Sunday, February 8, 2009

Buy natural calm magnesium

By reklicom

This double-blind, placebo-controlled study found that a daily dose of about 400 mg. of vitamin B2 over a period of 2 months or more gave remarkable migraine relief. Most of those who participated in this study saw the number of their migraines decrease by about 50 percent. The total number of days they suffered migraine also went down by 50 percent. While a larger study is needed, these results are encouraging to those who want natural migraine relief using vitamins, minerals, and herbs alone.

It is not easy to live with a migraine since it can be completely debilitating. Some just have a severe headache, while others are affected for days at a time. The headache can become before and after the onset of the shimmering lights and other optical effects that are generated by the brain. It would certainly be useful if those prone to migraines had one or more of the possible natural remedies to hand since there is rarely time to seek to seek professional medical help once the migraine begins, and through the use of natural remedies a potentially bad attack could be nipped in the bud, and at least its effect on you reduced.

From where do you get these calcium magnesium and vitamin d supplements? The calcium rich supplements that are prevailing in the market nowadays, contain not only calcium but it is a blend of calcium, magnesium and vitamin D. This is also because the absorption of calcium in your body cannot take lace without magnesium and vitamin D. women, who are more prone to osteoporosis in the older ages, are particularly advised to increase their intake of calcium-rich foods. Liquid calcium, magnesium and Vitamin D supplements are available top overcome the deficiency of calcium in most of the people. Always use high quality calcium magnesium and vitamin d supplements for your body as play a vital role in your bone health and are required by the different systems of the body also to function well.

Now a unique formula that contains both these minerals along with vitamin D is available in the market. Calcium is required for the healthy development of the bones, teeth, and ligaments. Magnesium is crucial for the cardiovascular health and the structure of the bones. Vitamin D is required to aid in the absorption of both of these essential minerals.

Feverfew:Feverfew is the best known of the herbal remedies for migraine, and has been used for centuries in the treatment of fevers, headache, migraine and other painful conditions such as arthritis. The active ingredient is parthenolide, an anti inflammatory that is also an anti hyperalgesic, and that would explain its effect on reducing the pain. It also blocks lipolysaccharide induced osteolysis by suppressing the activity of a eukaryotic transcription factor protein known as NF kappaB that can cause a number of immune response problems, including inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, hence its use to relieve that condition.

Its effect on migraines could be explained by this activity in repressing the inflammatory response to certain stimuli that could be brought about by hormonal activity. Because it must be taken for a few weeks before the actual problem arises in order to be effective against it, feverfew is not effective to treat an existing attack, but to prevent future attacks. Double blind studies have proved its effectiveness in many tests, but not in all. However, if you take feverfew as a regular supplement in you diet, you might never have to try magnesium or vitamin B 2 supplements.

Now the bad news, sleep aides are not always a side effect free solution. Sleep aids cause many adults to suffer from drowsiness during the day, forgetfulness and drug dependency. These side effects make be more of a risk than losing the sleep to begin with. However, there are many natural sleep aides that provide the same recuperative rest without the harmful side effects. By using naturally calming herbs and plant extracts these natural sleep aides can be a preferable solution at a fraction of the cost of prescription or over the counter sleep aides.

Ginger:If your migraine is at the front of the head, then you should try ginger. Unlike feverfew, ginger works on a migraine as it is occurring, and improvement can be achieved for a bad migraine within half an hour. In fact if, like many people, you can feel a migraine coming on, half a teaspoon of freshly ground ginger can stop the pain before it starts.

Riboflavin, vitamin B 2, is also believed to useful in reducing the duration and frequency of migraine attacks, working in much the same way as magnesium. It is known that there are many cases of people who suffer from vitamin B 2 deficiency also suffering from migraines, and a riboflavin supplement is also worth trying if you are a consistent victim of this condition.

Many people in our modern society rely on pills for every ache and pain they encounter. Some say this is due to the widespread use of illegal drugs that began in the 1960's. Whether or not that is so, it is true that pharmaceutical companies are making great amounts of money through the sale of prescription drugs. Many of those drugs are being used for migraine relief. - 15438

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