We've seen them gracing the covers of countless fitness and lifestyle mags. They're also on the daytime infomercials oh so familiar with couch potatoes everywhere. Some have even made it to the silver screen, playing unstoppable Greek warriors fighting ancient Persian armies against all odds. I'm talking about those super-fit models with lean, shredded abs- the lucky few envied by scores of frustrated gym goers and wannabe Spartans everywhere.
For the multitudes of people spinning away or pumping-iron in gyms all over the world, attaining a well-defined midsection like those of underwear models' has been the Holy Grail of exercising. Contrary to what frustrated millions may think, getting ripped abs is actually not that hard.
The secret to developing abs of steel is actually no secret at all. It's just a combination of a little physiology and common-sense. Incorporating fat-busting citrus fruits and nutritious munchies into your diet is a small step that goes a long way. Squeezing-in moderate intensity cardio exercises with your weightlifting routine does wonders in making your six-pack dreams a reality.
Doing exercises that keep your heart rate within your anaerobic threshold (experts call it AT) are most effective in exposing the rectus abdominus by eliminating belly fat. Keeping your heart rate at 60%-70% of your maximum heart rate somehow causes the body to source body fat for most of the energy spent.
Another useful not-so-well-known fitness fact: the more muscle you have, the more fat you burn even while watching Letterman (without the bucket of chicken, of course). It's called metabolism and muscle tissue increases it by burning calories even with no movement.
Ab models, as you already know, didn't get their physique from gorging on fatty snacks and gulping down soda. Their diet is not as strict and oppressive as one might think however. Simply substituting chips and chocolate bars for omega-3 rich nuts and fat-burning citrus fruits will help a lot in getting you closer to your goal.
It might make sense to skip meals when trying to do away with belly fat. In reality, foregoing meals (especially breakfast) will be detrimental to your goal. Believe it or not, or body slows down metabolism when we go hungry and this means less percentage of calories from body fat expended.
Contrary to what the 'unlearned' masses think then, six-pack ab models don't really make that many sacrifices. It's just knowing about which exercises and eating practices are effective in keeping the body's metabolism at the optimum belly-fat burning rate. - 15438
For the multitudes of people spinning away or pumping-iron in gyms all over the world, attaining a well-defined midsection like those of underwear models' has been the Holy Grail of exercising. Contrary to what frustrated millions may think, getting ripped abs is actually not that hard.
The secret to developing abs of steel is actually no secret at all. It's just a combination of a little physiology and common-sense. Incorporating fat-busting citrus fruits and nutritious munchies into your diet is a small step that goes a long way. Squeezing-in moderate intensity cardio exercises with your weightlifting routine does wonders in making your six-pack dreams a reality.
Doing exercises that keep your heart rate within your anaerobic threshold (experts call it AT) are most effective in exposing the rectus abdominus by eliminating belly fat. Keeping your heart rate at 60%-70% of your maximum heart rate somehow causes the body to source body fat for most of the energy spent.
Another useful not-so-well-known fitness fact: the more muscle you have, the more fat you burn even while watching Letterman (without the bucket of chicken, of course). It's called metabolism and muscle tissue increases it by burning calories even with no movement.
Ab models, as you already know, didn't get their physique from gorging on fatty snacks and gulping down soda. Their diet is not as strict and oppressive as one might think however. Simply substituting chips and chocolate bars for omega-3 rich nuts and fat-burning citrus fruits will help a lot in getting you closer to your goal.
It might make sense to skip meals when trying to do away with belly fat. In reality, foregoing meals (especially breakfast) will be detrimental to your goal. Believe it or not, or body slows down metabolism when we go hungry and this means less percentage of calories from body fat expended.
Contrary to what the 'unlearned' masses think then, six-pack ab models don't really make that many sacrifices. It's just knowing about which exercises and eating practices are effective in keeping the body's metabolism at the optimum belly-fat burning rate. - 15438