Sunday, February 8, 2009

Why Youth Soccer Will Help America

By Christopher Black

Lets face it. Today in America we have a staggering amount of obese people. 65% of us in fact are so. Instead of playing the blame game and saying that television did this, fast food did this, video games did this, lets find a solution to our problem and end it before it gets even worse. Think of your children in this society today with this problem. Do them a favor and consider the following.

Youth Soccer is a growing in popularity in America. Once a European sport, is now becoming widely accepted in the states. Since a lot of people really don't know soccer I will explain it for you. Each team consist of 11 players, with a goalie and a mixture of forwards, midfielders, and defenders. The player may use any part of his or her body except their elbows to their hands to control and move the ball. Throw-ins being the only acceptation to this rule. The object is quite simple. Protect your goal while trying to score in the opponents goal.

For our youths this concept is really simple. Take the ball, and kick it in that goal got it! Its always fun to watch them swarm around the ball like a hive of angry bees attacking. Except unlike the bees they are having fun and so are the spectators. I always enjoy watching them, one because of their game play, two because I know that the ugly statistic is going down while I watch them.

Youth soccer did, however, teach me more then what met the eye at our games. It taught me vital game play structures. Which in later years can be difficult to learn because the atmosphere around the game changes. In youth years the goal is to have fun. As time goes on the goal is to win more then have fun. Making it harder to learn the game to the fullest. I always would see kids come and go from soccer because they tried to join after the youth years. Some of them picked up quickly others were discouraged and never played soccer again. Thinking outside the box with this, they kids that joined late had to learn their structured play in a hostile environment because we were trying to win a game, not teach the game. Every single time the reason why they said they quit was because they were not good at the game or it was to frustrating trying to learn when people are literally running around them during game play.

Just like learning a language, soccer is easier to pick up at a young age. Like I previously stated, the longer you wait the harder the competition will get. Which going into a hostile environment trying to learn isn't the best method. Youth soccer, however, provides the learning environment needed to build a strong foundation in soccer. Learning the vital importance of fundamentals and positions can make a difference in wither a child will appreciate playing the sport. In later years it is always frustrating to lose a game due to inexperience. You can learn ball control, dribbling tricks, positions, rules, and more early on so you can concentrate on building conditioning in later years.

As for my experiences with soccer, I dedicate all my knowledge and talent to my youth years. I learned my positions then. Now any coach can put me anywhere one the field and I will know what I am doing. I learned how to dribble the ball then. Now its second nature to me. I can keep my head up and look for passes and perform dribbling tricks at the same time with perfection. I learned how to kick then. Now I can score from curving the ball at corner kicks when I see a hesitant goalie. I understand the physics behind kicking and know how to turn my body to get the kick I want.

Now its time for you. You the one reading my article yes you. You can take time out of your busy day to read this, but have you even though of getting your kid involved in youth soccer, let alone any sport or activity. Stop all the things you are doing and buy a soccer ball. Can't find any places near you then search for a soccer ball online. Just let your kid have the chance to see if he or she enjoys the game.

Lastly, think of it this way. Youth soccer will help reduce the obesity rate in America. Do our future generations a favor and help make tomorrow a better place to live in. If youth soccer isn't for you children at least get them active in anything. Will your children make or break the 65%? - 15438

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