Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Best Fat Burning Exercises - Triple Your Effectiveness

By Heather Hughes

Do you want to know how to triple your results from your resistance training, and start burning more fat now? I'm sure you do!

Optimized resistance training will give you mind boggling fat loss results... you will be pleasantly surprised. You will also get muscle and strength gains. Don't worry you won't look like a body builder. Also when using the techniques described in the book I recommend, you will also get cardiovascular benefits too. The best thing (at least for me) is that this is all from workouts that only take 15 to 20 minutes two to three days a week. If I can fit this in... so can you. :)

But, to get the maximum benefit, and triple your results, you need to do your workouts correctly, not like you've probably been taught. If you go into any gym or fitness center right now, you'll see over half of the people working out not doing it in the optimal way... and I am probably underestimating.

Let's get down to brass tacks here. The best way to get the best fat burning workout and to triple the resistance of your training results right away is to understand that how you perform the movements of your exercise will determine your results. To get a good feel for this, let's look at the 3 different levels of strength training you do in any type of resistance exercise.

As an example, let's look at dumbbell curls, they work your biceps. When you are doing dumbbell curls, you start out with the dumbbells at your sides. Then you move the weight slowly up to your shoulders. What this movement does is train your positive strength level. Then right before you bring the weights back down, you pause for a short amount of time, and contract your biceps. This trains your static strength level.

After that you train your negative strength level by bringing your dumbbells back to the starting position again.

The problem comes down to this, many people don't even bother with the top (static) or return (negative) position of the movement. They focus all of there energy on the lifting part of the movement instead.

So what happens is that by focusing on the lifting only they are only getting one third of the benefits that exercise can give them. And truthfully, it isn't even a third, because the static and negative portions can actually create a compounding effect in your current strength and fitness levels. This is exactly what you want to achieve, because it will lead to faster fat burning results.

Why is strength so important? Besides the obvious reasons, strength leads to muscle growth, which will give you a faster resting metabolism, which gives you faster fat loss, and other health benefits that would take up much more room than I have.

The next thing you need is to learn how to put every piece of the puzzle together, to get the best fat burning results possible, because a healthy, lean body is the best reward.

So be sure to use all three parts of your movement during strength training to get the results that yo want. - 15438

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