Western science is finally validating what the Chinese medical arts have known for centuries. Acupressure massage provides effective relief. Acupressure is a derivative of acupuncture, but without the needles. Instead, acupressure uses targeted pressure on your trigger points to help increase energy flow and bring about total body relaxation. These techniques have been studied and effectively replicated by technology. A whole suite of acupressure techniques have been incorporated by some of the best massage chairs on the market today.
Acupressure is a massage technique which helps to release blocked energy centers in your body. Science has confirmed the existence of meridian pathways using various electrical techniques. Chinese medical arts understood these meridian pathways to carry energy throughout the body. They noticed that certain junctures or centers could become inhibited or blocked causing the body to be out of balance. By applying pressure to certain pressure points in the body, the energy flow could be manipulated and restored. Science has now mapped out the body's acupressure points and has cataloged over 350 points in the body.
Acupressure massage therapy uses a combination of basic massage techniques. To enhance blood flow, vibration massage is used. The acupressure points are stimulated by using thumb like pressure and small circular motions to unblock these areas. To help overall relaxation and reduce soreness, kneading is used on the muscles. Major muscles can be effectively loosened and tightness reduced with the use of tapping massage. These rapid tapping blows effectively relieve built up muscle tension. When used in combination, these massage techniques are part of the acupressure massage therapy.
Stress is a major culprit in preventing a healthy lifestyle. Stress just comes from every corner of our lives. It is putting extra pressure on the body's natural defense systems and causes us to lose our natural balance. If stress is left unchecked, it will lower our immune system, cause muscle aches and increase the toxin levels in our body. We need effective ways to counteract the effects of stress. Acupressure massage is one tool in this arsenal to fight the devastating effects of stress. This type of therapy is known to reduce muscle pain, relieve stress and flush out toxins in our body.
Massage chairs incorporate advanced technology to accurately locate the trigger points of the body. The software programs make a map of the users trigger points. The acupressure massage is then customized for each individual user. There are almost 100 trigger points in the back alone. Massage chairs have outstanding capabilities to stimulate your acupressure points and apply massage techniques such as kneading, percussion and vibration. These massage therapies are effective in relieving soreness, aches and pains in the back, shoulder and neck.
The extremities of the body can now be effectively massaged with the massage chairs of today. These chairs have integrated air massage systems which use compressed air. The compressed air is delivered with a built in air compressor. The air compressor activates air bags which are specifically designed for a given muscle group. These air bags can be placed to massage the buttocks, thighs, arms, hands, calves and feet. They design them in an array of shapes and sizes to produce effective massage therapy for the targeted area.
We have a lot to learn from the Chinese. They have been around for more than 2,000 years. They have learned many things that we are just beginning to find out about. Acupressure massage is one such area. The Chinese have used to relieve a variety of ailments including motion sickness, constipation and more. As technology has advanced, these acupressure techniques have been replicated into the best massage chairs. Massage chairs provide a convenient and economical way to receive frequent acupressure massage. This is important to counteract the daily build up of stress. Stress relief needs to occur with greater frequency, since stress build up is continuous. Having your own massage chair is a fantastic method to help your restore balance and harmony. - 15438
Acupressure is a massage technique which helps to release blocked energy centers in your body. Science has confirmed the existence of meridian pathways using various electrical techniques. Chinese medical arts understood these meridian pathways to carry energy throughout the body. They noticed that certain junctures or centers could become inhibited or blocked causing the body to be out of balance. By applying pressure to certain pressure points in the body, the energy flow could be manipulated and restored. Science has now mapped out the body's acupressure points and has cataloged over 350 points in the body.
Acupressure massage therapy uses a combination of basic massage techniques. To enhance blood flow, vibration massage is used. The acupressure points are stimulated by using thumb like pressure and small circular motions to unblock these areas. To help overall relaxation and reduce soreness, kneading is used on the muscles. Major muscles can be effectively loosened and tightness reduced with the use of tapping massage. These rapid tapping blows effectively relieve built up muscle tension. When used in combination, these massage techniques are part of the acupressure massage therapy.
Stress is a major culprit in preventing a healthy lifestyle. Stress just comes from every corner of our lives. It is putting extra pressure on the body's natural defense systems and causes us to lose our natural balance. If stress is left unchecked, it will lower our immune system, cause muscle aches and increase the toxin levels in our body. We need effective ways to counteract the effects of stress. Acupressure massage is one tool in this arsenal to fight the devastating effects of stress. This type of therapy is known to reduce muscle pain, relieve stress and flush out toxins in our body.
Massage chairs incorporate advanced technology to accurately locate the trigger points of the body. The software programs make a map of the users trigger points. The acupressure massage is then customized for each individual user. There are almost 100 trigger points in the back alone. Massage chairs have outstanding capabilities to stimulate your acupressure points and apply massage techniques such as kneading, percussion and vibration. These massage therapies are effective in relieving soreness, aches and pains in the back, shoulder and neck.
The extremities of the body can now be effectively massaged with the massage chairs of today. These chairs have integrated air massage systems which use compressed air. The compressed air is delivered with a built in air compressor. The air compressor activates air bags which are specifically designed for a given muscle group. These air bags can be placed to massage the buttocks, thighs, arms, hands, calves and feet. They design them in an array of shapes and sizes to produce effective massage therapy for the targeted area.
We have a lot to learn from the Chinese. They have been around for more than 2,000 years. They have learned many things that we are just beginning to find out about. Acupressure massage is one such area. The Chinese have used to relieve a variety of ailments including motion sickness, constipation and more. As technology has advanced, these acupressure techniques have been replicated into the best massage chairs. Massage chairs provide a convenient and economical way to receive frequent acupressure massage. This is important to counteract the daily build up of stress. Stress relief needs to occur with greater frequency, since stress build up is continuous. Having your own massage chair is a fantastic method to help your restore balance and harmony. - 15438
About the Author:
Own the fantastic convenience of obtaining an Acupressure Massage with a Panasonic Massage Chair on a daily basis. See how massage chairs can effectively and economically delivery massage therapy on demand. You will find many massage chair recliners just for you.