Friday, February 6, 2009

Top Tips to Find the Right Sleep Disorder Remedy

By Veronika Namesse

Sleep disorders at this modern day and age shouldn't be allowed to get away with ruining people's lives. A good sleep disorder remedy can work wonders for thousands of people who suffer from sleep problems. Not all remedies however are the same and you may want to look at these tips to find the proper sleep disorder remedy.

Determine Your Disorder

Your sleep disorder remedy will depend on the kind of sleeping disorder that you have. The most common sleep disorders are insomnia, sleep apnea and narcolepsy to name just a few. Insomnia is characterized by a generally feeling of tiredness in the morning, poor task performance and difficult staying or falling asleep at night. Sleep apnea is a condition where a person suffers from frequent episodes of breathing cessation while asleep. Narcolepsy is a state where a person inexplicably falls asleep without warning.

Misdiagnosis of a sleeping disorder may result to the wrong treatment. Using an insomnia sleep disorder remedy for example on a person with obstructive sleep apnea may do more damage by inhibiting proper brain reaction to the lack of breath. You also do not want to undergo surgery for obstructive sleep apnea if all you really have is insomnia.

Identify the Causes

When you find out what your sleeping disorder is, determine its possible causes. Sleep apnea for example comes in two main types. People with obstructive sleep apnea may be treated with surgery or may be helped with a sleep machine that helps keep the air passage open. Central sleep apnea however may be a more complicated condition involving the nervous system which needs more intensive medical attention.

The cause of your sleep disorder can also lead you to its effective treatment. You may simply be suffering from insomnia because you are often tired from work. In such a case, you may go for a simple sleep disorder remedy like a massage or a relaxing night out with your friends. On the other hand, you may also be experiencing insomnia because of a critical medical or psychological condition. Cancer and severe depression are examples of conditions that may cause insomnia. Treating these main causes is the best way to get rid of insomnia.

Age and Condition

Your sleep disorder remedy can also be based on your age and health condition. Obese individuals for example have a higher risk of having obstructive sleep apnea than other individuals. Women 30-50 years old may also be undergoing uncomfortable menopausal symptoms that may be the cause of frequent wakefulness at night. Pregnant women also undergo some discomfort during pregnancy that may lead to insomnia.

Use Your Common Sense

Sometimes all you really need to do is to use your common sense as a sleep disorder remedy. Common sense would tell you that drinking too much coffee, sleeping at irregular hours, frequent partying and bringing work home may be basic reasons why you have insomnia.

Use Less Invasive Procedures

For some people surgery or medication may be the only solutions to a chronic sleep disorder. As a general rule though, it is always safest to look for less invasive methods first. Some people with insomnia for example may do well with a glass of warm milk and a book instead of taking sleeping pills and medication that may cause side effects. You may also want to try a natural remedy for insomnia if you are concerned about pumping your body with chemicals. Ask your doctor to give you the best natural options before considering medication or surgery. - 15438

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