Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Eat This to Build Muscle Quick

By Caleb Lee

When people start working out and want to build muscle quick, while losing fat, most already know they have to eat healthy.

However, what really does eating healthy mean?

You can basically stay eating the same way you are, but just upgraded a little. It won't cost any different. It's like you're just switching brands of soda. Same price for different flavors....

You don't have to give up many foods and stay eating green! You need multiple nutrients when you are trying to build muscle, and only eating green, like salads, won't help you in the long run. Yes, of course you will see some weight loss, but this will make you sick and weak, because you're not getting the nutrients you need to build muscle.

3 Main nutrients you need to eat healthy, build muscle and lose weight are proteins, carbohydrates, and the natural grown garden items.

Protein is the food of the muscle, making it durable and solid. A high protein intake diet will help you to provide the main nutrient to heal and build the muscle quick. You can get this protein from chicken, fish, and lean red meat. A whole egg is a good source of protein, minus the shell of course. Yes, even the yolk. It has a good source of protein and vitamins. Salmon contain a high amount of protein with a large amount of Omega-3 fatty acids and a good portion of vitamin D.

Carbohydrates are the fuel of the muscles. It burns quick when you are working out. Your body will work off these until it runs out, making it resort to body fat. If you choose to eat a low amount of carbs so you can work off more fat right away, you will be in pain during and after your workout. Your body will build more muscle after the workout, even more than during the workout. In this case, you will be glad to have eaten carbs in order to last the workout. You will feel little to no pain during the workout, and a fast healing after the workout.

Bread is the most common carbohydrate, but there are many different others. Do not go for the sugary, high processed foods for your carb intake. Oats, cereal, pasta, and yogurt are all different types of foods that are good sources of carbohydrates. If you ate something for a carbohydrate boost, you would cut down on your recovery time.

Last, is the garden grown items, fruits and vegetables. These contain vitamins, fiber, and minerals that help your body recover faster and prevent sicknesses, building up your immune system.

Eating healthy means to eat foods your body will need and use. Eat foods that will help your body by providing protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, fiber, and minerals that will help build muscle quick and as a result, lose fat naturally. - 15438

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