Monday, February 23, 2009

Watch for these Top 5 Anti Aging Trends in 2009

By Alyssa Denure

Isn't it quite a chore to keep up with all the anti aging product trends of the past few years? And shouldn't the quest to look more beautiful be an exciting time? Perhaps because of all the flase or misleading claims by companies citing "super" ingredients for quick fixes, we have become disappointed in shopping for new eye skin care and as a result, don't think anything really works. Most women and men out there are struggling to find the right product for their eye skin care needs. In an effort to make this process easier, here is a guide for selecting a line of skin care that's right for you. The right product should keep up with these trends for 2009.

Trend 1: Cosmeceuticals. Cosmeceuticals are among some of the products people are paying attention to simply because they make perfect sense. Mixing cosmetics and pharmaceuticals in effort to medicinally relieve certain problem areas like puffy eyes and dark circles is pure genious - especially when so many people need more than the over-the-counter strength skin care lines that are available. Cosmeceuticals are on the rise due to advancements in ingredients and skin care technologies. Clinique Medical Skin Care is a perfect example of this approach to anti aging skin care which was introduced by Clinique (a maker of cosmetics) and Allergan (a leader in medical aesthetics). Some cosmeceuticals, like Clinique Medical, are available only at a doctors office, while others popular ones like Perricone MD are readily available just about anywhere online.

Trend 2: Over-the-counter products will contain innovative ingredients like caffeine and peptides. Peptides and caffeine products are suddenly appearing in skin care lines. Studies are still inconclusive as to the long term benefits, but caffeine is shown to reduce under eye bags and increase circulation while peptides are claimed to have anti-inflammatory properties to aid in adult acne and other skin conditions. Anti aging peptides will continue to be at the forefront of age-reducing product lines in drugstores. One study at the World Congress of Dermatology in Paris found that a 50% reduction in wrinkles is possible when the skin is treated with a high concentration of peptides.

Trend 3: Anti-inflammatories and topical antiseptics. You will start to see these antiseptics and anti-inflammatories in anti aging skin creams and makeup in the form of: tea tree leaf, lavender oils, and algae extracts. They all will provide healing to delicate eye skin. Anti-inflammatories are on the up-rise as we are becoming more aware that the inflammation is what leads to many degenerative diseases and skin problems.

Trend 4: Skin care starting on the inside. With so much attention on the proven benefits of antioxidants, products as well as supplements are continually being developed to cater to peoples desire to eat healthier to improve their skin. With this, cosmetic companies are now including antioxidants, nutraceuticals, botanicals, and green tea in their skin care. These are believed to penetrate the skin quickly to nourish and protect the skin. Dermalogica is one such skin care line that offers potent antioxidants in support of this trend. Some potent antioxidants that you will be hearing a lot about, thus seeing in skin care are: goji berry, turmeric root extract, resveratrol from grapes, and acai.

Trend 5: Probiotics. Certain skin care lines are introducing probiotics into their formulations. The term probiotics refers to foods that contain the "good" type of bacteria that are similar to those normally found in your body. The recently introduced Activia by Dannon is one such example that offers our body this helpful bacteria. There is a growing scientific interest in probiotics and what they can do for your body. The companies who are adding probiotics to their products believe that it can soften and exfoliate the skin. The catch is that most available research of this nature supporting that there are skin benefits, is referring to when probiotics are taken internally, not topically.

Be on the lookout for brands of skin care that support these trends as they are companies that are more likely to produce products that will give you optimal results. Anti aging products can cost a pretty penny, so for this reason alone, I encourage you to do your research and keep up on the lasts breakthroughs as they are continually emerging. - 15438

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