Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Simple Weight Loss Diet Secrets- Have Amazing Diet Success!

By Xania C Hughes

Simple weight loss diet programs are always best, though they seem to have been forgotten these days. It seems like each day we hear of a new gimmick or a new way of losing weight endorsed by a popular celebrity. Thing is, a lot of this is just plain hype. When you are searching for a weight loss program that will integrate comfortable into your daily routine and that you know will work, you really should not go past a simple weight loss diet.

The best approach to understanding why a simple weight loss diet is the best way to lose excess weight is to first understand why we get fat in the first place. Food is used as fuel by our bodies to make energy to do work and function properly. Trouble is, when we eat more food than we need energy, our bodies go into "safe" mode, saving the energy for use if there is an energy shortage in the future. Unfortunately, this storage system is body FAT!

A simple weight loss diet understands the energy process. Such simple diet plans actually make use of this chemical energy process and use it to manipulate weight loss. Using a dual approach that allows enough food to help the body function correctly whilst increasing activity levels regularly over a period of time, simple weigh loss diets manipulate the energy equation so that we use more energy than we make forcing our bodies to call on our fat "reserves". The result is fat is used for energy and we lose weight!

When discussing what constitutes a simple weight loss diet, it is helpful to underline what they ARE NOT!:

1. They do not promote weight loss pills and potions as the best way to lose weight

2. Pre-packaged meals are not promoted as the best way to lose weight

3. They do not involve paying large amounts of money for expensive gym equipment

4. The brand name of the company does not rely of famous celebrities and special gimmicks for promotion in the market

A simple weight loss diet will, however, :

* Base your daily eating plan on a healthy well balanced calorie count

* What you eat and when is not dictated to you. You are allowed to manage what you eat and when according to guidelines

* Allow you to make your own informed decisions about the food you eat based on information the plan supplies

* Help you to monitor and increase your daily activities so that you burn more calories than you supply through food

* Support and motivate you along your weight loss journey using diet specific resources and information.

* The programs are not overly expensive

* Allow you to take control by being responsible for your own weight loss in the privacy of your own home.

Although the media will try to tell you otherwise, you really cannot beat a simple weight loss diet for safe and healthy weight loss. Don't get taken in by the many gimmicks out there. Facts are, a simple weight loss diet is probably your best option every time.

Weight loss is estimated to be a 65 billion dollar industry this year with overweight people being enticed to part with their hard earned money on the promise of the next sure thing to make them slim almost overnight! However if you are really serious about weight loss the safest course of action you can take is to follow a simple weight loss diet, secure in the knowledge that it will work and you will not hurt your health by following it. - 15438

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