Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Top Methods For A Body Colon Cleanse

By Ann Triune

It can be shocking to know that up to 8 meals of undigested food could be stuck in your colon. Unless your colon is cleansed regularly, all this waste and toxins stops several parts of your digestive system from functioning properly. This means a handful of health conditions including chronic constipation and flatulence. Eventually your immune system will be affective, and other more serious health conditions could arise. Fortunately there are a number of ways we can fight against the ill effects of a dirty colon. Let's find out more on how we can cleanse our colon.

Hydrotherapy is one of many other good methods out there that can help cleanse the colon. Hydrotherapy works by eliminating old and hardened waste found in the colon. In this case, a tool is used to flush warm water in the rectum and eventually flush waste and toxins out of the body. The procedure may be uncomfortable at first, but just takes a bit of getting used to. The whole process could take just a number of minutes to complete. Many have benefited from this procedure and have claimed to have better skin and overall feeling after a couple of sessions.

Another popular method in cleansing the colon is enema. Enemas could be made of plain water, a clay mixture or a coffee mixture. Enemas are considered extremely cheap as a colon cleansing method that can be used conveniently at home. However, they are not very effective in cleansing the lower half of the colon and eliminating mucoid plaque.

For inexpensive, yet effective alternatives, you can simply try herbal cleansers. Herbal cleansers are just as effective and another good thing about them is that they are safe to use. Some herbs that make products quite effective are bentonite clay, slippery elm and aloes. Herbal cleansers often provide more than just single action. Each herb is included to target different elements that cause unwanted health conditions. For instance, bentonite clay acts as a mild laxative while slippery elm and aloes contain soothing properties that help improve overall health.

You may also use oxygen based products if you want to increase the effectiveness of other methods. However, you need to consult your doctor first if you want to take more than one product or use more than one method to cleanse your colon. Oxygen based products are scientifically formulated with magnesium and oxygen. They do work, but slowly as stool is liquefied and eliminated.

When speaking of colon cleansing, it is quite true what they say, that what you eat can affect how dirty your colon will get. There are foods that help cleanse your colon and other foods that worsen its condition. Fasting is often recommended to cleanse the colon, and this includes going on a liquid only diet for a number of weeks or consuming only fruit and/or vegetable juices.

These methods are like hitting two birds with one stone. These are also great ways to lose weight. However effective fasting is, it is still considered very inconvenient to some people, as it has very strict requirements that may be very difficult to follow. Generally, foods that are good for your colon are those high in fiber. You should eat more vegetables and drink lots of fresh juices and water. Great foods for your colon include bran cereals and multigrain breads.

Like any other methods to keep healthy, you should couple your diet and/or supplements with an exercise regimen. Good exercises for an effective colon cleanse include jogging, swimming, bicycling, walking, using the trampoline, stomach exercises and twisting exercises. - 15438

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