Monday, October 20, 2008

Lose the Pregnancy Weight - How to Get Your Body Ready

By Teresa Brown

From morning sickness to food cravings, pregnancy is tailor made for each and every woman. Despite our differences, when you eventually need to lose the pregnancy weight your goal should be to maintain a healthy weight for you and your baby.

A positive or negative pregnancy experience can either be considered the luck of the draw or our genetic makeup. But excessive weight gain during pregnancy can be prevented depending on how active you are and what, when and how much you eat.

Consuming the essential nutrients is vital throughout pregnancy. Constantly feeling hungry and satisfying your hunger by eating anything and everything in your grasp can put you on the slippery slope to gain more weight than you should. Don't forget that losing the pregnancy weight is harder than putting the weight on. Plus the added disadvantage of having that excess weight can increase your chances of having health problems such as high blood pressure or gestational diabetes during your pregnancy.

One of the many benefits to being pregnant is that you can eat more because you are eating for two. However, you really only need to increase your daily caloric intake to 300 calories for a healthy baby. Although pregnancy may seem like a good reason to eat more of everything, you have to stick to your healthy eating habits. This will keep those guilt-free pregnancy pounds from making you overweight and hence decreasing the work required to lose the pregnancy weight.

Mom, you don't have to starve yourself to avoid a huge weight gain. But you can manage your hunger pangs and maintain a healthy weight gain together by policing what and how much you eat. Remember being healthy now will make you lose the pregnancy weight faster and to get back into your pre-baby shape.

The sensible Mom makes sure that her diet is healthy. Your baby comes first. It's that elementary. Try to avoid foods that are high in preservatives, sugar, salt and unhealthy fats. Instead try to eat local or organic produce and lean meats if and when possible. Healthy foods should be a way of life for you and your family.

When you eat more often but eat less, you will be constantly satisfying your cravings and preventing hypoglycemia. Six small meals during the day will help keep you on track to eat healthy instead of being tempted to go for the junk food quick fix. Less truly is more for you to lose the pregnancy weight and to stay healthy.

Exercise is good for you whether you are pregnant or not. It is also a smart way to sustain a healthy pregnancy weight gain. Try to do a minimum of thirty minutes of brisk exercise three or four days per week. Find a variety of exercises that you enjoy such as walking, swimming or yoga and make it an essential part of your day.

Losing the pregancy weight is going to be a lot easier and faster if you give your body an advantage by eating right but less and more frequently and doing regular exercise. This is the smart way to prepare for a healthy Mother and baby. - 15438

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