the joint becomes weak, the tissue of the bone rubs painfully against the bone, ultimately causing joint swelling, tenderness, and stiffness.

In essence, Joint Advance stimulates the development of your joints, so that when you age, your cartilage and bones can still maintain an active and healthy way of life. When combined, MSM (methyl sulfonylurea methane), chondroitin complex, and glucosamine complex make a powerful supplement that's designed to help you fight OA as you age.

Sulphate and glucosamine HCL, especially, invigorates the production of joint cartilage, which primarily works as a shock absorber for our joints. At some point during the aging process, the cartilage diminishes and weakens, in consequence causing osteoporosis.

Glucosamine Complex

Each tablet of Joint Advance contains 1500mg of Glucosamine complex. Glucosamine, a compound that naturally occurs in the human body, is a main ingredient for joint protection. Often taken alongside Chondroitin Sulfate, Glucosamine is widely considered a safe supplement for personal use.

Chondroitin Sulfate

Each Joint Advance tablet also has 1200 milligrams of Chondroitin sulfate, which is another compound that occurs naturally in the human body. Chondroitin sulfate inhibits certain enzymes from destroying the building blocks of joint cartilage.

Joint Advance and Potential Side Effects

For the most part, Joint Advance has no side effects. Nonetheless, it would still be prudent to think aboutthe fallowing factors:

Due to glucosamine, people who are allergic to shellfish are recommended to call a physician prior to using Joint Advance, due to the fact that it contains shrimp shell.

While most patients proclaim that Glucosamine doesn't have adverse side effects, you should still take note of any difficulties while using the product. For instance, if you experience diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, nausea, heartburn, headache, upset stomach, or any side effects, you should call your doctor right away.

Urgent medical assistance must be sought at the earliest indications of any adverse side effects, particularly common allergies such as itching, chest tightening, rashes, hives, or swelling of the lips, face, tongue, or mouth.

On the whole, long-term users of Joint Advance have complained of no adverse effects. Nevertheless, you should remain careful and cautious always.

To summarize, Joint Advance is proven to advance the formation of healthy joints, which basically are the staple of a strong bone structure for an active and healthy lifestyle. - 15438

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Friday, January 30, 2009

Weight Loss Surgery Abroad At An Affordable Price

By Michael Dunage

There has been an increase in the numbers of weight loss surgery trips abroad from the U.S. There is a growing epidemic of obesity which is spread throughout the nation. Diet and exercise doesn't seem to cut it, therefore many turn to weight loss surgery instead.

Most Insurances do not cover the procedure however, and many that opt for the treatment are usually either uninsured or under insured. Growing numbers are going abroad for weight loss surgery. There are several great destinations for this type of treatment.

Turkey, Costa Rica, Mexico, India, Thailand and Turkey are some of the countries a person can choose from to have marked reductions in the cost of their surgery. Surgery costs can be up to seventy percent reduced from the same surgery in the U.S. This makes weight loss surgery abroad a cost effective way to lose weight. Weight loss surgery abroad is also extremely safe and offers many amenities you wouldn't even find in a surgery performed in the U.S.

Weight loss surgery procedures are becoming increasingly popular in Mexico. There are several weight loss surgical procedures and the specific surgery needed will of course depend on your personal situation. You can begin by contacting a medical travel coordinator or a medical travel company that will explain the process and schedule the arrangement as well as offer an all inclusive package special. These usually include everything except the cost of flight.

The guest house or hotel rooms that are available and used during or in between the surgery are usually just as good as a four or five star hotel room. The personal assistance is superb and the personal attention is second to none. The flights can also be arranged and the patient alone or with family to accompany, are off to the desired destination such a Mexico for the weight loss surgery abroad.

You meet your personal attendant and check into a luxury hotel room nearby the hospital where you will be having weight loss surgery. Mexico hospitals used for this purpose are modern, clean, and have state-of-the art facilities and equipment. You will meet your surgeon who is board certified in weight loss surgery. Mexico may be their choice of practice, but many have trained in the Western countries on modern techniques and have done hundreds of weight loss surgery procedures.

Besides Mexico another destination such as Costa Rica, offers a pleasant experience. This country is one of the fastest developing destinations for tourism and many U.S. citizens are migrating to Costa Rica for retirement and some have vacation homes there already. There are many weight loss surgery programs in place and a great deal of doctors have practiced in the U.S. or are board certified. You can stay in an affordable luxury hotel close by the hospital or medical clinic. You will be transported to meet with the surgical team and doctor shortly after arriving.

When it is time for weight loss surgery, Turkey hospitals also offer luxury hospital rooms. The well trained nursing staff will take care of you and prepare you for weight loss surgery. Turkey hospitals have state-of-the-art surgical suites and your surgery will proceed exactly as in the U.S. After the surgery, the nurses will take care of you before your flight home. - 15438

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Getting the Most of your Anti Aging Cream

By Jen Hopkins

Aging is a natural process. We live life each day, and everything we take in adds to who we are, and who we will be tomorrow. It should be something that is celebrated and not mourned. However, with the appearance of lines and blemishes, it is no wonder that many only focus on the negative part of growing older.

An undeniable factor is, getting older also involves looking completely different from how you did before. It is not the growing older, but rather, the looking older that bothers and worries so many women out there, and so, it is not surprise that women are spending millions of dollars in total for anti wrinkle creams.

We should be fully aware of what to search for in order for us to get the best eye cream. So what ingredients are inside the those effective anti aging products? There may be different types of skin, but there are also different types of eye cream. There are certain common factors between those that actually deliver, in terms of effect.

To start with, those those are commonly bad for your skin have similar ingredients. These are alcohol, petroleum, parabens, artificial fragrances and the like. They are artificial ingredients that either dry the skin, cause breakouts, or trigger allergies. You would never, ever want to have these in the cream you put on one of the thinnest skin on your body.

What you have to do is search for ingredients such as Functional Keratin, Coenzyme Q10, Natural Vitamin E, Phytessence Wakame, Grape seed oil, Manuka Honey, Jobjoba oil, Avocado extract, Olive oil etc. These are natural ingredients in the best eye creams that are proven to have marvelous effects for the skin, smoothening out the wrinkles and giving your skin its original glow. These natural oils like Avocado oil, Olive oil, Jobjoba oil, Babassu oil, and Grape seed oil are moisturizers that will keep your skin from those blemishes caused by dryness.

If you really want your skin to be in its best, choose the best wrinkle cream that has only the best ingredients. - 15438

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Useful Natural Yeast Infection Cures

By June Lyons

You may have heard about yeast infections before, but your actual knowledge about this condition may be quite limited, inaccurate, or even next to nothing. If you or someone you know is pregnant, it's more important to learn the basic facts about yeast infection, as pregnancy puts anyone at higher risk of contracting this disease.

Yeast infections are typically caused by the Candida albicans fungus. This yeast is normally at harmony with the body and usually has a positive function. The delicate balance of yeast can get disrupted and cause infection because of several different reasons that we need to be aware of.

If you have contracted yeast infection for the first time, your doctor may initially give you 150 mg of Diflucan every other day for three doses, to be followed by a tablet once a week for several weeks to control the harmful growth of yeast. Earlier medications like Ketoconazole may put you at a high risk of developing liver damage hence you need to be closely monitored. A once a week dose of Diflucan is seemingly safer. Therefore, you may not require strict monitoring.

Of the usual treatments it is common to see vaginal creme, suppositories, and oral medications being used. To avoid and prevent Yeast Infection is a matter of which advice you trust, but generally it is advisable to avoid wearing tight-fitting clothes, remove damp clothes immediately, and don't bath in soapy baths. Also, you may also consider avoiding bread, and sugar.

What most women do not realize is that the over the counter medications that we often use to treat yeast infections can be harmful. These type of medications treat only the symptoms of the infection and not the infection itself. Even doctor prescribed medications can do nothing more than treat the symptoms of an infection.

When your healthy child or adult gets affected by yeast infection, you will try some kind of medication. But, in case the medication fails or symptoms deteriorate, do not persist with the medication. Try to consult your doctor at the earliest convenience. If your immune system is weakened and you notice any new infections or symptoms, you should contact your doctor. - 15438

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Quick And Easy Fat loss Tips

By Ron C

Folks are always on the look out for quick solutions. Long term programs do require perseverance and patience, but they work the best. Both elements are troublesome. It's no different with weight loss. Folks who want to lose weight are are always looking for the fast weight loss diet. The issue is the pounds return after the diet ends, the yo-yo effect. When integrated into an overall healthy diet, fad diets can be of benefit.

Here's a three day diet sure to take off pounds. But make sure it's just one element of an overall healthy eating regimen.

On day one breakfast is black coffee or tea with Sweet & Low or Equal or a glass of water, 1/2 Grapefruit or eight ounces of Juice, and one piece of toast with 1 tablespoon of Peanut Butter. Lunch consists of 1/2 Cup of Tuna on one slice of toast and black coffee or tea (sweetened with Sweet & Low or Equal) or water. Dinner consists of 3 ounces of a lean meat, one cup of green beans, one cup of carrots, one cup of vanilla ice cream, one medium apple, and as usual black coffee or tea (with Sweet & Low or Equal) or a glass of water.

On the second day breakfast consists of black coffee or tea (with Sweet & Low or Equal) or a glass of water, One egg any way,one piece of toast, and one banana. Lunch is one cup of cottage cheese or tuna, five saltine crackers, and black coffee or tea with Sweet & Low or Equal or water. Dinner includes two beef franks or hot dogs, one half cup of carrots,1 banana, 1 cup of broccoli or cabbage, one half cup of vanilla ice cream, and black coffee or tea with Sweet & Low or Equal or water.

And lastly for day three breakfast consists of black coffee or tea (with Sweet & Low or Equal) or a glass of water, 5 plain saltine crackers, one ounce(slice) cheddar cheese, and one apple. Lunch includes 1 hard boiled egg, a piece of toast, and black coffee or tea (with Sweet & Low or Equal) or a glass of water. Dinner includes one cup of tuna, 1 cup of carrots, one cup of cauliflower, 1 cup of melon, 1/2 cup of regular vanilla ice cream, and black coffee or tea (with Sweet & Low or Equal) or a glass of water.

Cottage cheese can be substituted for tuna, an orange can be substituted for grapefruit, frozen yogurt can substitute the ice cream, and as much lemon, salt and pepper, and mustard can be used as wanted. Please remember that this fast weight loss diet is meant to be a three day diet, only to be followed in conjunction with an overall balanced diet. Another great idea is to ask a nearby hospital what they serve for patients on low calorie diets. - 15438

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Winning Stinks!

By Jennifer Dumas

It is a growing trend to start our children in organized sports at a very young age. Mom, dad, I am sure you proudly recall watching your first born playing soccer at the age of 5. The rules are simple. Everyone plays and nobody loses. Funny how the game always seems to end in a tie. Your little guy chases the ball mixed into a cluster with the other children. It's wild kicking in that cloud of kids. Thank goodness for shin guards! Amazingly, by the end of the season, they have learned some basic positions and are no longer on top of eachother. It is in that moment that you realized that your little one has some real athletic talent.

His atletic career continues to grow. He dabbles in soccer, basketball, baseball and football until he finds the one sport he really excels in. It is then that you see his passion for the game and his true desire to win. You pay for the private instuction and make the commitment to practice and play 5 days a week or more. That hard work pay off as he and his teammates win league games, tournments and move on to thier sports version of the "World Series".

Your child and his or her teammates work hard to achieve the stats necessary to play in the championship tournments. You sell hotdogs, wash cars, and seek sponsors. Your friends , family and community rally around you, contributing to the cause. You have raised the funds...the team will have their opportunity to play.

As you arrive to your "World Series" you are immediately struck by the athletic ability of the opposing teams. It is then that you find out that this tournment allows teams to pick up "stud" players. To stay competitive with the other teams your coach feels he must do the same. The result... Your child and many of his teammates sit on the bench.

What message do we send to our children? "Thanks for all your hardwork this season, but have a seat. You're not good enough to play these kids". Isn't it your child and his teammates played hard to make it to this level? Thats's when a win doesn't feel like a win. - 15438

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When should you hire a Medical Expert Witness?

By A Nutt

In todays world, more often than not, and probably more often than necessary, a dispute of any variety will end up before a judge in a court of law. Car accidents, slip and falls, property damage and malpractice are just some of the reasons the countrys judicial system is so back logged with pending cases. If you are involved in and serious about winning a court case there may come a point where an expert witness could really solidify your testimony to the judge and jury " but at what point do you make the decision that its necessary to hire a medical expert witness?

Almost any court case can benefit from the testimony of a well respected expert witness, but only in certain cases is it necessary to have the testimony of a medical expert witness.

Medical Malpractice

This type of case lets you now that your side will be stronger with a medical expert in your corner right in the name. A medical malpractice suit takes place when you are alleging that a medical professional was either negligent in their duties or lax in follow up care to the point that you were caused physical (or in some cases emotional) damage as a result. If the environment you were operated in wasnt sterile and you ended up with an infection, if there was a sponge left inside of you after your incision was closed or if your doctor failed to give you the appropriate follow up care instructions " then your case is the perfect candidate for using a medical expert witness.

In any of the aforementioned situations a medical expert witness will be able to truthfully address the wrong doings of your doctor and explain how those wrong doings caused the situation that you ended up in at the time of the lawsuit. They will also be able to relay what the appropriate course of action should have been, and testify to the level of success of the same procedure in patients who received the proper care and appropriate after care instructions.

On the Job Injuries

If you have a case against your employer due to an injury that you sustained on the job, then it may be a good idea to contract a medical expert witness. Regardless of what the injury you have is or how you were injured, a medical expert witness testimony may help convince jurors to rule in your favor. In any case that an average person may have difficulty contemplating exactly how the injury came about, a medical expert witness may be necessary to your case " if you received a back injury due to the surface that you stand on, or nerve damage due to a repetitive movement, or anything that isnt customary or common knowledge to a group of your peers as far as injuries are concerned than your likelihood of winning without the testimony of a medical expert witness is slim.

Direct Fault Injuries

If you were hit by an automobile, were tripped up by your neighbors damaged walkway, had a box from a moving truck dropped on you or slipped on a wet tile floor in the mall - and a serious injury resulted, a medical expert witness could certainly help your case. There are so many of these lawsuits occurring every single day that juries arent very inclined to believe the victim " they often view the plaintiff as someone trying to get a quick payday with a phony lawsuit. If you actually have a serious injury and need your medical expenses paid for, a well respected medical expert witness can help to convince the jury of that and help you to win the decision.

A good medical expert witness will be a respected member of the medical community and widely recognized as an expert in the type of injury that your lawsuit is based on. He or she will be able to provide all of the facts and figures present in published reports pertaining to the injury or ailment that you are suffering from and will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the injury or ailment that you are suffering from is a direct result of the actions or lack of action of the cases defendant. - 15438

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Fad Diets And Weight loss

By Ron George

Fad diets are diets designed to be used for a small amount of time. Another popular culture meaning for the term is a diet that becomes wildly popular for a period of a few months to a few years, and then fades into obscurity. Some of these fad diets include the cabbage soup diet, the Atkins diet, and the cookie diet.

Fad diets are sometimes known as food fad-ism. A food dietary fad is a phenomenon in which some food or category of food suddenly becomes very well-liked. These generally have some familiar elements, including:

- Apparently the food is attributed with miraculous powers. - Some foods must be avoided because they have equally amazing powers, but that do adverse things.

The Atkins diet shows the characteristics of one of these fad diets. Carbohydrates are avoided like the plague, as a carbohydrate low diet can do amazing things for your body. In saying this, carbohydrates are the miraculous element, actually the lack of carbohydrates because it creates a metabolic state in which the body burns fat at an amazing pace. This diet even included short phases, followed by sustained periods. But Dr. Atkins did intend that people could eat this way for the rest of their lives.

Truth About Fad Diets

The Atkins diet was also one of these fad diets in that massive popularity was fairly short-lived. For a number of years anybody who was considering of dieting thought about the Atkins diet . Individuals from Hollywood actors to politicians were all using the Atkins diet. But after the loss of life of Dr. Atkins, the diet became much less of a household word.

Fad Diets And The Dangers

Fad diets can be unhealthy. The Subway diet made widespread in television commercials wasn't exempt. At its center was a young guy named Jarred who had lost hundreds of pounds in only a year by eating Subway sandwiches. In reality Jarred reduced his caloric intake from over 10,000 calories a day to only 900. Doctors have the same opinion that weight loss on that scale isn't healthy. The diet did contain many positive things such as exercise, like walking.

Beware of fad diets. You're much better off with you researching how to eat well with a healthy lifestyle on an everyday basis and implement a program of rigorous exercise. - 15438

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How To Free Yourself From Allergic Asthma Symptoms

By Carrie Woodhouse

When allergy strikes, in more than half of the cases it doesn't come alone, but together with allergic asthma. Being incurable diseases, the only hope for the sufferers is the symptomatic medication, like antihistamines, which helps them live a normal life and keep the ailment under control.

When you are diagnosed with allergic asthma, it is very important that you keep yourself away from getting in touch with the substances which trigger your respiratory allergic reaction. These substances, called allergens, can be anything from dust to feathers, latex gloves or even foods.

Test yourself for allergy as soon as you feel that's something wrong with the way you breathe, or in case you notice dermatological manifestations such as rashes, hives or swelling. Take an allergy test and find out what harms you. Thus you'll be able to stay away from those substances.

Spring and fall are two seasons which are dangerous for allergic persons, especially if they have airborne allergies. Pollens are everywhere in these times of year, so sufferers should try to stay indoors as much as they can. If this is not possible, at least avoid getting out in the second part of the day.

Foods can give severe allergy manifestations, from asthma attacks to massive swelling and even anaphylaxis. A tiny fragment of peanut, for example, can kill an adult person within a few minutes. Paramedics are very important, as they can save your life if they act very fast after the incident.

People who are allergic to pet dander should be very careful with their pets. Do not groom your pet by yourself. Ask another member of your family to take care of the pet's hygiene for you. Give up carpets in your house and vacuum very often. Steam cleaning can be highly beneficial as well. - 15438

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Learning About Lipodissolve

By Charles Donovan

Cellulite and other types of unwanted fat affect a vast majority of American women. Both the obese and the physically fit can be affected. These fatty areas will often hang on through vigorous exercise and a healthy diet. So, many ask, what is the solution?

A new procedure called lipodissolve is a treatment that is designed to melt fat away from the body. One of the biggest pluses to lipodissolve is that it does not require surgery and is a fairly simple and easy process. The treatment is conducted by injecting ingrediants that include sodium deoxycholate and phosphatidylcholine into the fatty area. After the drugs have been injected the start working to melt or dissolve the fat tissue from the body. Many believe the body then expels the fat cells from the body. There is not really proof of how the body does this, but most believe it gets expelled through the liver.

Lipodissolve has so rules as far as what areas can be treated, but these rules are very broad. It most cases lipodissolve can be used to treat areas such as the hips, under the chin, thighs, love handles, jowels, and the abdomen. Each treatment typically lasts about 30 minutes and in some cases anesthesia will be used if there is any discomfort. It is very important that multiple treatments take place on the area that is being treated for there to be complete eradication of the problem. There are some common side effects from these treatments. These include bruising, minor swelling, redness, and some soreness over the injection area. It will generally take around four weeks for the treatment to start working and can continue working for up to 12 weeks.

There are those that believe lipodissovle is not safe. The FDA has actually stated that it is conducted by using unapproved drugs for unapproved uses. The state of Kansas has made an attempt to ban the treatments within there state. This ban was blocked however pending research into the matter. There are many countries that have banned the procedure. These include Brazil, Canada, and the UK.

Another alternative to lipodissolve is called, mesotherapy. Mesotherapy is a lesser known minimally invasive fat injection treatment that is said to have similar results. However, in mesotherapy the drugs are injected into the middle layer of skin rather than directly into the fat tissue. The goal is for the appearance of the skin to appear smooth and taut instead of actually getting rid of the fat cells.

Diet and exercise are always the best way to lose weight and to keep it off. However, neither one of these methods offers "spot reduction", nor getting rid of fat precisely where you want to. Lipodissolve and mesotherapy do offer this "spot reduction" option with promises of a better looking body in a minimal amount of time with a minimal amount of pain. However, there is little formal research on these methods and no studies of the long-term side-effects. It is important to remember that even if one should undergo either one of these procedures diet and exercise are still essential in achieving the maximum result. - 15438

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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Fun With Rebounding Trampolines

By Jane Bracken

A rebounding trampoline, also known as a mini-trampoline, is a great way to get in shape for adults, but it can also be great fun for kids. Although most kids would rather have one of those giant enclosed trampolines in their backyards, itas much easier for parents to fit a rebounding trampoline into their budgets. Here are some fun games for your trampoline kid and his or her friends to enjoy.

In the game of Snake, two children stand on opposite sides of the trampoline and wiggle a jump rope over the surface of the trampoline, like a snake. A third child then tries to jump on to the trampoline without getting abita by the snake. The object of the game is to jump as many times as possible without touching the jump rope. If the child touches the jump rope, he then changes places with one of the other children. The child who makes the most jumps before being 'bitten' by the snake wins!

Follow the Leader is a game that is equal parts trampoline mixed with the traditional Follow the Leader game. The child who is the leader starts out by doing a series of jumps or tricks on the trampoline, which each child in the line must repeat in turn. A child who misses something in the series is out. There are two ways to determine who will be the next leader. The first option is for the game to continue with the same leader until only one child is left to be the next leader. Or, once every child has had one turn, the leader could pick a new leader from among the children who werenat called out.

Another game you can play is called Add On. In this game, the first child chooses a trick or a jump and does it on the trampoline. The next child does the same jump as the first, and then adds on another jump or trick of his own. The children keep taking turns, each adding one thing to the sequence. If a child misses a jump or does something out of order, he is out. The last child remaining in the game is the winner!

Your kids can also have contests on the trampoline to see who can do a certain move the most times in a row without messing up. Whichever child does the best is the winner. The winning child can then choose the next move to use for the game.

A different way to play this game is to have the children take turns doing each move. Any child who messes up is out, and the rest of the children continue taking turns until only one child remains. That child then selects the next move.

Another possibility is to set a time limit and have the kids do as many of a certain move as they can before the timer goes off. The kid with the highest count gets to decide what kind of jump or trick is used for the next round.

These games can be fun for children and adults alike. Adults will find that a miniature trampoline can be used for more than just a workout. Children will learn fun ways to get exercise. A trampoline is a great tool which can be used for fun, family bonding, and exercise at the same time! - 15438

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Why Manhattan Is A Great Choice For A FaceLift

By Andrew W John

Your skin care regime should include your face as it is like a calling card and the first thing people see when they first meet you. Although using face creams helps to keep the skin soft and supple, facial exercise movements can have a huge impact on the cells because of the extra oxygen that is put back into the skin with the benefit of removing toxins through the pores at the same time.

Despite the number of other cosmetic treatments performed every day including liposuction and breast enhancement, the facelift is the most popular.

The purpose of a facelift is to remove wrinkles and other signs of aging; its correct medical term is Rhytidectomy. Studies have shown that there are other health benefits associated with having a facelift including extending life expectancy. The basis of a facelift is quite simple; the skin is pulled tight over the face making the skin look smooth and youthful again.

A simple but effective process for example is Micro pigmentation which can help to make you look more attractive and awake by improving the clarity of your lips and eye area. There are now many areas of the face that can be enhanced, in fact enough to completely change the way a person looks, for example; nose re-shaping, eye and brow lifts, eye surgery, dermabrasions and dentistry to name on a small number.

The way the jaw and nose look can often be improved by adjustments to the chin as each facial feature complements others. Changing the shape of the eyebrow and lid to alter the shape of the eye are procedures that are becoming increasingly popular as our desire to look perfect continues. Self confidence improves when a person knows they look good as recent studies have confirmed.

It is now possible to adjust the facial features buy adding implants or injecting collagen to strengthen the appearance. Collagen injection treatments are not permanent but can help with the shape of lips, fill out facial creases and sunken areas. The problem with this type of treatment and most facial procedures is there is certain amount of tenderness, bruising and swelling around the area that has been treated and often numbness as well. A new treatment to be used is Hyaluronic acid which is a naturally occurs in the body and acts as lubricating agent and when injected into the face, reduces the signs of aging.

All facial treatments can to varying degrees reduce the effects of aging.

Remember that whatever the effect of cosmetic surgery may be on your appearance, you are still the same person inside. - 15438

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Diet cleanse reviews on acai berry 1500

By Collin James

Acai Berry 1500 is a fierce way to soar solidity loss, detox, and virtuous your body. Your lion's share long for be thanking you for in the midst of acai berry 1500, as it desire offensively improve your silhouette and quantity of life. experience you been struggling in the midst of verve complications or troubles - but have not set up any way to get fit as soon as and for all? The control at the rear of acai berry 1500 motivation comfort you not special finger outdo and live better but it constrain and drastically expansion the quantity of substance you willpower drip if you are dieting.

payback of Acai Berry 1500

* Increases your metabolism * Burns calories and fat cells * Increases your energy levels * Full of antioxidants * Improves flexibility and fasten together physical condition * Reduces constipation, bloating, and gas * Eliminates waste, toxins, and injurious climax

Are there quality effects for Acai Berry 1500?

No! given that Acai Berry 1500 is 100% all unpretentious and has no harmful ingredients. Acai berry 1500 can rearrange you through your vivacity in scores of customs devoid of helpful any side belongings to your well-being and health!

If you endure been tiresome to become aware of the proper conclusion to be bereaved weight and/or detox and purify your dead body for enhanced health - then try out acai berry 1500 for abrupt domino effect with the intention of pray jump surprise your robustness for greatest performance.

The bottom flex is if you famine to live longer by source of revenue vigorous and feel momentum re how you seem so therefore we call to mind acai berry 1500. It's packed plump of everything that improves your healthiness and top of all, you can try out acai berry 1500 for complimentary because the theater company with the purpose of makes the produce is goodhearted absent free bottles to bear out to you how polite it is for you. - 15438

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Top Five Solutions to a Cold Sore

By June Murray

A core sore is no laughing matter. If you have one, you would want to get rid of it as soon as possible. Strictly speaking, you can't really get rid of the herpes virus that is the cause of your periodic sores. You can however, manage to eliminate cold sores when they come out.

Follow the Doctor's Advice

People with severe cold sores may have little choice but to seek medical attention. If you have a particularly aggressive sore, your doctor will prescribe anti-viral medication to control it. Some analgesics or pain relievers may also be recommended to help you bear the irritation of a severe sore. Some individuals though may have issues about taking man-made medication and prefer to consider natural options instead.

Consider Using Natural Solutions

There are many natural remedies that can be used on cold sores. These include aloe vera, tea tree oil, coconut oil and lemon balm. These remedies are believed to contain both anti-viral properties and nutrients to help heal and soothe sore spots. Aside from natural herbs and extracts, supplements with lysine and vitamin B12 are also believed to help against cold sores.

The only problem with using natural remedies though is the lack of standards. There is no absolute guidebook that will tell you how much to use, what to mix and how to apply. You may have to experiment on a couple of recommended procedures from different sources before finding an effective solution.

Maintain a Healthy Diet Everyday

It is commonly believed that a core sore will most likely break out when immunity is low. If you don't want to get stubborn sores, you therefore need to make sure that your immune system is kept strong. The only full proof way to do this is to keep healthy and balanced eating habits. This simply means that you need to make sure that your meals have the right amounts of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and proteins. Always prefer vegetables, whole wheat and lean protein sources over processed and saturated fatty foods. Keep away too from foods that are too acidic or salty. These are known cold sore triggers.

Clean the Sore Properly

You will be doing yourself a favor by keeping your sore clean and moisture free. Clean it everyday with lukewarm water, soap and a washcloth. Make sure afterwards that your sore is dry throughout the day. Do remember though to refrain from touching and rubbing your sore. This can lead to an outbreak of sores in other parts of your skin.

Don't Let it Get Triggered

Your food options are not the only factors to be wary of. People may also get cold sores because of stress. A sore that is already around while you are in a lot of stress may not go away quickly. In other words, one key to quick healing is to manage stress. There are many ways to deal with stress but you should try the basic solutions first such as hitting the sack on schedule or taking a break from work.

A core sore can be pretty nasty. There is no need for you to endure for very long though. There is always a way for you to get rid of your cold sore. - 15438

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Reasons Why Women Gain Weight During Menopause

By Ricardo d Argence

It is well known that every woman will eventually go through menopause. Menopause indicates the end of a phase of life in a woman and introduces them to the next phase.

It is an entirely usual part of the course of aging and is the end of menstruation. After this, a woman cannot get pregnant, which is a relief for some but is very depressing for others. It's also common to present a lower level of estrogen and progesterone.

While the typical age for menopause is fifty-two, it can happen anywhere between the ages of forty-two and fifty-six. A woman can confidently say that she has begun her journey of menopause if she has gone an entire year without a menstrual cycle.

While there are advantages of this changing phase in life, there is the issue of gaining weight which many women experience. To keep out the weight gain situation, there are certain things that any woman should know.

Due to hormonal changes, weight gain is almost bound to happen. To what degree though will vary from person to person. But above and beyond the typical hormonal changes, there is also the issue of lifestyle that comes into play.

One may realize that, although they had no problems eating their favorite foods, about a year back, now, with the onset of menopause, that very same unhealthy lifestyle would be taking a toll on their bodies. Preventing weight gain during menopause should be done by changing to healthier eating habits and sticking with them.

Of course, you may still experience some weight gain and if that happens then you can do a lot to drop the extra pounds and get back in shape. While it is easy to say that the weight gain should be prevented, it is not always that easy. If you have found yourself gaining twenty pounds or more it is extremely important you get on the ball and do something about it.

It is extremely important to make sure that you are doing everything possible to get the weight off and keep it off. Because, when you gain excessive weight, you have a much higher risk of developing diabetes, knees and joint problems, and lower back, lung and heart problems. Even breast cancer is a possibility.

You must begin to keep track of your calorie intake. Not all calories are created equal and you need to make sure you know where the calories are coming from. Carrots are going to give you better health then a bunch of red meat. Be certain you are getting sufficient exercise, as well as closely watching what you eat. Performing aerobic exercises and stretches is an excellent way to begin.

After you get into the swing of things, you can add in some weight training to help burn fat and build some muscle mass. Whether it is running, walking, or yoga, as long as you are in motion, you are heading in the right direction. It is also important to make sure that you are continuing with your healthy eating and exercise habits even after you drop the weight so that you can continue a healthy lifestyle that will keep the weight off for good. - 15438

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The Main Causes Of Sciatic Nerve Inflammation

By Jim Fillsons

I experienced some very annoying sciatic nerve pain a few years ago, and it nearly knocked me out of my game. In fact, I could barely function at work; and I have a desk job! But where does sciatica come from and how do we get it? Is there a way to get rid of it without worrying about medical bills and long bouts of physical therapy?

Most people depict sciatic pain as sharp, achy, dull, like needles or pins pricking the skin. Many will say that its like experiencing electric shocks all up your rear end and leg. Other feelings related with sciatica are numbness, tingling, and burning sensations that never seem to stop and increase with stress and anxiety.

Sciatica is caused by any number of reasons but the main one is from physical strain over the years of one's life. Some of the more common ones are bad posture both in sitting and sleeping, muscle strains from sports or other strenuous activities or other physical maladies. All of these add up to extra stress on the sciatic nerve and surrounding tissue which can cause the flair ups. For the most part, it is the nerve itself that is normally being irritated, where from tumors, pregnancy or other factors.

In most patients, the sciatic nerve discomfort is brought on and exacerbated by the constant pressure and flexing of the piriformis muscle. This muscle runs onder the lower section of the spine and helps flex and move the hips. This muscle is extremely likely to be affected by arthritis or other conditions. Any of these can also bring upon sciatica and the pain associated with it.

To find out the cause of sciatica, the doctor has to evaluate the patient's medical history, and have them to undergo a neurological and physical examination. This medical examination consists of MRI, CT scan, and x-rays.

It's a good idea to run through any and all of these tests that your doctor orders as one of them is likely to reveal the source of the problem. Always bare in mind the importance of pinpointing the cause or underlying factor first, so you can work towards elimination. There are many causes of sciatic nerve pain.

There is a way to cure sciatica and the discomfort that comes with it, but you need to be prepared to work at it. Curing the problem may involve several steps and you it will not be easy. It takes persistence and the ability to work for the goal. Do it right, and you will be get better. - 15438

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Polar S725X One Of Top Exercise Monitors

By Alison Addy

Accessories Make Running Fun, Efficient

While the most important item for the serious runner may be a good running shoe, there are several additional items and accessories that can enhance the exercise experience. Most runners know that comfortable shoes that fit well protect the feet from minor injury and blisters, letting the individual get the most from the running experience.

But those who are more serious about running already understand that getting the running shorts, shirt and shoes on may be only part of the preparation. Running accessories used wisely can help the individual derive more benefit from strenuous exercise and keep the individual safe and healthy as well.

Training Monitors

For example, a heart rate monitor may be a very important running accessory. These tools help the runner set limits for their activity and help the individual engage in an effective running session. Heart rate monitors are manufactured to attach to the wrist, similar to a watch, or to the chest in some cases.

Other equipment designed specifically for running and other exercise/training may be in order as well. For example, the Polar S725X has some features not available in other monitors. This new model was redesigned to look more "sleek" and incorporate measurements for altitude, cadence and speed. Triathlon runners find this model to be great for the bicycle-training portion of their sport, as well as great for runners (especially with the S1 foot pod). The Polar monitor series of accessories has available software to record and track workout sessions, ready to transfer to the PC. The newest models include measurements for body temperature and mood change! Triathlon athletes will be pleased to know that the Polar S725X is water resistant to 30 meters.

Safety And Fun

Runners who plan to work out at night or in dim light may want to consider reflective strips or some of the clothing items made with reflective material. This type of safety protection can help drivers see you long before a problem arises.

Those who want to enjoy running and exercise with their family pet may decide to invest in some of the new accessories for "Fido." Pets who enjoy outdoor exercise will get more from the experience if the pet is healthy and safe. A good check-up with the family veterinarian is the place to start. After determining that the pet is ready for exercise, the owner should find a good collar that will put a bit of pressure on the dog's neck without causing harm. Some runners put protection on their dog's feet, though many pets don't find this comfortable or even possible. Keep in mind, however, that dog's feet are not made for running on concrete or hot sidewalks. Some reflective covering may be a good idea for the family pet as well.

Find more resources about polar s725x review and polar 725 available here at this web. - 15438

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How to Achieve Easy Fat Loss with Treadmill Walking

By Torii Tompson

Losing weight is not as hard as it may seem - one really simple way to work off weight and burn that extra fat is by treadmill walking. The key to easy fat loss is to simply burn more calories than you take in through your food.

The majority of people think that taking a short walk three times a week is enough for them to quickly lose weight, unfortunately though this is completely un-true! In order for walking to be an effective weight loss technique, you would need to walk for a minimum of 45 minutes at least five to six times a week.

The important thing to remember is to keep up to your walking on a regular basis. You will find it extremely hard to control your weight if you do not exercise consistently. It is also important to bear in mind that walking around your local area may not be enough, especially if you live in a flat area.

However, if you walk on a treadmill, you can get a more intense workout by elevating the grade, also known as the incline. Not only will the higher elevation increase your heart rate, but the muscles in your body will work harder and cause you to burn more fat.

By doing a treadmill walking session each day, you will easily be able to lose weight, and ensure that those pounds don't return! However, using a treadmill can mean that you have to stare at the same patch of wall every single day, so here are some top tips to help make your workout a lot more captivating:

Walk the Pyramid: This game challenges you both physically and mentally for a total of 30 minutes. Whenever you're walking on your treadmill, increase the speed by .1 mph every 15 minutes. Do this for half of your workout and then decrease the speed .1 mph for the other 15 minutes.

1,2,3 Counting Steps: Instead of obessing over the time clock on the treadmill display, count your steps. You can count your steps for one minute then take a break and do it again for another minute. It will pass the time and as you became more fit you'll notice the number of steps you count will increase, which should motivate you.

Step and Walk: This is an excellent technique because it combines all the benefits of using a treadmill with other forms of exercise. Split your workout into equal segments, chunks of 5 or 10 minutes are good. Now, walk on your treadmill for the first segment. Then get off the machine and do another exercise for the next segment - such as using a stepper, lifting weights or perhaps using a rowing machine. Then return to your treadmill for the third segment and repeat throughout your workout.

Travel the World: This is a fun little game where you map out the favorite routes through your neighborhood and then imagine yourself walking there while you're doing your treadmill walking. What I did was actually record my journey through a local park on my camcorder, and then I watch this while doing my exercise and it's like being outdoors no matter what the weather.

Don't be afraid to come up with your own games to make treadmill walking less boring. Not everyone is enthusiastic about exercise, but you can put a spin on things to make time go by faster. - 15438

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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What Diabetics can Eat for Breakfast

By Marcus Clarkson

For any one who is diagnosed with diabetes actually eating the wrong kind of foods can further aggravate the condition that they have. However, today when it comes to them choosing the right kinds of foods to eat the internet offers them advice and information. Along with this kind of information they will find that they can get hold of sample breakfast menu for diabetics as well.

It is these menus which will then ensure that the breakfast they eat each morning is enjoyable. In fact as you will soon discover when searching for such breakfast menu ideas these allow you to be a little bit more creative with what you are actually allowed to eat.

In this article we offer some breakfast menu ideas for diabetics which you may want to try. All of these can be made very quickly as well as being simple to create. Plus they contain the right quantity of calories that a diabetics body needs to ensure that it functions correctly.

Menu 1 - For this you need to get 1 slice of whole wheat bread which you toast to your own particular liking. Then on to this spread 1 teaspoon of margarine. Then on to the toast you can either place 1/4 cup of egg substitute or cottage cheese. However if you want something a little more warm and substantial in the morning replace the cottage cheese/egg substitute with 1/2 cup of oatmeal mixed with 1/2 cup of skimmed milk. Plus you are also allowed 1/2 of a small banana.

Menu 2 - Of all the menu samples provided in this article this is the quickest and simplest to make. All you need is 1/2 a cup of fresh blueberries (frozen will do)and eat this with a cup of low fat or fat free milk. However you can if you wish replace the blueberries with a muffin or other breakfast pastry. But the amount of calories in these must be the same as that would be found in the blueberries.

Menu 3 - Although not as quick to prepare as the second sample breakfast menu in this article, it is quicker than the first one. Take two toasted slices of whole wheat bread and on to these spread 2 tablespoons of peanut butter. As well as the toast you can also have a cup of tea or coffee (if adding milk use the low fat or the fat free variety) and one small banana.

If you can when it comes to any meal when you are suffering from diabetes you should try to arrange to eat them at the same time each day. By doing this you will help to ensure that your blood sugar levels remain constant throughout the day. What one should never do is actually avoid having any meals especially breakfast.

Plus with all the sample breakfast menu for diabetics that you see in this article as well as on the internet, you need to make sure that you use the exact amounts of food mentioned. Otherwise this could actually further aggravate rather than help to control the symptoms associated with diabetes. - 15438

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Save Thousands on Lap Band Surgery Abroad

By Michael Dunage

A relatively new procedure even in the west, the Lap Band surgery involves taking a vinyl ring filled with saline and placing it around the upper portion of the stomach, constricting the stomach outlet in that area and creating an upper pouch that holds the food after eating. It is an excellent and safe way to lose weight.

Individuals that are uninsured or under-insured cannot afford to pay for such procedures in the U.S. without the help of a loan. Therefore, many are traveling abroad to receive this treatment at an affordable price. Patients can save up to 70% off the prices in the U.S. by simply going abroad for treatment.

Lap band surgery abroad is a very affordable option for many and since the facilities used to perform such treatments are modern, those that travel for surgery are often referring others that might need similar care based on a personal experience with lap band surgery. There are many destinations to choose from.

Mexico, India, the Philippines, Turkey, Costa Rica and Thailand are all countries that might have programs in Lap Band surgery. Mexico has several Lap Band surgery programs in some of the bigger cities. When it comes to doing Lap Band surgery, Mexico doctors are available who are board certified in bariatric (weight loss) surgery and who have hundreds of such surgeries under their belt already.

The best thing you need to know about traveling abroad to receive a lap band surgery is that the doctors and medical staff speak English and can properly explain the benefits of having the lap band surgery procedure perfomed and if you are in fact the right candidate. The best doctors will explain that it could be possible for the lap band to loosen or become defective and would then need to be corrected.

The doctor will answer all your questions about Lap Band surgery. Mexico is a nearby country that overall has a great deal of experience with Lap Band surgery. Mexico hospitals used for this type of surgery are completely modern and offer luxury hospital rooms for their traveling patients.

The medical personel are properly trained to deal with international patients and make you feel as comfortable as possible during and after the surgery. These centers use the same anesthesia as the U.S. and the technology and equipment used all safe and up to standards. Therfore, the decision to travel abroad to mexico for lap band surgery treatment could be a good one.

Turkey is another choice for Lap Band surgery. Turkey is also an exotic location"a perfect place to travel for both vacationing and medical needs. You will find, as in Mexico, a nice set up for Lap Band surgery. Turkey offers modern clinics and hospitals that are clean, well kept and stocked with the medication and supplies that make these places extremely similar to U.S. programs for Lap Band surgery.

Turkey has doctors who are board certified in bariatric surgery and who have much experience in doing this type of procedure. Like Mexico, Lap Band surgery in Turkey provides you with a safe and satisfying experience. - 15438

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Learn How To Get Six Pack Abs Workouts To Lose Belly Fat Fast

By RSS Feeds Gadgets Review

Hi It seems everyone wants to get rid of their unwanted belly fat fast these days. Everywhere you look you find stomach exercisers and abs machines being advertised. If you want truly nice abs you need a good workout system. One that works effectively.

I've seen all kinds of abs workouts. You probably seen them too. I've seen the best abs workout, the how to get 6 pack abs, washboard abs workouts, ripped abs programs, and on and on. Well you get the idea.

I can't turn the tv on without seeing a informercial about losing that belly fat fast. They all claim to lose belly fat the fastest. I've seen promos for belly dancing dvds, lose the beer belly system, how to burn off belly fat, belly fat exercises and again so on and on.

The lose belly fat and 6 pack abs programs are skyrocketing in popularity. You can make informative decisions when selected a belly fat program that works. I'd do a internet search and search for reviews about getting the best abs programs. We all ask from time to time what is the best exercises for six pack abs.

There are several resources online. Here are a couple to check out. Both will give you some choices when choosing a How To Get 6 Pack Abs Workouts To Lose Belly Fat Fast program. Visit the belly fat loss blog site and belly fat website for more information. - 15438

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Arthritis Knee Surgery

By Amy Clark

Arthritis is an affliction characterized by irregular inflammations affecting the human body's joints or articulations. The hips, elbows, fingers and knees are the main targets of this condition.

Kinds of Arthritis

Arthritis occurs in varied forms. Osteoarthritis, the most prevalent type of arthritis, is caused predominantly by the aging process, but may also develop as a consequence of specific malformations, infections, or lesions, of your knee. Less common but just as debilitating forms of arthritis are the following: psoriatic arthritis, gouty arthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Arthritis Treatment

Several modes of treatment are available for arthritis management. These may range from physical therapy, medication therapy, to arthritis surgery.

The latter, known collectively as arthritis knee surgery, has a range of more specialized forms - for instance, knee replacement surgery, arthroscopy, and knee osteotomy. The exact type of surgery depends on several factors, like the severity and degree of the pain.

What is Knee Arthritis Surgery?

Based on the state of the arthritis pain, the most recommended option for treatment is frequently arthritis knee surgery.

This condition frequently progresses in parts, progressively damaging the cartilaginous tissue in the tissue joints. At the onset, anti-inflammatory remedies and physical exercise programs are the common modes of treatment. But, as the disease progresses, the surgical route turns into a crucial and urgent requirement.


Arthroscopy is considered as a less invasive surgical option in treating arthritis. The procedure involves the repair of ligaments and cartilage tissue damage in the knee as well as the other joints. In the surgery, a tiny apparatus akin to an endoscope will be inserted in the affected region through a tiny incision.

Even though the effectiveness of this type of surgery remains a debatable issue, a number of supporters attest to the benefits efficiency of the surgery when done in relevant conditions.

Telltale signs that an individual needs arthroscopy of the knee include the following: excruciating knee pops, instability of the knee joint or wobbling of the knee, a prickling pain when moving the knee joint, and inflammation or swelling of the afflicted areas.

Better Option for Younger Patients: Knee Osteotomy

In cases of younger individuals, these arthritics only commonly have deterioration of only 1 area of the knee joint. It is for this reason that they are in no way recommended to pursue complete knee replacement surgery.

Similarly, arthritis also manifests as knock-legged or bow-legged aspects, which include a joint reorientation, so that the joint's weight center is transferred from the damaged region to its healthy part. In these instances, knee osteotomy is generally the best option.

What is Partial Knee Replacement Surgery

Considered a "hybrid" of both complete knee replacement surgery and osteotomy, partial knee replacement surgery is to a large extent less invasive than complete knee replacement surgery. The surgery is executed by the replacement of the degraded portion of the affected articulation with a prosthetic, whereas the healthy areas are left in place to allow for healing. This procedure is encouraged for severe arthritis limited to certain parts of articulation. In comparison to complete knee replacement, this surgical procedure necessitates more tiny cuts and calls for shorter period of recovery.

What is Complete Knee Replacement Surgery

For a majority of arthritis cases, the most sensible option is complete knee replacement surgery. This procedure consists of the complete removal and replacement of the degraded joint tissue with metal or plastic prosthetic components.

Associated Risks: Arthritis Knee Surgery

Similar to a good number pf major surgeries, patients who have undergone arthritis knee surgery are vulnerable to thrombosis, nerve damage, infections and some anesthesia risks.

Additionally, this procedure includes certain post-surgery risks, such as instability of the affected joint, kneecap dislocation/fracture, and even decreased mobility or reduced range of motion.

The Pros and Cons of Arthritis Knee Surgery

In spite of the risks linked to this procedure, arthritis knee surgery entails a number of advantages that can help arthritis sufferers. The foremost benefits are, among others, significant pain relief, improved mobility, and a substantial betterment of the patient's quality of life. Most importantly, within 6 months subsequent to the procedure, the formerly afflicted joint may most likely recover its full functionality.

On the other hand, this type of surgical procedure also provides a few perceptible cons. For example, patients may possibly experience soreness and discomfort in the period of time after the surgical procedure. Moreover, using a prosthetic joint may be noisy and may draw some attention. In some cases, movement difficulties may potentially arise. Similarly, depending on the prosthetic type used, the fake knee may have limited usability, such as only 10 to 15 years before a new replacement knee is needed.

That being said, however, if we weigh the discomfort manifested in a few cases against the huge potential for successful post-surgery results, it is fairly easy to conclude that the pros of this type of surgery certainly exceed its cons. - 15438

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Healthy & Beauty Benefits to Buying Mineral Makeup

By Marilyn Etzel

When makeup first comes on the scene, it makes big boasts about the products. People will either jump on the bandwagon or are skeptical about the claims. It was the same with mineral makeup. But there are health and beauty benefits to choosing mineral makeup over more traditional products.

Those who have tried mineral makeup love the way it covers up imperfections with very little effort. And, mineral makeup is working for women of all skin tones. Women are surprised and happy that the claims have proven to be true.

Mineral makeup comes in a jar in loose powder form. The minerals are all natural and the makeup contains no fillers for color or chemicals to prolong shelf life.

The minerals that make up the basis of most mineral makeup are:

Mica powder Iron oxides (adds color) Titanium dioxide

Natural minerals in the makeup cause fewer skin reactions than traditional makeup. The minerals in the makeup are sold as a powder for easier application and so less is used. Fillers and other added chemicals can clog the pores, but these natural minerals do not.

Have you ever had to reapply your makeup? Colors fade from perspiration or collect in the fine lines on our faces as the day wears on. All that hard work putting on the makeup and no one will see it by evening.

With natural mineral makeup, that is not a problem. Only a small amount of the mineral powder is applied to the face for all over coverage. The use of a Kabuki brush allows for quick and complete coverage for all skin types and tones.

Mineral makeup has several benefits:

Reduces the appearance of facial imperfections Provides skin with a natural glow Complements all skin tones and types Provides light and complete coverage Doesn't run even when you perspire

Mineral makeup is perfect for those who need to use hypoallergenic makeup. The iron oxides, besides providing color also act as a natural sunscreen for the skin. The sun's rays can damage the delicate skin of our face and cause us to wrinkle prematurely.

Have you ever kept makeup for a long time and wondered if you should still use it? Makeup can become contaminated from continued use with the same brushes. Mineral makeup resists bacterial buildup so you can keep it for a long time without worrying about the powder getting old. For those with sensitive skin, skin disorders, or who just have trouble finding a shade to fit your skin tone, mineral makeup is a viable option. - 15438

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