Friday, February 6, 2009

Strech Marks Made Easy

By Christina Townsend

Ugly marks on the skin can be very bothering. Stretch marks, being one of them, are not easy to eliminate unless you are financially ready to spend for its removal. Today, many skin products assure you of complete elimination of the marks. Sadly, most of them are inefficient in doing so.

Realistically speaking, stretch marks are permanent on your skin. No matter what brand of cream you use, your stretch marks cannot be totally rid of. However, there are many possible ways to reduce and hide its appearance on your skin. There can also be surgical ways to remove these marks. And although the prices are high, many people seek surgical treatment just to say goodbye to their stretch marks forever.

Preparation is the best key to get rid of stretch marks. If you are pregnant, you can effectively reduce the occurrence of stretch marks through many skin products. Because lotions and creams provide elasticity on the skin, you can greatly prevent stretch marks through application of these products.

Additionally, avoiding scratches on the skin while pregnant may prove to be effective in preventing stretch mark occurrence. Although it's just a popular belief, it may work well for those people who follow it.

Preparation before straining your skin can also help avoid stretch marks. Since bodybuilding causes rapid changes which your body cannot tolerate, everything leads to stretch marks problems. To prevent this from happening, you need to take exercise levels gradually so your skin has ample time to adjust to the changes.

If stretch marks can no longer be prevented, the best thing to do would be hiding it through the right kind of clothes. There are boy leg shorts which hide most of your stretch marks in the butt area and there are also knee high skirts or stockings which can conceal stretch marks on your thighs.

The application of aloe-rich lotion and creams is also helpful in diminishing those lines. In addition, proper hydration and Vitamins A and E are great ways to reduce further damage on the skin.

If you wish to fully eradicate these blemishes on your skin, you can try several surgical procedures that remove stretch marks. There are laser therapies, tummy tucks, and many other surgical methods that help eliminate ugly marks on your skin.

Today, microdermabrasion is being used to completely get rid of stretch marks. However, you need to prepare your finances as one session alone can cost you hundreds if not thousands of dollars. A visit to your dermatologists would be necessary for more information on stretch marks treatment. - 15438

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