Tuesday, February 10, 2009

How Created The Jenny Craig Diet

By Cathy M

The Jenny Craig diet was begun by a person known as Genevieve Guidroz, she was an American weight-loss professional. The Jenny Craig company began in Australia, began offering its diet program in America in 1985, and was acquired by a company called Nest in 2006. The company currently boasts 550 weight loss centers in the United States. Keep reading to learn about this diet success.

Jenny Craig calls itself one of the leading weight management companies in the entire world. It has a simple formula for weight loss -- good nutrition and basic activities It's a well-known formula for weight loss and healthy living used throughout the fitness world. The Jenny Craig diet doesn't only seek to help people lose weight, it seeks to establish a long term lifestyle for healthy living. In this sense it's much more than a fad diet.

The Jenny Craig diet has had a number of superstars as spokesmen for their company. One of these was a famous actress who had appeared in Cheers and various Star Trek movies Kristie Alley. She became the spokesperson in 2005, and people were startled to see how much weight she gained since her days on Cheers. She weighed in at 200 pounds and had been shown in a documentary called Fat Actress. As of November of 2006 she claimed to have lost 75 pounds in the Jenny Craig diet. A number of people questioned whether Kristie really lost weight while on the diet.

There is also personal counseling as part of the Jenny Craig diet. These are not specialized professional nutritionists nor are they health professionals. Jenny Craig trains them in turn only for the position. The Jenny Craig diet works in the following manner. People join and then choose a plan based on prepackaged food. The selection is large over seventy five frozen and dry foods to which people add things like store bought vegetables and dairy. Seasoned dieters can make their own diets from the Jenny Craig selections. Overtime the Jenny Craig foods are cut back to less than half the meals that you started with.

The website Web M.D. tested the Jenny Craig diet to determine if it was worthwhile, and a healthy way for people to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle. The conclusion was that the provided food is of high quality, and that the diet can help people lose weight fairly quickly. So give the Jenny Craig diet a try. - 15438

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