Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Coping With Pregnancy Stretch Marks

By Crystal Mathison

The body's largest organ is actually the skin. Formed from collagen and elastin, it is like no other due to its ability to stretch. However when it is stretch past it's limit it can actually tear. These small tears are commonly known as stretch marks.

Any time there is an occurrence of very fast weight gain there is a risk of getting stretch marks. This is why they are found very frequently on pregnant women. During pregnancy the abdomen is stretched in a short period of time and can not handle the stress.

Pregnancy stretch marks are not at all harmful. Initially, these stretch marks are red or purple in color but with time these lines fade and turn into white lines, whether treated or not. Pregnancy stretch marks could be very ugly and many pregnant women are detest these marks, which spoil the look of their belly.

Exercises not only keeps your body fit but also helps with strengthening your body and underlying tissue and muscle structure which may also assist you in being able to avoid stretch marks. Also remember to drink plenty of water which keeps your body and skin hydrated.

Once stretch marks are formed you may be left wondering what to do about them. While no treatment will work for everyone in every circumstance you can lessen their prominence. Natural remedies like cocoa butter, olive oil and wheat germ oil are all popular choices.

Another popular choice are the retail stretch mark creams that are available both over the counter and online. Some of these are much more expensive than others, but the best ones will have a money back guarantee so that if you are not completely satisfied you can get your money back. You could also discuss the possibility of surgery with your doctor.

There are many treatment options available and if you are stressed over your stretch marks then you should explore them. Try to keep it all in perspective though and remember that they are a souvenir you can proudly display of your pregnancy. - 15438

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