Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Bodybuilding Machine ...Past and Present (Part 2)

By Mick Hart

Things have never changed regarding the hard core elite and probably never will do when it comes to pumping hard and showing off their bits with the hope of entering and winning competitions, although I refer to them as trophy hunters. The basis of their training though is solely influenced by the rising standards of accepted muscular perfection which are expected at these international physique competitions.

These contests in fact play a major role in dictating bodybuilders hopes and inspirations. There is a vast media coverage of these competitions in muscle mags and they give in depth guidance in how bodybuilders should perform in the gym. They basically focus on the big guys that win the biggest contests and reveal every fine detail regarding their training program and routines.

Having accepted the importance of contests and the standards required to win, let us now consider just exactly WHO and HOW, and WHY certain people are called upon to judge, give out decisions and set goals for bodybuilders.

Judging is crucial in this sport so who governs the judges and tells them what to be looking for? Is there an existing standard to become a judge and what exams do they have to take? I was amazed one day while watching an international contest when a judge sat in front of me turned round and asked me what the number was on the competitors shorts. It makes you think that with such a responsibility they should at least be able to see properly.

You will find that many of the judges at these events come from other countries so they also have to deal with jet lag in some cases which have in the past lead to some really bad decisions being made, and if they struggle to see properly as well. Thank God that these types of errors carried out by individuals have been rectified by the introduction of extremely sophisticated scoring systems.

Just like soccer for example, this is a professional sport and refs or judges are extremely dedicated to their function and certainly don't have any favorites. They certainly don't get paid a lot for their efforts but it is a way for retired competitors to keep in touch with their favorite sport. My opinion is that although a few mistakes may be made by a minority, these guys are doing a great job in repaying a sport which has meant so much to them throughout their lives.

For those who compete, the importance of judges decisions can be vital to that person's goals in life itself. Russ Warner famous photographer, said judges "Can send you home a hero, or cast you empty headed into anonymity alley. Rick Wayne legendary Weider writer, once said. "Judges have to be purists, nothing personal, no biases or outside knowledge of the competitors life can enter into it."

That's a hard one to live up to. Charisma and reputation always influence our human subconscious minds and therefore the decisions we make. Beauty is indeed "in the eye of the beholder." Despite being lifted from the ranks of doctors, lawyers, teachers and practicing and retired bodybuilders, judges are all only human and therefore open to criticism over their own qualifications and decisions. (Coming Soon Part 3) - 15438

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