It is interesting to note that around 90% of women in the U.S. suffer from some degree of cellulite. Cellulite is not something that just affects women that are overweight. It afffects women that are in great physical shape as well. There are several types of lotions and exercises that are designed to elminate this problem, but they generally have little to no affect on the problem. So what is a solution to all of this you are probably asking. Well that would be lipodisolve. It is a pretty new treatment option that is gaining ground on liposuction. The drug that is injected into the fatty area to break down the fat deposits is called phosphatidyclcholine. This drug is a natural product of the soy bean.
Topicals creams are probably one of the easiest methods that people can use to try and get rid of cellulite. There seems to be a problem with this though because they really don't work. The skin is to tough and thick to allow the creams to penetrate deep enough to actually have any affect. This is where lipo disovle comes into play. It is designed to be injected directly into the problem areas and it starts working to break down the fat. The body then naturally expells the fat from the body although more research needs to be conducted here to verify this.
For those that have put forth some serious effort into exercising and dieting and they just have not worked this is where lipodisolve comes into play. Lipo disolve has been around for about 10 years and there have not been any major side effects from the treatment come about yet. The drug phosphatydycholine has been used to treat cardiac disease in the past and it now used in the lipodisolve treatments. Another great thing about this treatment is that it can be done just about anyone from the knees up. Some common areas it is done is the stomach, thighs, buttocks, and under the chin.
The lipodisolve treatments are generally conducted by someone who is a licensed professional. The treatment is conducted by injecting the drug into the desired area. One of the great things is that recovery from the lipodisolve treatment is really minimal. There isn't really any reason for people to not go directly back to their normal activities. Each area being treated usually requires 3 or 4 different treatments in order for this to be effective. The patients need to do exercise and continue to eat well for maximum effectiveness.
No major side effects of lipodisolve have been noted - although long-term side effects still need to be studied. Typically side effects merely include swelling and bruising. However, the ingredients, and the ratios, of the drugs used in the injection vary from doctor to doctor and from clinic to clinic. It is therefore very difficult to determine what the long term effects may be.
The basic cost of each treatment can range from $150 all the way up to $1500 depnding on the area being treated and the size of that area. Around 90% of people that have the lipodisovle treatment are satisfied with the results although the treatment doesn't work for everyone.
There are some people that the lipodisolve treatment is not safe for. These include pregnant women, women hoping to be pregnant within 6 months, and those that are breast feeding. Other people that should stay away from this treatment are those with kidney and liver disease as well as autoimmune disease. Make sure you talk with your doctor to figure out if this treatment option is the best option for you. - 15438
Topicals creams are probably one of the easiest methods that people can use to try and get rid of cellulite. There seems to be a problem with this though because they really don't work. The skin is to tough and thick to allow the creams to penetrate deep enough to actually have any affect. This is where lipo disovle comes into play. It is designed to be injected directly into the problem areas and it starts working to break down the fat. The body then naturally expells the fat from the body although more research needs to be conducted here to verify this.
For those that have put forth some serious effort into exercising and dieting and they just have not worked this is where lipodisolve comes into play. Lipo disolve has been around for about 10 years and there have not been any major side effects from the treatment come about yet. The drug phosphatydycholine has been used to treat cardiac disease in the past and it now used in the lipodisolve treatments. Another great thing about this treatment is that it can be done just about anyone from the knees up. Some common areas it is done is the stomach, thighs, buttocks, and under the chin.
The lipodisolve treatments are generally conducted by someone who is a licensed professional. The treatment is conducted by injecting the drug into the desired area. One of the great things is that recovery from the lipodisolve treatment is really minimal. There isn't really any reason for people to not go directly back to their normal activities. Each area being treated usually requires 3 or 4 different treatments in order for this to be effective. The patients need to do exercise and continue to eat well for maximum effectiveness.
No major side effects of lipodisolve have been noted - although long-term side effects still need to be studied. Typically side effects merely include swelling and bruising. However, the ingredients, and the ratios, of the drugs used in the injection vary from doctor to doctor and from clinic to clinic. It is therefore very difficult to determine what the long term effects may be.
The basic cost of each treatment can range from $150 all the way up to $1500 depnding on the area being treated and the size of that area. Around 90% of people that have the lipodisovle treatment are satisfied with the results although the treatment doesn't work for everyone.
There are some people that the lipodisolve treatment is not safe for. These include pregnant women, women hoping to be pregnant within 6 months, and those that are breast feeding. Other people that should stay away from this treatment are those with kidney and liver disease as well as autoimmune disease. Make sure you talk with your doctor to figure out if this treatment option is the best option for you. - 15438
About the Author:
We have more information available on lippodissolve on our website. We strongly recommend that you read through all of our information on advanced lipodissolve.