Monday, December 8, 2008

Girls With Abs Have Them For A Reason

By Gerard Lanzona

The younger members of society won't remember, but there was a time when working-out for women was almost taboo- a time where aerobics classes and female fitness buffs were virtually unheard of.

Times change, tastes change and people follow a different gauge for sexiness now. Today, what's good on boys can easily look good on girls and lean, well-defined abs is a prime example.

The image of the Monroe-esque figure painted on the fuselages of WWII warplanes has been replaced by the internet-savvy, corporate chick who rushes-off to the gym after work to work on her figure.

Girls with washboard abs weren't born with them of course- it's not inherited through the genes like a sexy butt or an ample bosom. Women with six pack abs get them through a combination of healthy eating habits and workouts that are optimized for burning body fat.

To burn belly fat, one has to actually concentrate on burning body fat. It's anatomically impossible to focus on losing fat on one part of the body. The only way to get a six-pack then is to eat smart and do fat busting exercises until the curves of the abdominal muscles emerge.

When it comes to burning body fat and getting six-pack abs, what goes for men is the same for women. Increasing the body's metabolism through an effective fat-burning exercise program and eating wisely is the way for guys and girls.

Experts have discovered that the surefire way to getting ripped abs entails exercises designed to burn body fat and build muscle. The secret to exposing the lines and striations of abdominal muscles (as with any other muscle) lies in eliminating the layer of sub-cutaneous fat covering it. The shredded look would be impossible without burning-off excess body fat and keeping it off.

However, not many people are aware that building muscle (aside from looking good) also increases the metabolism. Muscle tissue actually expends caloric energy even while at rest. Developing the abdominal and other muscles then can have a dual purpose for girls and significantly shortening the time it takes to reveal that sexy six pack on the beach. - 15438

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