Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Baby Stroller Safety Tips


Tips for Baby Stroller Safety

The use of baby strollers has offered a convenience to parents on the go for decades now. Do we keep aware of the many red flags and safety alerts that accompany products designed for our infants and toddlers?

Because it is heart rending to hear of a baby and/or toddler subjected to strollers that may cause injury, and potential death, the following information has been compiled to aid parents in knowing and understanding what safety enhancements are most important when selecting baby strollers.

In our effort to provide data concerning the dangers that are associated with these devices, as well as some basic safety features that are important to the health and life of your child, we hope to help you gain the reassurance of determining if a product is safe before purchasing it for your child.

Baby Stroller Use and its Dangers

During the years of 2004 through 2007, a 911 Response Team in just one community reported a number of stroller related injuries, according to Pediatric Emergency Care. Data from this particular study showed the community the following:

The study was conducted for approximately three and a half years. During this time, 241 different incidents occurred that were specific to those involving shopping carts and strollers. The amount of stroller related injuries came to a number of 121.

The ages of the children that were involved in the stroller related injuries averaged between 0 months and 6 months of age.

Falls resulted in a percentage of 47.5% of all the cases, the largest number of the injuries reported.

59% of the injuries attributed to stroller related injuries resulted in injuries to the head area.

At least 18% of the children monitored also sustained an injury directly related to the facial area.

The local emergency treatment center received transport via ambulance of at least 77% of the children evaluated.

It is estimated that a little over 8% of all the children involved were hospitalized for further treatment and evaluation of their injuries.

It is believed that as parents become aware of steps to keep their children safe in their strollers, there will be less likelihood that injury or death will occur while employing the convenience of the stroller. Based on the information obtained from this study, medical professionals determined that education should be an emphasis when it comes to parents who implement them.

Taking Measures for Stroller Safety

If you have purchased a stroller, or you are considering purchasing a stroller, it is important that you know and understand the basic safety measures that you can take in this situation. The following details some effective strategies that have been found to enhance the safe use of strollers.

1. Fact: Strollers that are narrow tend to have the most complications when it comes to leaning and tipping over. It is essential to ensure that you purchase astroller that has a base that is relatively wide. This way, there is a reduced opportunity for tipping and accidental falls.

2. It is often tempting for an adult to hang things on the stroller handles, such as purses and diaper bags. It is important to understand though, that by doing so you are providing the possibility of causing a stroller to begin tipping over, and this can result in injury.

3. It is absolutely imperative that you use the seatbelt that is attached to the stroller at all times. This will add security to the device for the child.

4. It is equally important to use the wheel locking devices when the stroller is not in movement as it is to ensure that you take the time to use the device that locks the stroller into place while in use.

5. you should never leave the baby stroller unattended. It is when a child is left unattended that the most injuries occur.

6. It is important to ensure that you thoroughly check the stroller before and after each use to ensure that the parts are all secure - especially the seat area and the wheel area. If you find that any parts are loose, do not place your child in the unit prior to fixing these components; or purchase a new unit altogether.

7. Product recalls are issued on a regular basis due to safety issues, hence is is wise to always evaluate the product that you have to compare it to the product recalls. If you find that your stroller is listed, simply discard it or follow the appropriate instructions on the recall list.


It is imperative to ensure that you learn as much as you can regarding what can happen, and how to prevent these situations from occurring. If you do this, it is almost a guarantee that your child and/or children will remain safe as both parent and child enjoy the use of these convenient forms of transport. - 15438

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