Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Facts About Being Overweight - Overweight Facts You Should Know!

By Xania C Hughes

Facts about being overweight have disturbed me to the point that I have really decided to take some positive action towards losing my excess pounds. I've known for ages my weight was unhealthy, but did not realise just how unhealthy until I read the facts about being overweight that I have reproduced below.

So what are the facts about being overweight that should be causing us so much concern? To share the facts that have really worried me I thought I would list them here:

1. 64% of people in the US are overweight

2. In Europe, 48 percent of people are overweight

3. Obesity affects approximately 27% of the American population

4. Researchers assign 325,00 deaths each year to the problems associated with obesity

5. Obesity cost an estimated $75 billion in 2003 because of its long and expensive treatment

6. Affecting over 300 million people, obesity is a worldwide problem

7. Worldwide 750 million people are classified overweight

8. Revenue in the weight loss niche is expected to reach $61 billion dollars in 2008 alone

The last item on my list is probably the fact that affected me most. I hate the thought that lack of exercise or correct diet could cut my life short. I have to admit to hardly ever exercising and being nearly 50 pounds overweight. I also have to admit the facts about being overweight have finally registered! I now realise with some urgency that if I want to watch my kids grow up and meet my future grandchildren, I must stay active and do something about my excess weight immediately!

Apart from researching the facts about being overweight, I also looked into the latest weight loss trends. Researchers have shown that best weight loss occurs with a balanced , healthy diet and simple but regular exercise. People who stick to a plan on these lines lose weight and maintain the weight loss more successfully than people using any other method.

There are some other facts I discovered as well:

* Diet pills do not keep weight off in the long term

* Hollywood and fad diets usually only lose water from your system and as soon as you start eating again you gain the lost weight back

* Expensive pre packaged food only benefits the companies who make them.(you need a diet where you are responsible for knowing what you are eating and how to prepare it)

* Expensive gym equipment builds muscle but without a proper eating plan you will not remove the fat above the muscles.

Really when you look at the facts, overweight is quite daunting, isn't it?In fact, not knowing quite what to do is enough for many people to just "give up" before they start and make no lifestyle changes at all. Trouble is, good health depends on us changing our thinking to ensure happy, healthy and long lives.

I'm going to make a change and start a healthy weight loss program today!. How about you? Have the facts about being overweight motivated you too? The facts about being overweight are a powerful motivator to make a positive change and do something about improving quality of life.

Although finding a way to lose weight can be difficult, there are inexpensive and scientifically based safe weight loss plans available on line to download and make a start straight away. Unlike diet pills, exercise machines and magic diets, these programs are relatively inexpensive and provide the tools needed to lose weight safely, effectively and in the privacy of your own home. - 15438

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