Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Children and Gout

By Kathy Nelson

If you suffer from gout you may have heard the comments about it being the disease of kings and how it is caused by to much beer and rich food. This would make you think that your children are at no risk at all from gout, as I am sure you don't let your kids drink beer.

One of the causes of gout is the increase of uric crystals around your joints. Mostly this will start to show itself in your big toe, from here it can travel around your body causing more damage as it goes. It doesn't matter that you could be very young and consider yourself not at risk from gout, you are not too young to feel the pain that gout attacks bring.

Over the past twenty years, kids have changed in the way they eat, drink and exercise. Computers and fast food have more of an influence which means they spend less time doing outdoor exercise and playing sports. Processed foods and drinks tend to form most of a kid's diet which is not good for them. Kids do not care to drink much normal water which would be much better for them.

Fructose and sodas have been shown in recent studies to increase the levels of uric acid in peoples bodies, this has led to increased incidences of gout. Gout is definitely not a disease of kings anymore, as the amount of soda and so called "health" drinks that we all consume continues to increase so will the instances of gout.

Anyone who suffers from gout can reduce the amount of attacks that they suffer relatively easily by changing their diet, the problem is that the older we get the more set we become in our eating habits and the harder it becomes to change our diet.

If you think about your children's diet not only as far as it affects them now but also the habits that you are helping them form for the rest of their lives then you will realize that avoiding drinks or foods which are high in fructose is a good move.

We are all trying to squeeze too much work or to many chores into too short a day so often the shopping trip for food for the whole family can become a very rushed affair, add to the time constraint a child who doesn't want to be there and one shopping trip can give you enough of a headache for a week.

Gout prevention for the entire family should start with how you do your food shopping. Not buying foods that contain large amounts of fructose can make a big difference, as can avoiding foods which are high in uric acid creating chemicals. If you don't buy them in the first place, then neither you or your children can eat them. Not only are you less likely to start suffering symptoms of gout, you are also helping to avoid other diseases such as diabetes. - 15438

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