Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Flat Stomach Training

By Jose Loni

Flat stomach training is a system we can follow to increase our exercise frequency, exertion level during exercise and interval training. By following this simple system, we will be better able to effectively burn fat and achieve a flat stomach.

Committing to a regular exercise schedule of 3 times per week, will allow your body to increase its activity level and burn more fat. The greater energy expenditure, with greater frequency will increase your metabolism and help burn fat more efficiently.

Increasing your exertion level during exercise also helps to burn more fat. By increasing the oxygen debt in the muscles, our muscles work hard to remove the excess carbon dioxide and lactic acid from the muscles as well as repair and replenish the muscles with oxygen.

Interval set programs have a way of exhausting the muscles and causing an oxygen debt within the muscles. The intermittent short burst activity and rest period forces the muscles to really increase its activity level. The increased metabolic activity causes the muscles to clear away, repair and nourish the muscles up to several hours after the training session.

Walking is a good way to begin a training program and incorporate with a resistance-training schedule. Walking briskly for short periods of time combined with regular walking intervals, will help the body burn fat and increase metabolism.

A walking program is a good way to start a regular exercise program. By combining brisk walking intervals and regular walking will help increase the body's metabolism and burn fat.

Running is good second stage, utilizing sprinting with rest or light jogging allows the body to really exert and force the muscles to adapt to the intense activity. As a result, the body is able to burn more fat and consume more energy.

Flat stomach weightlifting programs that incorporate regular exercise, increased intensity, and interval training are a great way of getting a flat stomach. - 15438

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