Sunday, February 1, 2009

Fitness For The 21st Century

By Kat Wendersen

In generations past, exercise was believed to be mostly for the younger set. It was even believed that older people couldn't increase muscle mass or strength if they wanted to. Studies at Harvard and elsewhere have now firmly put that myth to rest.

Exercise for the over-50 crowd is decidedly healthy. As people age, several changes occur that exercise can help slow or reverse. Metabolism slows, leading to increased fat accumulation. Artery passageways often narrow, leading to higher blood pressure and lowered flow. Bones become thinner and more porous, a condition known as osteoporosis. Muscles and skin lose tone.

Those effects can be retarded or even turned back to a degree with regular, age-appropriate exercise. The American College of Sports Medicine suggests 15-60 minutes of aerobic (oxygen-enhancing) exercise a few days per week.

One goal among others is to raise the heart rate to 60-90% of the safe maximum (220 beats per minute, minus your present age). A good cardiovascular workout - a 30-minute brisk walk or three 10-minute walks per day, mild jumping jacks, gentle jogging in place, swimming, a dance routine or any other method - helps keep the heart and blood vessels healthy.

Exercises for strength building ensures toned muscles and helps maintain normal blood sugar levels. According to the National Institutes of Health, there are some 300,000 reported hospital admissions for broken hips per year. And most of these are because of senior people falling. Balance exercises can help in the maintenance of leg muscles. The incidence of falling can be greatly minimized if people have strong leg muscles.

Gentle static and dynamic stretching exercises help keep muscles flexible and joints lubricated. That helps out with balance, but it also maximizes range of movement. That means better coordination and less pain during both exercise and everyday activities.

Exercises that develop endurance keep both the lungs and the heart healthy. The joints are able to move to the full range of movements that they can, and the muscles are kept firm and toned. The increased metabolism that is encouraged by exercise can stimulate the release of hormones. This can improve the performance of the body, and can even lengthen the amount of time that these organs are able to perform in top shape.

A lot of illnesses are preventable with the proper exercise and activities. Osteoporosis and its debilitating effects can be minimized. The physically active are less likely to develop non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. Even a lot of heart ailments can be put off with mild and regular activity.

There is proof that exercise can also improve a person's psychological well-being, with the severity of depression reduced and the mood alleviated. Exercise can also be a means for which older individuals can participate in group activities and meet other people.

Before beginning any sort of exercise regimen, older people should seek the advice of both their doctors and a trained exercise trainer. This can ensure that they are going about exercising the right way.

For those with medical conditions, it is crucial to talk with your physician first. Consult a sports expert. He will be able to guide and make the appropriate exercise routine for your maximum benefit. - 15438

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