Sunday, February 1, 2009

Imagine... You Can Gain Muscle Mass in Just Weeks

By Allen Brian

95% of male are hungry for gaining muscle mass. But, if you want to gain more muscle without using non-natural steroids or supplements, then you will need a well designed working out and diet plan to achieve this goal. Making required changes to your diet and schedule to determine how much time you should spend on working out in gym is extremely important. We will look at some useful tips that would help you to gain muscle mass and to shape up.

How Much Sodium You Take In

Sodium is a kind of essential mineral that our body need. It is good because it can increase the growth of muscle and cell fluid volume. Although it is good for retaining water, that is not what we want to build muscle. It will help you by allowing your body to better store carbohydrates and to better absorb amino acids. Another good thing of boosting the rate of fluid in cells, it can slash the chances of damage to your soft tissues and help your joint leverage improvement and relax your muscle strength while you do training exercises. It will also enhance the responsiveness of muscles to insulin.

The Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Intake foods that include Omega-3 fatty acids such as fish are a very useful way to gain more muscle. Here are some fishes that contain a lot of Omega-3 - lake trout, tuna, salmon, mackerel, herring and sardines. Foods like sprouts, kale, spinach, walnuts, cauliflower, broccoli, oregano, tofu, soy beans, Brussels sprouts, mustard seeds and flax seeds are all rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. By eating these foods, they make our muscles have higher sensitivity to insulin that help glycogen storage and enhance more amino acids into to our muscle and make it bigger. Glutamine is important for helping protein metabolism and prevents muscle from weakening. And eat fish that contains Omega-3 fatty acids can help you with that.

Free Weights Training

If you seriously want to gain more muscle mass, you need to do more than eat the proper diet. Workout with free weight and dumbbells are important for resistance training. Working out with ancillary in important because it will build compound mass. Wide range of working out is a kind of good exercise and dumbbells is good and versatile equipment for you to do this. This small piece of equipment can be used for many muscle sets in order to gain more muscle mass.

Experimenting with Different Exercise Regimes

We are not born and knowing how our bodies will interact with different exercises. One exercise may work for one person while another works better for another person. After working out for a while, you will find out what kind of exercises generates good results for you. Gaining muscle mass is a long-term process, you always need to read information and refresh you mind. You can find lots of information online including advices of how to building muscle mass even you have failed with other exercise regimes. - 15438

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