Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Knowing How to Get Rid of Hemorrhoids

By Edward Devane

You may want to know how to get rid of hemorrhoids. This is only to be expected because the condition can cause a lot of pain, discomfort and itching. There are a number of solutions that you may want to try.

Surgical Removal

Some doctors maintain that surgery is really the one way to get rid of hemorrhoids. That is to say, other solutions simply ease the symptoms of hemorrhoids. It should be noted though that even surgeons recommend surgery only when the condition is very severe. Extreme cases of hemorrhoids are often characterized by too much swelling and pain. Surgical removal may involve stapling the swollen veins or cutting a portion of them. Patients may also have the option to go for laser surgery in which the veins are shrunk through a series of laser sessions. As with any kind of surgical procedure, there are risks of complications.

Topical Medicines

If the condition does not require surgery, a doctor may prescribe medicines. There are many different types that a patient may take. A vasodilator to reduce swelling may be one of the prescribed solutions. Pain relievers and medication containing steroids may also be recommended for pain reduction. Medicines for hemorrhoids often come in the form of suppositories and topical applications.

Natural Solutions

Supporters of natural medicine may also know how to get rid of hemorrhoids. Their method however differs a lot from traditional medicine. In general, natural solutions contain only natural ingredients that are supposed to be both safe and effective to use. Naturally, supporters of traditional medicine may sometimes challenge the validity of natural solutions. Among the natural ingredients recommended for relieving hemorrhoid symptoms are cod liver oil, red sage, collinsonia root, vitamin E, plantain, shark liver oil and L-arginine.

Diet Changes

Problems arise when you get constipated. Hard stools rub against hemorrhoids and cause discomfort. If you want to reduce the symptoms of hemorrhoids, the key is to prevent constipation. The best way to do this is to eat a diet that is rich in fiber. Fruits, vegetables and whole wheat should therefore be a part of your daily meals. You should still eat foods that are rich in protein because this is an essential nutrient but make sure to limit your protein portions. Fiber's great helper is water so make sure you also drink lots of it everyday.

Reduced Straining

Hemorrhoids are often the result of too much straining. You are therefore likely to experience the symptoms of the condition if you sit too long, strain too much in the toilet or lift heavy loads a lot. If you have a job that requires too much sitting, make sure that you take a few minutes off in the morning and afternoon from sitting. You can also avoid extended periods of sitting at home when you are not at work. Go for a walk or exercise instead. If your work requires a lot of lifting, practice relaxed lifting through deep breathing.

It may not always be possible to know how to get rid of hemorrhoids. There is however always a way to relieve the discomfort. Find the right solution for your hemorrhoids now so you don't have to live with it. - 15438

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