Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The white tea revolution is coming

By Jack Robbins

White tea is soon going to make an even more bigger impact than green tea did a decade ago. It has long been a well kept Chinese secret and only recently have scientists uncovered the benefits it possesses. It is the least processed form of tea and tastes delightfully better than all other kinds. So, what exactly are the benefits of white tea?

It helps in preventing cancer. White tea contains a class of antioxidants that inhibit the growth of cancer cells and prevent the development of new ones thus preventing against many different types of cancer, such as colon, prostate, and stomach cancers.

It makes your bones stronger. Studies have shown that people who drink white tea have a higher bone density and strength then non-drinkers, thus helping to fight against and prevent from osteoporosis's and arthritis.

White tea aids blood pressure. It does this by thinning the blood thus reducing overall blood pressure. It also helps improve blood circulation which has been one of the things green tea can not do.

It lowers cholesterol levels. Another group of antioxidants called Catechins has been found to reduce cholesterol levels in the body, cholesterol is basically a type of fat in our body which is necessary for our health, and white tea has been found to keep cholesterol level in just the right amount. This helps prevent hardening of the arteries and blockage of blood flow.

Expect a healthier heart by drinking white tea. It does this in conjunction with its benefit to reducing blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Recent research undertaken indicates that it can prevent strokes as well as reduce the chance of having a heart attack.

It makes your skin fresh and healthy. Being exposed to sunlight, a poor diet and high levels of stress can cause the skin to age faster and prematurely, thus making your skin wrinkled and makes you look older then you are. White tea protects the skin and helps to reverse some of the damage.

To conclude, White tea has many more benefits that would take more than a few hundred words to write. - 15438

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