It may seem like a contradiction. How do you save money when you have to spend money? Most people look at massage chairs as luxury items. They certainly are luxury items if you really do not need the massage therapy that they can provide. On the other hand, if you do need the massage therapy that they then massage chairs can save you a significant amount of money. Many people suffer from back pain or other conditions that require medical or chiropractic treatment. We all know that health care costs continue to rise. How do you save money buying a massage chair?
Let us take an example. We go to get our massage at the day spa. First, we need to call them and schedule a time. We are going to have travel time to go and come back from the massage. There is also the total time involved. Massage time is the bonus time the rest of the time can be considered the cost involved. The massage is not free, so we must pay for the time of the massage and a gratuity. If we go 3 times every month, by the end of the year we are spending thousands.
You may already be getting treatment for an ailment that you have. Perhaps you are seeing a chiropractor. The good doctor puts you through a barrage of therapies, adjustments, exercises and more. The chiropractor is helping you to get your situation corrected. But you also need to make changes to keep those conditions from recurring. Many chiropractors use massage therapy to help their patients. If you insurance requires co-pays and other deductables then you may be payings hundreds per year or more.
Many people with back pain, chronic pain or fibromyalgia already know that massage therapy may be an indispensible tool. These persistent conditions require substantial and consistent pain relief. Massage therapy can be delivered by a masseuse or by a massage chair. Massage chair recliners are very suitable for many of these conditions. There are many massage chairs that run for a thousand dollars up to five thousand dollars.
People like to look at sticker prices and judge massage chairs as expensive. Of course anything that costs over a thousand dollars is expensive. On the other hand, they see seventy five dollars per hour for a masseuse and think that is cheap. But let us dig into the real economics of a masseuse versus a massage chair. If we pay $75 with a gratuity of ten dollars then each hours runs us $85.00. Now a good midrange massage chair runs $3,000. Let us suppose we get a weekly massage. How many weeks until we pay for the massage chair? It will take 35 weeks. The thirty five weeks means we received 35 hours of massage therapy.
If we look over the longer run, we find that paying for the massage by the hour will buy the massage chair after 48 sessions. OK, now let us look at this from the massage chair perspective. A $3,000 massage chair is designed to last 1,000 hours. How much do we need to pay per hour of massage therapy. Let us divide $3,000 by the 1,000 machine hours and we get $3.00. That is right, with a massage chair we are paying $3.00 for an hour of massage therapy. Compare that to the $85.00 we are paying our massage therapist!
A massage chair gives you a tremendous return on your investment and lowers your massage therapy cost dramatically. Cost is just one area, convenience is another. A massage chair can offer you in-home convenience and 24/7 access. No hassle making appointments or keeping them. With a massage chair, just sit yourself down and select the massage therapy of your choice. Let the massage chair work its magic to help you to relax and relieve your aches and pains without hurting your wallet. - 15438
Let us take an example. We go to get our massage at the day spa. First, we need to call them and schedule a time. We are going to have travel time to go and come back from the massage. There is also the total time involved. Massage time is the bonus time the rest of the time can be considered the cost involved. The massage is not free, so we must pay for the time of the massage and a gratuity. If we go 3 times every month, by the end of the year we are spending thousands.
You may already be getting treatment for an ailment that you have. Perhaps you are seeing a chiropractor. The good doctor puts you through a barrage of therapies, adjustments, exercises and more. The chiropractor is helping you to get your situation corrected. But you also need to make changes to keep those conditions from recurring. Many chiropractors use massage therapy to help their patients. If you insurance requires co-pays and other deductables then you may be payings hundreds per year or more.
Many people with back pain, chronic pain or fibromyalgia already know that massage therapy may be an indispensible tool. These persistent conditions require substantial and consistent pain relief. Massage therapy can be delivered by a masseuse or by a massage chair. Massage chair recliners are very suitable for many of these conditions. There are many massage chairs that run for a thousand dollars up to five thousand dollars.
People like to look at sticker prices and judge massage chairs as expensive. Of course anything that costs over a thousand dollars is expensive. On the other hand, they see seventy five dollars per hour for a masseuse and think that is cheap. But let us dig into the real economics of a masseuse versus a massage chair. If we pay $75 with a gratuity of ten dollars then each hours runs us $85.00. Now a good midrange massage chair runs $3,000. Let us suppose we get a weekly massage. How many weeks until we pay for the massage chair? It will take 35 weeks. The thirty five weeks means we received 35 hours of massage therapy.
If we look over the longer run, we find that paying for the massage by the hour will buy the massage chair after 48 sessions. OK, now let us look at this from the massage chair perspective. A $3,000 massage chair is designed to last 1,000 hours. How much do we need to pay per hour of massage therapy. Let us divide $3,000 by the 1,000 machine hours and we get $3.00. That is right, with a massage chair we are paying $3.00 for an hour of massage therapy. Compare that to the $85.00 we are paying our massage therapist!
A massage chair gives you a tremendous return on your investment and lowers your massage therapy cost dramatically. Cost is just one area, convenience is another. A massage chair can offer you in-home convenience and 24/7 access. No hassle making appointments or keeping them. With a massage chair, just sit yourself down and select the massage therapy of your choice. Let the massage chair work its magic to help you to relax and relieve your aches and pains without hurting your wallet. - 15438
About the Author:
Save Thousands of Dollars for massage therapy. Find out how having your own massage chair is a great long term health investment. You will find the Best Shiatsu Massage Chairs from the top Massage Chair brands from Sanyo, Omega, Panasonic, and many other models to choose for your needs